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HOW TO - Upgrade your iOS Jailbreak

Hi, I am 4.2.1 can I use this upgrade to upgrade my iPad? Or will I need to use another one? I used greenpoison to jailbreak
Hi guys, i know this has been asked and answered before but i need some specificity since i have zero knowledge about iOS and going at my first attempt to update the iOS version.

First of all, i have just bought a used ipad 1 3g after reading about phoneitipad, and i'm super-excited to try it out. Only after receiving i realised that the phone app will only work on 4.3.3 but the ipad comes with 4.2.1 jailbroken. The problem is, i dont know what tool he used for the jailbreak.

I have yet to sync the ipad with itunes nor have any backup software. I dont even have an itunes id yet! Not that i care about whatever apps he has in the device anyway and i dont mind losing it since i'm gonna need the ipad as a large internet device while not missing a call or text.

So the question is, can i skip all these backup and sync? Following the steps listed, can i actually upgrade from a JB'ed 4.2.1 straigt to 4.3.3 JB, or i'd have to first restore it back to stock 4.2.1, update via itunes to 4.3.3 and only then jailbreak?

Another question, how do i save the SHSH blob since this ipad has already been JB'ed? I read a guide that insisted that the blob thing must be done first before jailbreaking. Thanks in advance for your help.
andrewhtf said:
Hi guys, i know this has been asked and answered before but i need some specificity since i have zero knowledge about iOS and going at my first attempt to update the iOS version.

First of all, i have just bought a used ipad 1 3g after reading about phoneitipad, and i'm super-excited to try it out. Only after receiving i realised that the phone app will only work on 4.3.3 but the ipad comes with 4.2.1 jailbroken. The problem is, i dont know what tool he used for the jailbreak.

I have yet to sync the ipad with itunes nor have any backup software. I dont even have an itunes id yet! Not that i care about whatever apps he has in the device anyway and i dont mind losing it since i'm gonna need the ipad as a large internet device while not missing a call or text.

So the question is, can i skip all these backup and sync? Following the steps listed, can i actually upgrade from a JB'ed 4.2.1 straigt to 4.3.3 JB, or i'd have to first restore it back to stock 4.2.1, update via itunes to 4.3.3 and only then jailbreak?

Another question, how do i save the SHSH blob since this ipad has already been JB'ed? I read a guide that insisted that the blob thing must be done first before jailbreaking. Thanks in advance for your help.

Use tiny umbrella to save shsh first. Look for that in my signature.
Get into DFU mode, and restore to 4.2.1 with iTunes. (since you haven't synced it yet, iTunes is going to want you to restore anyway so get in DFU and restore) If you need help, search for "DFU for dummies" on this forum. Splains' it all. :)
After restore to 4.2.1, you have a stock iPad. Before updating to 4.3.3, open tiny umbrella again and click on the "advanced" tab. Make sure the "set hosts to Cydia on exit" box is unchecked.
Close tiny.
Now, update with iTunes, and jailbreak with redsnow. (link in my signature)
After update and jailbreak, go ahead and save your shsh for 4.3.3.

Have fun, enjoy your new iPad, (your going to get addicted to it), and this forum is a great resource for help!

Now Leigh, did I leave anything out? :D
OUTL4W said:
Please no discussion of piracy apps....
Don't be a pirate -.-

Hey, you need to clarify what you mean by pirate! I want to sail the seven seas with an eye patch shouting oooo aaaarrr with a parrot on my shoulder, and now you say don't be? Way to crush my dreams man :(

Sent from my iPad2 using iPF
But there is NO discussion about piracy, right? Come on ~ work with me here.;) Because your post will have an domino effect.

Back on topic!
My advice would have been quite different I'm afraid Young One :(
I don't think you took time to understand the OPs situation and as a result the solution is unnecessarily complex :(

He only needs to do the following:

1. DFU mode
2. Restore to 4.3.3
3. Redsn0w jailbreak
4. save blobs using TU

The whole piece about 4.2.1 is unnecessary. And I still don't think you get it about saving SHSH Blobs. You can only save current ones with TU. 4.3.3 today. Telling him to do it twice serves no purpose. He cant save 4.2.1 with TU. He could with IFaith, but there is just no point.

Also, given his circumstances, sn0wbreeze is actually much easier...

1. Follow Sn0wbreeze tutorial for 4.3.3
2. save blobs using TU

Remember the OP stated he had 4.2.1 not synced to his iTunes so that setup is a complete write off...

andrewhtf, if you have yet to do anything I suggest you just follow the sn0wbreeze tutorial. It will give you a fresh JB 4.3.3 iPad which you can the pair and sync with your PC. You will lose the setup currently but that is unavoidable as the apps were never yours nor were they synced to your PC. And you said you didn't mind this. Finally, you heard wrong about SHSH Blobs. See our FAQ. Just save 4.3.3 when you are finished and you will be fine. Those are the only blobs you really need for iPad1.

Hope that helps.
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Thanks to both of you. Nope i have yet to initiate anything yet. Been reading from some other sites and it's been giving me headaches lol... Ok i'll look up about the snowbreeze tutorial. Already downloaded TU and itunes, have yet to install to my windows pc. I'll post up later on on td progress.
Duh! Somehow the details seem to slip my mind. Sorry, so blobs for 4.2.1, apple stopped signing that.

+1EXP for being humble and apologetic ;) You'll nail it next time. Just remember to think through the details :D

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