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"I just cant justify the cost...ipad 2 is too expensive!"

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I got the upgrades, 32 gig and 3G. It's worth it if you use it to the fullest. Games, video, pics, Internet, apps +. And that's all I'd say to anybody asking.
Each to their own!

Anyone get this a lot? I took my ipad 2 to a dinner function last night that had about 1000 people in attendance. I was definitely checking out if anyone was rocking a tablet. To my surprise, I was the only one there with a tablet! In fact I didnt even see a single person with even a laptop or netbook.

Heres the general rundown of how the speech went with just about everyone I talked to or saw my ipad, including when I brought it to the dinner table.

Them: "Is that an ipad?!"
Me: "Why yes it is....why do you have one too?"
Them: "How do you like it?.....no I just cant justify the price, its too expensive for what you get."
Me: "Well believe it or not, I felt the same way too before getting one...but
once you have one and use it in your everyday life, you will find its worth."
Them: "But I have a laptop already and a smartphone so thats good
enough...plus dont need another thing to carry around with me everyday."
Them: "If it was $200 or $300 id consider it but not at $500+."
Me: "Fair enough"

One thing I have learned over the years is to be sensory acute with people's feelings. If one can't find something positive and upbuilding to say to someone, then don't say anything at all. If I was in your shoes, I might have felt a bit bummed out, but that's just me. Enjoy your iPad. I'm certainly enjoying mine. After all, that's what it's all about.
Wolfpuppies3 said:
iPad to dinner! Incredibly rude, way beyond yapping on a cell phone in a restaurant.

Well aside from 2 ladies at my table, every one at my table was anti social. I tried starting convo with them and introducing myself, but they wanted no part. So fine, i just ate my dinner reading off my ipad that was sitting on my lap. Rude perhaps but i dont care. I have no tolerance for unsocial people. The last thing i want is to be around them so instead of wasting my time id rather spend it doing soemthing beneficial.

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Diesel said:
Honestly, I would be more interested in the girl scene at this dinner engagement or rocking it with my girl than setting around pecking on my IPad.

Wait till you've been married for 20+ years. You"ll be polling your iPad 2

Just kidding honey. Really, it just a joke.

Now see what you started.

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I've watched my 401k - my "old-man money" - get cut in half twice in the past 10 years. The financial gurus - who make money whether I do or not - can only put on their game face and say, "Keep on investing!" even though I've just watched MANY time the amount of my monthly investment go up in... no, I don't even have smoke to show for it...

So-o-o... I've decided to divert some of that investment into the here and now, and my iPad is part of that.

On the lighter side, :D yeah, I take my iPad and iPhone into restaurants with me. It doesn't bother anyone when I talk on the phone - they think i'm talking to the blow-up doll across the table! :D

It is rather amazing, though; two people talking is not a problem to others - unless there are a couple of phones in the middle of the conversation. :confused:
Maybe you need to hang out with a more affluent crowd. :)

Seriously, value is up to the individual buyer. I don't care if others think an iPad is overpriced. I'm spending my money, not theirs.

As it happens, most people I know have an iPad or can comfortably afford one. Personally, I'm impressed by people's accomplishments, not their purchases.
zipur said:
Wait till you've been married for 20+ years. You"ll be polling your iPad 2

Just kidding honey. Really, it just a joke.

Now see what you started.

Sent from my iPad using iPF

Lol...no joke.

As far as I'm concerned, a woman would deserve a huge platinum metal if she dealt with me for 20+yes lol

Anyhow, as for pricing, it's all relative I guess. I know some parts of the country if not more has been hit very hard economically speaking. I'm just blessed to live in an area that has actually experienced a boom in our economy while every where else wasn't doing so well.

Anyhow, if you're looking for socializing with fellow Apple/IPad users, I would suggest Star Bucks or some sort of Coffee/internet bar.
according to survey, we having cheapest Apple's gadgets & many people in Kuala Lumpur city is using IPhone, iPad users also increasing now. The person surrounding me mostly using Apple's products & we find it normal here. My China friends told me that China government block most of the app & their price also quite expensive but many China people still buy it! They even borrow money from bank to buy Apple products. For China, Apple represent branded & high class!
ThePhotog said:
gadgets I wish the iPad was my cheapest gadget. Try having a helicopter or even paying for the fuel.

Oh, I can imagine, my company deals in fuel...I'm mostly the diesel guy but we supply jet fuel etc.
I got the 32gb iPad one just before the iPad 2 came out. The main reason being that I wanted an iPad and the iPad 2 wasn't worth it due to the lack of upgrade so I saved myself a £100 as they had dropped the price of the iPad one.
Andyvalver said:
I got the 32gb iPad one just before the iPad 2 came out. The main reason being that I wanted an iPad and the iPad 2 wasn't worth it due to the lack of upgrade so I saved myself a £100 as they had dropped the price of the iPad one.

There is nothing wrong with an IPad 1 if it suits your needs.
Well, many people with many way of thinkings. I guess ipad or iphone is for 2 kind of people, either gadget freaks giving them hard time and use them like workhorses or teens with rich parrents who just want to have an iphone or ipad because is white color same like their gucci bag, Audi Q7 or BMW 335i cabriolet they drive.

Definately Apple is not a cheap device to have, considering recently became #1 world brand, but i made that choice software wise only and just because they look good and they have touch screen.


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