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iOS 6-what do you want for the ipad?

Rumors are the iOS 6 will be out next year! Omg yes!

iFrog - Sent from my iPad2 using iPF
1. Safari add-ons- JavaScript, Adobe Flash and more ActiveX controls.
2. YouTube- Instead of a part of the videos, all of them.
3. App store- instead of Apple confirming every app, The app store could receive app request from safari (Safari would load the app into the app store format).
4. Mail- Mail Music and videos.
5. Open-code- Allow root access to devices.
Itaiyz said:
1. Safari add-ons- JavaScript, Adobe Flash and more ActiveX controls.
2. YouTube- Instead of a part of the videos, all of them.
3. App store- instead of Apple confirming every app, The app store could receive app request from safari (Safari would load the app into the app store format).
4. Mail- Mail Music and videos.
5. Open-code- Allow root access to devices.

Safari does have some basic JavaScript, but not full java.
Safari already does that. Open an iTunes or AppStore link in safari and it switches to the app store.
Real mail like a computer, able to send real files. Not just a picture.
Open source? Haha! I wish. This will probably never come but we can dream can't we?
Itaiyz said:
1. Safari add-ons- JavaScript, Adobe Flash and more ActiveX controls.
2. YouTube- Instead of a part of the videos, all of them.
3. App store- instead of Apple confirming every app, The app store could receive app request from safari (Safari would load the app into the app store format).
4. Mail- Mail Music and videos.
5. Open-code- Allow root access to devices.

Seems like you'd be happier with an android tablet.
More complete integration of BT external keyboards. Apple's neat little aluminum keyboard is wonderful for typing (I really do use the iPad and keyboard as a laptop substitute now most of the time), but I'd surely like to be able to do some simple things from the keyboard, like screen scrolling, page flipping, button highlighting/clicking, word or phrase highlighting for copy/paste, and the like.

I suppose a mouse function would satisfy all of the above things, but the expanded keyboard functions would be just fine.

Brian - Sent from my iPad using iPF
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Even though it IS too early, I'd love it if Apple gave iPhone/iPod users the ability to have landscape homescreens. As for iPad, widgets should've been invented sometime ago.

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