Hi folks,
I just joined the Forum 5 minutes ago. I bought a 64GB pad with 3G, about 4 months ago, after I got stuck in rush hour traffic in the city. I decided to park my car as the traffic was grid locked and wandered into the Apple shop. 10 minutes demo and I could see the benefits of the iPad, and bought one the next day.
I already had an iPhone 3GS, but otherwise I am a windows kind of guy, but not biased either way. I build PCs and provide IT support, web services photography, via my own consultancy business.
I love the iPad, for what it does, and hate what is missing. Namely, Flash and USB. But the trick is to leverage what it's good at, not bitch about what it's not got.
I love the photo albums, which use for presenting my portfolio. I love the. Instant on, emails and web access, and I use it for e-reading, mostly using Kindle software.
I hope to learn new tips and tricks, from this site. So that's all folks, for now.