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iFile - The ultimate filesystem manager

Hey Wolfie,
You may what to add that ifile has the ability to import songs into the iPod;)
1- make sure on the "sources" tab,in cydia, tap settings top right and then tap developer
2 - search for gremlin2 from bigBoss repo & install
3. Now "import to iPod" Shows up @ bottom of popup window when tapping on blue arrow.

it converts it to m4a and saves it in same folder as orignal and then creates a link somewhere within the iPod directory. But it still won't transfer during a sync. The link is deleted during the sync so in order for it to show up again....repeat process of tapping on blue arrow and adding to iPod. But you could also mail mp3 to yourself within ifile for later savig to iTunes directory.

This method only works if you also purchased either yourtube HD or Celeste as it unlocks the gremlin....
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Hey Wolfie,
You may what to add that ifile has the ability to import songs into the iPod;)
1- make sure on the "sources" tab,in cydia, tap settings top right and then tap developer
2 - search for gremlin2 from bigBoss repo & install
3. Now "import to iPod" Shows up @ bottom of popup window when tapping on blue arrow.

it converts it to m4a and saves it in same folder as orignal and then creates a link somewhere within the iPod directory. But it still won't transfer during a sync. The link is deleted during the sync so in order for it to show up again....repeat process of tapping on blue arrow and adding to iPod. But you could also mail mp3 to yourself within ifile for later savig to iTunes directory.

This method only works if you also purchased either yourtube HD or Celeste as it unlocks the gremlin....

You do realize the review is about ifile, not any extensions, right? :)
but don't you want to show all capabilities of ifile......
can you use it to open files saved in other apps (i.e. numbers, etc)? how? i can't find them.
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Sure you can. Go to /var/mobile/Applications/[your app name here]/Documents. In that Documents folder are the documents the app has stored in its "sandbox."

Well, at least that's where they are when/if I go to GoodReader or iAnnotate. I can't swear that's how it is in Numbers, because I don't have that app.

Hope this helps.

OUTL4W said:
Hey Wolfie,
You may what to add that ifile has the ability to import songs into the iPod;)
1- make sure on the "sources" tab,in cydia, tap settings top right and then tap developer
2 - search for gremlin2 from bigBoss repo & install
3. Now "import to iPod" Shows up @ bottom of popup window when tapping on blue arrow.

it converts it to m4a and saves it in same folder as orignal and then creates a link somewhere within the iPod directory. But it still won't transfer during a sync. The link is deleted during the sync so in order for it to show up again....repeat process of tapping on blue arrow and adding to iPod. But you could also mail mp3 to yourself within ifile for later savig to iTunes directory.

This method only works if you also purchased either yourtube HD or Celeste as it unlocks the gremlin....

I know wolf said this was off topic but it got me curious. I'm new to the jail breaking thing and just wanted to check which Celeste I needed, there are several. One is an icon bundle, one is a theme and a couple of others. I want which ever is cheapest because I don't actually need anything other than being able to activate the gremlins and it's set me back a few quid already. Any help would be appreciated.


Sent from my Jailbroken iPad 2 16Gb 3G using iPF
Either yourtube HD or Celeste Bluetooth file transfer has to be purchased.

I chose YouTube HD....
OUTL4W said:
Either yourtube HD or Celeste Bluetooth file transfer has to be purchased.

I chose YouTube HD....

Yep, got inpatient just done it. Is there any way of copying image files into the iPod folder so I can use it as album artwork? I've got a daft picture of myself for the cover of my new song and wondered how I would go about finding it on my iPad in the directories and also adding it to the iPod folder.


Sent from my Jailbroken iPad 2 16Gb 3G using iPF
I don't think it's as reliable with Apple apps. I love access to the file system mostly for this reason. IFile is one of the essentials.
guthrien said:
I don't think it's as reliable with Apple apps. I love access to the file system mostly for this reason. IFile is one of the essentials.

Love ifile, been playing with that since I JB 2 days back. Looking forward to figuring it out more and adding my own little bits and pieces.
Mickey330 said:
Sure you can. Go to /var/mobile/Applications/[your app name here]/Documents. In that Documents folder are the documents the app has stored in its "sandbox."

Well, at least that's where they are when/if I go to GoodReader or iAnnotate. I can't swear that's how it is in Numbers, because I don't have that app.

Hope this helps.


i can see the files in docs to go, but not in numbers or keynote... where would they be hiding? ifile doesn't have a search feature?
It does, but i believe the Apple apps store their data in a special database that is different than the document system of 3rd party apps. I don't think you can find iTunes music either.
iFile is pretty awesome, and simply becomes more and more useful as you get more tweaks. If, for example, you have VLC, you can drop whatever videos you want to into the media folder using iFile to watch them. Or you can browse your folders using iFile and play any video you have saved anywhere by opening with VLC.

Good stuff.
I have install iFiles on my iPad2. but in list of directory, I can not see any file or directory of file system on iPad2.but in screen shots about iFiles on this topic there are all directory of file system.
Of course I have already jailbreak my iPad.


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