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HayDay Friends Off-Topic

We saw this tree on a recent camping trip and loved its shape. I love all the green pics posted so far, such a tranquil colour. <img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=55344"/> Chumleyboo, level 81
What an amazing tree! Looks made for climbing in!

Samantha, dear, Anthea is needing Lars and your Leer for a little jaunt Stateside! May she borrow them from you for a fortnight? And, please come with her to have a little So Cal visit!! ;). . What a tree!!! Wow!!!! Is that Master O I see?
Aha! I knew it was Sam!! :) Come on Sam, sharing is caring! :) It is indeed :) Chumleyboo, level 82

Of COURSE you can use the Leer! Lars is at your beck and call anytime - I gave him strict instructions to obey all the IPF babes!

GC: EyeC999 Level 95
More "green" pics...taken two hours ago on my walk with Olive :)



GC: EyeC999 Level 95
What an amazing tree! Looks made for climbing in! Of COURSE you can use the Leer! Lars is at your beck and call anytime - I gave him strict instructions to obey all the IPF babes! GC: EyeC999 Level 95
I love it!! Samantha, darling, you're the best!!!! :)
More "green" pics...taken two hours ago on my walk with Olive :) <img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=55346"/> <img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=55347"/> GC: EyeC999 Level 95
You have captured the essence of God's beauty.... lovely. My words can't express..
What an amazing tree! Looks made for climbing in! Of COURSE you can use the Leer! Lars is at your beck and call anytime - I gave him strict instructions to obey all the IPF babes! GC: EyeC999 Level 95

Thank you dear. Can you ask him to make sure the fridge is well-stocked for the journey too, and to get some good movies this time. And also, one of those cotton cell blankets please, it can get a bit nippy at night. And a new chef, please, I wasn't too keen on the vegetarian selection we had last time around - there are only so many times you can eat spinach and ricotta cannelloni in an aeroplane before it gets a little tired. :) Some seafood would be nice. And chablis!!! I need chablis!!! Hope I'm not being too demanding :)

Chumleyboo, level 82
Too demanding? No, no, not at all! Lars will take care of everything you requested just as soon as he's finished hand picking the rose petals for our pot-pourri and crushing the mint leaves to extract fresh mint for our foot-bath water. I took the liberty of also notifying him that we all would prefer if the organic shampoo he makes has more raspberry extract and a little less hyacinth this time. I hope that's OK with everyone? GC: EyeC999 Level 95

Phew, I'm relieved to see that you are on the case! I didn't want to say anything, I know how sensitive Lars can be. I like hyacinths as much as the next person, particularly the grape variety (so cute! Not as cute as a baby owl of course, but then, what is?!) but I did feel that the balance was just a little off. Still, I have nothing but praise for his leave-in conditioner - that rosemary/lemon verbena combo really hits the spot. And those chocolate brownies were to die for!! More of those please!

Chumleyboo, level 82
Too demanding? No, no, not at all! Lars will take care of everything you requested just as soon as he's finished hand picking the rose petals for our pot-pourri and crushing the mint leaves to extract fresh mint for our foot-bath water. I took the liberty of also notifying him that we all would prefer if the organic shampoo he makes has more raspberry extract and a little less hyacinth this time. I hope that's OK with everyone?

GC: EyeC999 Level 95

You guys make me giggle!!
Could it be an Easter theme? Or spring fling with someone?

Sent from my IPad using IPF. GC wenchwhino HD level 65
How about a Spring Fling! Ha! I've got just the mood lighting for it.... Pre-Lunar Eclipse...taken 8:00 PM Pacific Time (eclipse begins in 3 hours- at 12:45 am my time total eclipse will occur- and will completely end at 2:30 am). Telescope is in use!!! Thanks, Anthea, for the heads up!! :). I'll be asleep, but you can watch it live on Space.com! Donna, the real avatar change is something that involves work. I don't work, and it was too much work for me to post it, so I guess this is now something I do at work!!!! Lol!! :)


  • image-3324195577.webp
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Ha! This pic doesn't look like what I see! A third of the moon is darkened from the left side. The light is so brilliant, tho, that it warps the image from my iPhone!! Still cool tho! Enjoy! :)


  • image-805478400.webp
    14.3 KB · Views: 123
Ha! This pic doesn't look like what I see! A third of the moon is darkened from the left side. The light is so brilliant, tho, that it warps the image from my iPhone!! Still cool tho! Enjoy! :)
When did you take that photo? The day of the typhoon. I was looking at the moon that night and it looked wobbly to me!
How about a Spring Fling! Ha! I've got just the mood lighting for it.... Pre-Lunar Eclipse...taken 8:00 PM Pacific Time (eclipse begins in 3 hours- at 12:45 am my time total eclipse will occur- and will completely end at 2:30 am). Telescope is in use!!! Thanks, Anthea, for the heads up!! :). I'll be asleep, but you can watch it live on Space.com! Donna, the real avatar change is something that involves work. I don't work, and it was too much work for me to post it, so I guess this is now something I do at work!!!! Lol!! :)

Hope you got some other pics! We have just finished our viewing, with the Earth's shadow halfway across the moon. It was beautiful!

Chumleyboo, level 82

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