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I want the new iPhone 4S ~ But I got the Samsung Galaxy SII !

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Why You Want to Buy the iPhone 4S on AT&T

with gsm you can surf and talk...cdma 1 at a time.

i pay $55-60 tax in, iphone 4, rogers in canada.

6GB data, that i don't even use, 1GB would be good or 2GB the most to start(can always up it)....i use less than 500mb a month
250 day mins, unlimited after 6pm
unlimited MMS.

hmm...can't have any of that on my plan. "don't do this until the weekend, or after 9P, Marie" I will blow it and I have clients with emergencies and that would not work.

250 min...that is 4 hours a day right? I wonder if I pass that...I can't imagine.
Hey woman! Kay, "unlimited data" that is just space, right? Not internet and SMS? Am I just not getting this? :(

Unlimited data is all-you-can-use Internet, streaming, downloading, uploading. All smart phone plans offer some combo of voice (phone calls) and data. Some plans include unlimited SMS; some count them separately from data and voice and allow only so many SMS, or charge per SMS.

If you're in the field, it sounds work-related. Doesn't your company pay for your plan? If your needs are similar to your co-workers, it'd be good to ask them about their plans. Some carriers offer good reception and data speeds in only certain areas, so you don't want to unknowingly sign up with a dud carrier for two years. If you already have an unlimited carrier, it might be as simple as keeping your plan and switching your phone.

Some companies also have deals with carriers, so employees can get discounts, subsidies, etc. My company, for instance, offers 20 percent discounts for at least two carriers, and the discounts apply to every phone in your household. (This is separate from company-issued phones and their plans, which are billed directly to the company.) The company offers a discount code, you sign up once with carrier and your bill is discounted every month. If your company doesn't have plans, you might suggest they look into getting one.
Since you have a 64GB iPad I couldn't imagine how you would fill up 64GB on your iPhone... I'm only downloading the necessary apps on my iPhone and mainly using it for texting and a camera! Once I get it, of course. Two and a half long months! Come on, Christmas! I want to throw my Sammy Fascinate (1st gen. Galaxy S) out the window myself!
You are so funny! I agree. I would never fill 64GB. So you are getting one too? I can't wait to stomp on my BB. It might make it out the window if it hourglasses ONE MORE TIME!
I have Boost Mobile for my BB. Technically, that is Sprint. Wonder....

As far as my work goes ~ that's not an option.

It's worth checking with your carrier, because they might let you keep a plan at current rates or offer a discount of some sort to keep you.

But you should find out whether the hourglassing is a hardware (phone) or carrier problem. If a carrier has crummy data speeds where you are, it won't matter how cheap its plans or how much unlimited anything it offers. That's why it's good to check with co-workers, etc., where you'll be using your phone most.

You could buy a great phone, but if your carrier sucks, you'd still be up a creek.
I love reading your posts SP, you so amuse me.....in a nice way!!

In England when I ring my provider, O2, They can look on there computer and tell me my average usage figures....this helps when choosing which tariff to go for. They also ring me at regular intervals to change my tariff if my usage values have hanged over a few months......they are oblogated to sell you the correct product and monitor that it remains the correct product for you!!

The prices over the water sound very expensive compared to here, I pity you having to pay so much for something that has become a much needed item!!

Good Luck with the future buy!!

p.s I may be incorrect here but isnt the iphone 5 due out soon or has that been cancelled for the iphone4s
The prices over the water sound very expensive compared to here, I pity you having to pay so much for something that has become a much needed item!!

p.s I may be incorrect here but isnt the iphone 5 due out soon or has that been cancelled for the iphone4s

No iPhone 5. Just iPhone 4S.

U.S. phone/data plans are high for various reasons, but the U.S. also is a much bigger country than the UK, for instance. I've driven across the U.S. and done lots of other travel in the U.S., and I've been pleased with how accessible phone and data are in so many places.

The other thing I've noted, having had a chance to work in London, is how expensive it is compared with salaries. For my identical job in London, I would have to lower my overall standard of living, given salary, costs and taxes. But YMMV, as always.
SweetPoison said:
Could you imagine how cool that would be? Ghosts, iphone and you? Oh. And that spoiled clotted milk thingy!

So not fair:(

Marie, Marie.....that'll be clotted cream......and it's just wonderful, especially on scones with a nice jam.
Clotted milk lol. We call it thick creme. Oh well. Marie at $150 a month that seems over the top. I have prepay virgin $29 plan 350 dollars of calls plus 1 gb data. Even Telstra is only $40 per month so as the say "come on down" to Australia.

The iPhone 4s Purchase out right from Apple stores is $799 for 16gb unlocked inc sales tax 10% (gst) and contracts are around $70 a month with an iPhone 4s
I just successfuly preordered my iPhone 4S. I opted for the 32GB ATT model. Black of course. I chose ATT because they have better coverage and reliability in my area than Verizon and Sprint will never again get my business. Ive had BBs and Androids and am fed up with all of them. I have had an original ipod touch since it was first released and have always been impressed with it. I actually started with an original iPod way back when, but only upgraded after it was stolen. Recently i purchased an iPad 2 and was blown away by its rediculous amount of "badassery"! It caused me to convert from Windows after 15 years to a new Mac Mini 2.5Ghz i5 just last week. With the press confence on the fourth, I was sold on iphone 4s. If i had already owned an iphone 4 i think i would have waited to upgrade, but coming from android which i used to love, i had to go ahead for the iphone 4s. Now what to do with this stupid black hunk of Motorola. It seems so miniscule in comparison now!

Sent from my iPad using iPF
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