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iKeywi HD for iPad - The new 5-Row Keyboard Tweak!


Thought I would attach this.(Learning how to post pictures)
MarkG35 said:
<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=19061"/>

Thought I would attach this.(Learning how to post pictures)

I found you may need to restart the iPad or at least respring after installing this app.
I purchased the iKeywi HD for iPad.I uninstalled the app and reinstalled it.Restarted the iPad,still have the problem in the
Apps I listed.
I will keep trying.

What is the issue you are having in those apps? Is it just the arrows or is the keyboard just not popping up?
On the apps that work,I have numbers on the top row(the way I set it up).
On the apps that don't work I have symbols.
I have tried rebooting and respringing.I've uninstalled iKeywi(as well as the other apps and tweaks I mentioned earlier)and reinstalled.
I'm still having the issue.I'll keep trying
It's very strange.
When you access the apps where iKeywi doesn't work, what is the setting for your shift key (is the up arrow blue or highlighted in blue)? Normally, when you access apps, the shift key is automatically pressed, so what you see on the keyboard is the second set of keys. Pressing the shift key, in that instance, brings back the main keyboard, which should be the one with your numbers.

That's all I can think that might be happening (again, because I can't duplicate your problems with my iPad)...

Hi Mark just a quickie, your photo shows 'changes 1' at the bottom, is this the ikeywi update that is required to make the cursor keys work properly, mine are now working on most things, apart from the obvious.
Thank You Marilyn,You solved my problem.
I feel like such a DUMMY!!
On all the apps that it worked in it automatically defaulted to numbers on top.
On the one's that didn't the symbols are on top and the cursors are blue.

Thank You all for the help.
I have learned alot just reading posts and stickies.
I have much more to learn.

Whew! Glad it was something easy. I was beginning to worry that we'd run across a problem we couldn't figure out! :) Glad you got it sorted.

And, no, you're not a dummy. You're just learning/starting out and there are just enough little things about the iPad to keep anyone guessing. Heck, even after having iOS 5 on my iPad for months, I JUST found out you could hold the new tab "+" button in Safari to re-open previously closed tabs. Who knew?! :D And, I learned that from this forum...

So, we all learn together.

I JUST found out you could hold the new tab "+" button in Safari to re-open previously closed tabs. Who knew?! :D And, I learned that from this forum...So, we all learn together. Marilyn
:D lol i did not know this....

Mark glad it worked out... you know last night i noticed mine did this too in some apps..... :eek:
The developer has stated that there are some issues with the arrow keys since 5.1.1 was released (dahauss makes that comment a few posts back, and that the developer is working on the bug). They worked fine prior to 5.1.1 on iPad1 and iPad2.

You aren't missing anything. You will just need to be patient for an update.

Sorry patience never a strong suit of mine. But I got the update and the arrow keys work like a charm.
is there any app that just adds the number row above the default keyboard? ikeywi HD adds extra keys and makes the keys smaller in portrait mode, and 5-row keyboard does not work for iOS 5.x
is there any app that just adds the number row above the default keyboard? ikeywi HD adds extra keys and makes the keys smaller in portrait mode, and 5-row keyboard does not work for iOS 5.x

Wha do to Mae it doesn't work? There was an update that addressed the 5.x. Issues and it works 100% perfect. I am using it now....

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
i checked the app '5-row keyboard for iPad' in Cydia and it said it was unknown if it was supported for my version and that i couldn't purchase it. I'm on 5.1.1.

There's also an app called '5 row keyboard for iPad' (without the hyphen), but it looks like it's for Russian keyboards?
i checked the app '5-row keyboard for iPad' in Cydia and it said it was unknown if it was supported for my version and that i couldn't purchase it. I'm on 5.1.1.

There's also an app called '5 row keyboard for iPad' (without the hyphen), but it looks like it's for Russian keyboards?

This thread is about "iKeywi HD". It is the 5 row keyboard tweak for IOS5 on iPad.

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