Lord Blackmore
iPF Noob
I use an EeePC at work that can do many things an ipad is incapable of doing & I bought it new with Windows XP Pro for $189.00. I need a PC
A laptop/netbook is a completely different animal. The iPad can do lots of things you can't do on netbook and compares quite favorably if you add a wireless iPad keyboard.
There are things my iPad2 does that my netbook can't or isn't as good at. That's not a good or bad thing. It's just different.
I'll be the first to say that the iPad2 could be a couple hundred bucks cheaper (depending on model). Leaving the "apple tax" out of the picture, the iPad2 compares quite well with current Android tablet offerings, once you look at the price without a contract (for android).
So we pay a bit more because it's Apple, but otherwise, pricing is more or less in line with Android.
As far as being "too expensive" and "can't justify the cost", well, that applies to everything anyone buys. For some the iPad2 is worth every nickel we pay for it. For other's it's just an expensive extravagance.
Horse for courses and to each their own.