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iOS 5 or jailbroken 4.3.3?

Bob Maxey said:
Oh, I agree, Jailbreaking is bad, bad, bad. I mean, what would Jesus say and lest we forget, John 3:16? Who will save the children? I ain't going to iJail for my iPad, just because I wanted to change the icons and such. If Apple says no, well it must be bad.

I think it must immediately stop before we all burn in the everlasting fires of everlasting hell, and forced for all eternity to use Newtons.

And not those wondrous figgy splendors we grew up with, either.

Besides, Mr. Jobs worked so hard at bringing us yet another device tied to a single source for every iPossible iThing and iEvery iApp from iApple.

The music from iTunes is simply better than the music from some Android source. Apple adds things, secret things, that actually makes the music sound insanely greater. iRap never felt as insanely good or tasted as insanely sweet as it does when it is from the insane people at Apple.

I mean insanely great people at Apple.

Besides, it would just break his little warm heart to learn just how many otherwise decent citizens of the world do not like something he ordained to be insanely great. Jailbreaking is a slap in the face of God's chosen technology company. So just say no to jailbreaking; I spit on Cydia.;)

By the way, my "Whitey Ford Sings The Blues" CDs just arrived with Motorhead, and I think Everlast talks about Jailbreaking the iPad in his song, "What's its Like."

I only wish that Big Daddy Ed Roth were alive to paint my iPad. Flames and pin striping by hand rules. Then again, painting the pristine surface of any iDevice is not allowed by Apple because it defiles his vision.


Lol. Print screen was made for this.
Gubi said:

iOS 5 will include a revamped notification system, as well as widgets. The 4.3 jailbreak will include all of the goodies that jailbreaks usually come with. My question is: what will you choose to use?

(this is estimating that a 5.0 jailbreak may take around 3 to 4 weeks)

Personally, I'm on the fence.

*Post edited to correct some misinformation.

No widgets. Don't know where you got that. iOS 5 jailbreak over 4.3. More features.
Oh, definitely jailbreak. I'm going with graywolf's pick - jailbroken iOS 5.0 over stock/jailbroken iOS 4.3.3. But, right now? Jailbreak 4.3.3. over stock 5.0.

Course, that means that I'll have to wait until (1) "they" jailbreak iOS 5.0 (duh!) and (2) all the tweaks get updated for it.

Yeah, iOS 5.0 appears to be truly imressive looking and there are a lot of neat updates/changes to make it a very nice iOS. However, until Apple integrates SBSettings, Overboard, Action Menu (especially History for copying), iFile, Inspell and OpenSSH into their stock iOS ... I'll stay with jailbreak, thank you. Yes, those apps are that good, IMNSHO.

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Mickey330 said:
Oh, definitely jailbreak. I'm going with graywolf's pick - jailbroken iOS 5.0 over stock/jailbroken iOS 4.3.3. But, right now? Jailbreak 4.3.3. over stock 5.0.

Course, that means that I'll have to wait until (1) "they" jailbreak iOS 5.0 (duh!) and (2) all the tweaks get updated for it.

Yeah, iOS 5.0 appears to be truly imressive looking and there are a lot of neat updates/changes to make it a very nice iOS. However, until Apple integrates SBSettings, Overboard, Action Menu (especially History for copying), iFile, Inspell and OpenSSH into their stock iOS ... I'll stay with jailbreak, thank you. Yes, those apps are that good, IMNSHO.


There is already an iOS 5 jailbreak. But it isn't released yet. :(
Does iOS5 have widgets or not? I've read somewhere it does and somewhere else saying it doesn't. I just want a twitter widget... Lol
But if I had to choose between a couple of new features in iOS5 or DOZENS of new packages, Tweaks, Mods, and Themes EVERYDAY, hmmm....... I'd take 4.3.3 w/ Jailbreak!!

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D_LA_ROC said:
Does iOS5 have widgets or not? I've read somewhere it does and somewhere else saying it doesn't. I just want a twitter widget... Lol


No. Everybody says it does but the answer is no.
nelson8403 said:
I think it depends on what iOS 5 brings to the table, and if a jailbreak is even out for 4.3 yet..

I've been waiting for a jailbreak for 4.3 for so long I wouldn't upgrade if there was a chance it wouldn't work on 5.0 but I'm sure eventually once they successfully jailbreak the iPad 2 5.0 shouldn't be too far away

I don't get it... There is already a JB for 4.3.3. The iPad I am using to reply to this post is 4.3.3 and JB'ed!

To stay on topic: for now, 4.3 over stock IOS 5. Once the dev team works their magic, then iOS 5 hands down! :D
Fr0st said:
I don't get it... There is already a JB for 4.3.3. The iPad I am using to reply to this post is 4.3.3 and JB'ed!

To stay on topic: for now, 4.3 over stock IOS 5. Once the dev team works their magic, then iOS 5 hands down! :D

I think they meant the iPad 2.

This forum needs a delete thread/edit thread button! So I don't keep shooting myself in tHe foot all the time... :/

Please disregard my previous post. Keep calm and move on! :D

This forum needs a delete thread/edit thread button! So I don't keep shooting myself in tHe foot all the time... :/

Please disregard my previous post. Keep calm and move on! :D

Oh No. We leave up posts like that.:D

Do you want me to delete it? I will for $29.99.:p
SweetPoison said:
Oh No. We leave up posts like that.:D

Do you want me to delete it? I will for $29.99.:p

Deleting posts? There's an app for that! *Drums and symbols* Buy the SweetPoison app! Hehehe! :D

On a more serious note, iOS 5 over stock 4.3. Seen it on the iPad2 and it seemed to have a better flow that poor 4.3... :(

Added that last sentence so I don't get in troublezorz. :P

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