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Just got my iPad! Getting ready for another neck surgery and my honey felt bad. But called it a early bday present. Love him. Going to look around now:p
Hi. Just new today to forum. Hope all you paddies keep well. . . . . . And don't mind all my future questions. Have a good one.
Hi folks,
I just joined the Forum 5 minutes ago. I bought a 64GB pad with 3G, about 4 months ago, after I got stuck in rush hour traffic in the city. I decided to park my car as the traffic was grid locked and wandered into the Apple shop. 10 minutes demo and I could see the benefits of the iPad, and bought one the next day.

I already had an iPhone 3GS, but otherwise I am a windows kind of guy, but not biased either way. I build PCs and provide IT support, web services photography, via my own consultancy business.

I love the iPad, for what it does, and hate what is missing. Namely, Flash and USB. But the trick is to leverage what it's good at, not bitch about what it's not got.

I love the photo albums, which use for presenting my portfolio. I love the. Instant on, emails and web access, and I use it for e-reading, mostly using Kindle software.

I hope to learn new tips and tricks, from this site. So that's all folks, for now.
Hi from Jen

Hi all, just took the tech plunge First ever comp running win7 (mostly unused) & my dead sweet iPad (16gb). Love the iPad but lots to discover. Forum looks great xxx
Hello all!

I am a new Ipad 64GB owner. I purchased mine about 3 days ago after more than a week of researching on the web, evaluating its uses, and finally thinking about reason's that validated and justified why I really wanted or needed an Ipad.

I am normally a PC guy. I pretty much have always built my systems from the ground up with the exception of my very early computers in the early 1980's. Even in those times I still got inside the case because I always wanted to get a handle on how things worked.

I was exposed to the very early apple computer but I always defaulted back to the PC. I have even purchased a Power PC Tower that Comp USA could not repair just for the challenge of learning about it. The only other Apple product I have owned in my life was a G3 Imac that I bought for my kids to use and that was the 1990's. I could not get my children interested in using that computer even though they had a lab full of them at school. Eventually I sold it to someone else because I was still using my PC's. I do have experience that goes back to the IIE, SE, and IIGS apple computers but this was in the early days and not computers I owned.

When I started looking at the I-pad, I mentally separated the I Pad device from Apple computers and I think it was good that I did. It allowed me to set aside any bias I might have and look at little deeper at the product.

I would encourage others to take a similar approach and forget the labels and take a good hard look at the core product. If you do, I think you will discover many things you like as I did. Since everyone has their own personal interest and tastes, I am not going to highlight my reason's here but I am certainly open to talk about them. I will share that I spend my current time as a photographer and one of the things that sold me was the ability to use the camera kit usb adapter, plug in a card reader and download my images quickly from my compact flash card. The first time I attempted this it did not work but maybe that will be addressed in software updates.

Of course as I continue to explore the applications available, I am discovering more and more uses for it.

I do think that Apple did a good job on this product. It has even started me considering the purchase of a Mac Mini since I can see the practicality of its space saving size along with its smaller power consumption and the ability to run either platform I wish to run.

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Newbie to Forum & iPad...here

Recently got my iPad and am "enjoying" my learning curve. Had to contact tek support so far... Turns out something got garbled in the upgrade to OS 3.22. All better now:). Anyone found an app that gives us something similar to the ms explore? OR is the only way to get do we need to do a Jailbreak to get capabilities to see what iTunes is doing with the things it's putting on our hardware?

Thanks for listening
Oops! :)

I posted a new thread as an intro. I guess I should have just replied here. Im Tom in Frederick Maryland, and have just ordered my verizon wifi version.
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I am new, not only to the forum and iPad, but to Apple (other than iPod) so have a bit of a learning curve. I am a retired Fire Chief in Manatee County, FL but do a lot of consulting with fire & emergency services. One of the main purposes for obtaining the iPad is to use it for note taking while meeting with clients. I want to be able to then email those notes to my computer and enter them into a document to track activity and information. My son (currently an air traffic controller in the USAF but getting ready to separate and join the FAA) has an iPad & my daughter (also a paramedic here) are both Apple users. I'm looking forward to learning & gathering info, but will be happy to share my experiences and learned info, too.
Congrats to your son on taking a position with the FAA. My youngest just finished boot and is waiting to start his Air Traffic Controller School. Hopefully he will do as well as your son has.

Hey Chief7, just jumping in to say Thank You to you & your family ... all of you performing roles of great service to your communities and our country. THANK YOU! And enjoy that iPad, I'm not an Apple user either, but I'm getting the hang of it. :)

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