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i have a problem with people who tell you that the ipad is not a computer

Calm down fanboys.Who cares what it is?We all know what it does and does not do.

I do have a problem with strangers getting up in your business,unprovoked.
I would have replied "I totally agree,now go f yourself.". Should an unfavorable reply ensue,the safety on my pocketed pistol would slowly find its way to the fire position.:)
The iPad is not a computer any more than a touch is a computer. The iPad offers easier mobility, can be used as ebook reader and better battery life than most laptops or netbooks. Netbooks and Laptops offer a full OS with full file management, the ability to install any application you want that is written for your Linux, Windows or MacOS, the ability and flexibility to attach external storage (DVD, Flashkeys .... ) , and finally Laptops and Netbooks are usually better priced. I use my iPad often more than my laptop because of the mobility but to me the iPad is not a Computer.

I agree. If I need the "power" of my dual core PC for Photoshop or Cubase... I fire it up. For just about everything else... it's my iPad. Nothing wrong with a Netbook, Laptop, Smartphone, Desktop or iPad... just different things, for different folks with different needs.....
I do have a problem with strangers getting up in your business,unprovoked. I would have replied "I totally agree,now go f yourself.". Should an unfavorable reply ensue,the safety on my pocketed pistol would slowly find its way to the fire position.:)
I fully support the 2nd Amendment, but I am pretty sure I wouldn't shoot someone for telling me my iPad isn't a computer! I have a CCW permit, but people like you scare me... a lot!

And speaking of cars...

I drive a 1991 Corvette (most of the time). Most people don't drive one because of their outstanding mileage, but even though it has a 5.7 liter V8, it gets better mileage than my Toyota Sienna minivan with a 3 liter V6 or my Jeep Cherokee with a 4 liter inline 6.

Now back to your regularly scheduled topic!
I wouldnt call his response jealousy. Its disgust at people who have to go out and buy the latest trendy gadget not knowing what it is or what it can do or what the competition offers, frustration at how Apple has become so rich from over-hyped products and irritation by the macevangelists that are constantly going around telling everyone how macs and apple products "just work" and are superior to everything else because they come from the almighty hand of Steve Jobs.

I understand some of those frustrations, but doing what he did was far more obnoxious than all those things he hates.

Are you bill gates??
LOL!!! Good one. Really, I don't care if some one is "disgusted" about how many gadgets I have or what brand is on them. I have a good amount of disposable income, I work hard for it and if I want to roll around in it or spend it on an iPhone or iPad , it's no one else's damn business.

And, Mac products do " just work" . Sorry if that fact makes some people upset.:D
Yes, mac products "just work", so do my PCs, my windows mobile phone, my garage door opener.

The point of my comments is that fanboys on both sides of this are annoying. I dont get how people get so tied up in the success or failure of the company
that makes a particular gadget. Quoting sales figures of the latest iPhone, or Android phone, or wii or Xbox means nothing. Buy what works for you. If it sells 200 or 2billion doesnt matter if you're happy with it. If someone else finds a PC or MAC fits their needs or is more pleasant to use, great - isnt it nice to have choices?
I just give a exaggerated bright cheery smile and say "thank you for your valuable input!" it avoids a fight but they know they've been dissed.
As I posted in another thread where someone presented a list of "failures" on the part of Apple because the iPad did not meet his "demands"...

But didn't you know any of this BEFORE you bought your iPad? You went ahead and bought one anyway, but obviously its not the best tablet device on the market... FOR YOU! You have DEMANDS of a product and it just isn't going to happen with the iPad. Face it, you bought the wrong solution to your problems.

I am sure that Apple could have designed whatever features into this product they wanted. The iPad isn't just a piece of hardware, it is now a major piece of their marketing inventory. They designed exactly what they wanted and it does exactly what they want it to do.

There is no altruistic underlying motive as to what Apple's objectives are. They are not out to cure cancer, feed starving masses of people, solve the issues between Israel and the Palestinians, find Osama bin Laden or stop the oil leak from destroying the homes and businesses and lives of people along the Gulf of Mexico.

You said it yourself so it should not come as a shock to you that their objective is purely simple... to make money for their stockholders... and right now, they are doing a very good job for their stockholders, wouldn't you say?
Everyone is entitled to voice their opinion whether it is in the minority or the majority. As long as he wasn't obtrusively rude you shouldn't let it bother you.

It was rude to bring it up in the first place. A polite peson doesn't walk up to total strangers and offer unsolicited input about them or their possessions. The guiding maxim is "If you can't say something nice, say nothing." The corollary is you don't bring up a perceived problem unless you're offering help or have a solution. You don't say "Hey, you've got something on your tie!" unless you can follow up with "I've got some seltzer water/stain remover/a spare that would work." Someone prepared to insult my iPad should have $829 on him, minimum.

I really don't understand why Apple products provoke such strong reactions. This is my first, and I'm pretty ambivalent about the product line as a whole, but I've never gone up to a total stranger to tell them so.
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i asked around about the guy and was told that the person and a couple people who he hangs with has done this to people before and been told to go take a flying f--- at a donut hole by some of the people about apple products ..it seams around the college area there are two groups of user in the area --apple-- or pc types and they are really hard core about the computer o.s. that they used ..

i asked my girlfriend the other day do i have apple fan boy writen in ink that only the people you use windows can see so they have to come over and do say something to me.or mess with me writen there ..she goes no but it got written a====h---- writen all over it in big letters ..i tell her thank you for that one dear as we where driveing .. ..
Yes, mac products "just work", so do my PCs, my windows mobile phone, my garage door opener.

The point of my comments is that fanboys on both sides of this are annoying. I dont get how people get so tied up in the success or failure of the company
that makes a particular gadget. Quoting sales figures of the latest iPhone, or Android phone, or wii or Xbox means nothing. Buy what works for you. If it sells 200 or 2billion doesnt matter if you're happy with it. If someone else finds a PC or MAC fits their needs or is more pleasant to use, great - isnt it nice to have choices?

You do Texas proud... great post :D
The thing is, I have had more experience with the anti-Mac group being very confrontational.The Mac fans usually hang back and let you come to them. When I made the switch from PC to Mac, I was the one who sought out people who had Macs. And I have had far less aggravation with my Macbook than I had with my Windows laptops. But that is my 2 cents.;)

I do agree that Steve Jobs can be kind of a tool though:D. I am also a happy Kindle owner and when he said.."people don't read anymore" , I thought what a stupid thing to say. I love my iPad, but not as an ereader for extended periods. The backlight starts to bother my eyes..I read a lot and I do 98 percent of that on my Kindle.
Ohhh!!! One BIG advantage that iPad has over netbooks.. something which all of us iPad users take totally for granted.... THE iPAD APPS!!!!!! Netbooks do not have the APPS!! Whatever it is, this is the one feature that even Android cannot beat. Android comes in a distant second!!

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