Tapmyapple said:Getting a keyboard for teh ipad is just dumb - sorry but if i ever saw someone using one id fall to the floor laughing. It totally defeats teh purpose of the tablet. Its like wearing a suit, then wearing another suit on top. Uhhh. Why not bring speakers and a fold up chair with you as well? If you cant type on the ipad, then you should have never bought one in the first place. This is what a laptop is for.
Not to continue this divergence from topic but WOW,,,,
Some excellent thought went into this post. Even the analogy stinks.. Wearing a suit over a suit would be what's called redundancy of an exact item. Adding a full function keyboard to your iPad experience is otherwise known as an accessory, or device enhancer....
Yes, everyone reading your post "is" laughing their arse off, yet not at those sporting keyboard use with their iPads.....
Comprehension and communication,,,, it's an acquired skill.
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