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iOS 5- what would you like to see for iPad?

I've not noticed that much of a difference, I use it for 12 hours somedays and still have 50 ish percent left!
So annoying to not get cards,etc!

Flash is never going to happen.

Now as for me:

1.) Fix the switch so that it is back to the proper function of Screen Lock.
4.) More Keyboard Options ( Number keys in the right spot instead of a new keyboard )

Those are the major things IMHO.

I second #1 and #4

An orientation lock and a Qwerty layout touch keyboard with a fifth row for numbers
I would like the ability to have multiple user accounts, hide folders and apps, I would also like arrows on the keyboard for moving my cursor up and down.
My wish list

In somewhat prioritized order
  1. clever live sync of photos and documents and relevant app settings between all my iDevices and my laptop. Over 3G and wifi
  2. attach documents AND photos to emails from within the email app
  3. Numbers on keyboard
  4. Two finger slide in extra row of keys with arrows below the keyboard
  5. Shared apps and user file storage space. Sync able to dropbox,sugar,box,google and idisk
  6. Personal widget screen. Slide up with two fingers?
  7. 3G tethering with pc like iPhone
  8. Nested folders in photo archive
  9. Able to organise and rearrange folders and photos in photo app
  10. Sync docs and photos via dropbox and possible other data storage services
  11. Privacy mode for email and calendar requiring code to access
  12. SMS and mms capabilities
  13. Compatible with more printers

I am not asking for much, am I? -sure are hoping for a lot.
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I'll agree with the numbers on the Main Keyboard. We also need a back arrow button, real annoying not having one.
I want one thing, something the iPad is screaming for: The Matrix screensaver (the scrolling green characters).
Would certainly like an extended keyboard.
There's certainly room on the existing top bar which has only three buttons that I always forget to use.
None of the things the iPad needs upgraded will ever be done by Apple.

Filesystem accessible by users
Drag and drop files like Android.
MKV/AVI support natively

*Allow the user to change some freaking settings. One keyboard for all is ridiculous. Where is Swype for iPhone/iPad? Allow the USER to decide what the toggle switch does. Allow the USER to decide to use flash or not. Allow the USER to decide to have live backgrounds or not.

Basically, Apple would have to suddenly be the anti-Apple to implement these.
None of the things the iPad needs upgraded will ever be done by Apple.

Filesystem accessible by users
Drag and drop files like Android.
MKV/AVI support natively

*Allow the user to change some freaking settings. One keyboard for all is ridiculous. Where is Swype for iPhone/iPad? Allow the USER to decide what the toggle switch does. Allow the USER to decide to use flash or not. Allow the USER to decide to have live backgrounds or not.

Basically, Apple would have to suddenly be the anti-Apple to implement these.

You pretty much hit it on the dot on that last statement there.
This is my list of things that I think Apple might actually do, or at least wouldn't object to based on their philosophy of keeping the iPad crippled (most of what I want I know they'll never do)...

a) support animated backgrounds

b) different background on each home screen

c) embedded folders - let me put a folder inside a folder

d) let me make a folder even if I don't have two apps that I want to put into it yet

e) If I've got an app playing music in the background, some sort of warning when I try launch another app that's going to kill the background music so it can play its own sounds. Make the warning be disable-able for those who don't want it.

f) use the accelerometer to rotate iPhone/iPod Touch apps that don't use the full iPad screen and don't support screen rotation on their own

g) WiFi sync to iTunes running on PC/Mac

h) more on-screen keyboards and let the user choose from them - i.e. when an app wants my email address, I get a nice keyboard with the "@" and a ".com" button -but when a web site wants my email address the keyboard doesn't have that on the main screen. Make this possible, somehow.

i) support for external GPS (via bluetooth?) - let those of us that don't have a 3G still have the iPad know where it is

j) support bluetooth mouse - seems to me there's no reason the iPad couldn't put a mouse pointer on the screen

k) make function of the screen rotation lock / mute switch user configurable in settings
An overhaul of the iPhotos on your iPad.

The ability to have albums within albums similar to folders under folders on your computers.

The ability to have filenames for all your photos, and to rename them so they can get to be in the right order you want them to be.

The ability to pick which of the photos in an album that will be shown as the top photo of a pile of photos.

To be able to move any photos from one album to another, ever move any photos found in the Saved Photos to other albums.

That when you sync your iPad, any changes you did on your iPad do not change files on your computer, it just back up your photos to your computer, but you are still free to transfer or copy any images in your iPad to your computer, and that iTunes won't try to change your files on your iPad just becuase you changed any on your computer.

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