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iOS 5- what would you like to see for iPad?

Yes it will die. As the Android Smartphone made the iPhone irrelevant; Android has a greater share of the market. When the dozens of Android tablets are released this year the iPad will soon be irrelevant too. Before .... I get the iPhone basher thing, the numbers are real and I will likely use my iPad for awhile. I use the iPad for reading eBooks using Kobo. If want to browse the full web I can use my Samsung Captivate.
Yes it will die. As the Android Smartphone made the iPhone irrelevant; Android has a greater share of the market. When the dozens of Android tablets are released this year the iPad will soon be irrelevant too. Before .... I get the iPhone basher thing, the numbers are real and I will likely use my iPad for awhile. I use the iPad for reading eBooks using Kobo. If want to browse the full web I can use my Samsung Captivate.

lol, you couldnt be more wrong. Android market share is still #3 under Blackberry and iPhone and with the iPhone going to other carriers it will get an even lower market share...I know on monday when I get my iPhone I will be smashing my Droid so it can't be activated on another account!

You realize the reason most people got an android was because it was their only option and the closest approximation (not hardly) to an iPhone.
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Yes it will die. As the Android Smartphone made the iPhone irrelevant; Android has a greater share of the market. When the dozens of Android tablets are released this year the iPad will soon be irrelevant too. Before .... I get the iPhone basher thing, the numbers are real and I will likely use my iPad for awhile. I use the iPad for reading eBooks using Kobo. If want to browse the full web I can use my Samsung Captivate.

lol, you couldnt be more wrong. Android market share is still #3 under Blackberry and iPhone and with the iPhone going to other carriers it will get an even lower market share...I know on monday when I get my iPhone I will be smashing my Droid so it can't be activated on another account!

You realize the reason most people got an android was because it was their only option and the closest approximation (not hardly) to an iPhone.

Android phones were #1 for Q4 2010. They have been quickly gaining ground while the other big three manufacturers have been losing ground. Q1 2011 might be different results due to the iPhone being released on Verizon, but I would guess by the end of the year the overall market share race will be much closer, and Android *might* take the #1 spot.
Fabytm said:
I only want to see some widgets on the home screen.Now, the home screen is just a waste of space.A facebook and twitter gadget, maybe a weather gadget too, wouldn't that be great?

Id love this too but sadly I can't see it happening. :(

Chances are little to see this, but I think that the weather widget would really be cool.

I would also like to see that little bar on the top of the screen that android and ios jailbroken devices havr (wifi on/of, 3G settings etc).But we won`t see this, I am sure.
gentlefury said:
ugh, will this ever die already?

Nope. If wishes were dishes my friend...

I came to this forum looking for an answer to a question I had and couldn't help myself in responding to the question posed here.

I travel extensively. I use my iPhone and iPad on my business trips for, well everything. I wasn't able to do company email on either device until we changed our email system. As I often search for restaurants, I find a large number of restaurant sites done entirely in Flash. And not just restaurants, either. I follow various blogs and would like to be able to watch the imbedded video. But none of the reasons I would like to see Flash added matters, and answering a question posted as to what I'd like to see added was wrong because you guys are tired of an old complaint.

So sorry I've bothered you with my old complaint. I'll take my leave now and won't bother any of you in this forum again.
MsJoanne said:
I came to this forum looking for an answer to a question I had and couldn't help myself in responding to the question posed here.

I travel extensively. I use my iPhone and iPad on my business trips for, well everything. I wasn't able to do company email on either device until we changed our email system. As I often search for restaurants, I find a large number of restaurant sites done entirely in Flash. And not just restaurants, either. I follow various blogs and would like to be able to watch the imbedded video. But none of the reasons I would like to see Flash added matters, and answering a question posted as to what I'd like to see added was wrong because you guys are tired of an old complaint.

So sorry I've bothered you with my old complaint. I'll take my leave now and won't bother any of you in this forum again.

MsJoanne, it isn't you that is bothersome, it is the subject matter. I travel regularly with my iPad and use my iPad to look for restaurants in any given location. I use UrbanSpoon, Zagat To Go (US$9.99--a year subscription) two apps that work great. What I am suggesting is, you will more likely find your iPad a worth travel companion by using an app than by launching an Internet browser, going to google search--this seems to me a step back to a PC way of finding information.

BTW, using an app instead of a browser is so much simpler and less of a resource intense.

With all due respect to MsJoanne, I have found that the people are the most disappointed in the iPad are those who expected it to be a replacement for a full-blown laptop or netboook. Its not. As Matt says, for many things you want to do on an iPad, "there is an app for that!" and you need to think of things in a different light to get the most out of the iPad.
Sorry if you feel upset about the feisty exchanges but tbh it's very common on most forums. These are in fact very friendly ones even if a trifle opinionated :)

As someone else suggested try the Puffin browser for those flash sites. It's not great, but it works and is very cheap to try. Good luck anyway.
As much as I complain about iOS, it does have quite a few strong points.

All I really want to see from iOS5 is more freedom to do things a little differently.

1) Widgets. Why does Apple seem to be so against widgets? We've all got this screen real estate and multiple home screens I can swipe through, why not let me put something more useful than an icon or a folder on each one?

2) Flash - yes it's been beaten to death, it's just another freedom thing. The iPad is capable of running some Flash content, so let me choose if I want to run it or not.

3) Better multitasking - load YouTube videos in the background please. Save my last state is ALL APPS, not just some.

I could go on for days about things I want changed, but realistically most of what I want probably isn't going to happen. I really have nothing personal against the iPad, I like how smooth everything is with it, I only get occasional crashing with apps. I just wish Apple would loosen the strings just a little bit and allow some deviation without resorting to jailbreaking (which doesn't even solve most of my wants anyways).
MsJoanne said:
I came to this forum looking for an answer to a question I had and couldn't help myself in responding to the question posed here.

I travel extensively. I use my iPhone and iPad on my business trips for, well everything. I wasn't able to do company email on either device until we changed our email system. As I often search for restaurants, I find a large number of restaurant sites done entirely in Flash. And not just restaurants, either. I follow various blogs and would like to be able to watch the imbedded video. But none of the reasons I would like to see Flash added matters, and answering a question posted as to what I'd like to see added was wrong because you guys are tired of an old complaint.

So sorry I've bothered you with my old complaint. I'll take my leave now and won't bother any of you in this forum again.

If you would simply do some searching of the forum, you would see the answers to the question you asked.

1. Use an alternative browser. Puffin browser, skyfire, and cloud browse.
2. Jailbreak and use frash

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