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iOS5 Tips and Tricks

Thank you for this. I love these guys.

Just a tip for everyone with Emoji enabled... Don't go crazy using these on the forum. Remember, a significant proportion of our members access the forum using devices that will not be able to interpret them. In that case they just see lots of empty boxes which is both confusing and frustrating!

Tip: Emoji are best used when messaging or exchanging text with other friends who you know are using an iPad, iPhone, or Mac :)
First off all great forum, glad to have discovered this.

Must admit that I found this in another forum, but thougt I'd share it with you guys.

If you tap the black bar on top where the battery % is you go to the top of the page. Great in email boxes.
jochrisyogi said:
First off all great forum, glad to have discovered this.

Must admit that I found this in another forum, but thougt I'd share it with you guys.

If you tap the black bar on top where the battery % is you go to the top of the page. Great in email boxes.

Is there a setting somewhere to turn this on? It doesn't work for me. .
Is there a setting somewhere to turn this on? It doesn't work for me.

No, this is a global setting in IOS which does not need to be turned on. To use it you must scroll down a page (say, a web page in safari), then tap the black status bar at the top of the screen to immediately scroll back to the top of the page. It is supported in most apps where you scroll the main page downwards. Just make sure you are not already at the top of a page and try tapping in various positions on the black bar (I usually stick to tapping the time in the middle).
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f4780y said:
No, this is a global setting in IOS which does not need to be turned on. To use it you must scroll down a page (say, a web page in safari), then tap the black status bar at the top of the screen to immediately scroll back to the top of the page. It is supported in most apps where you scroll the main page downwards. Just make sure you are not already at the top of a page and try tapping in various positions on the black bar (I usually stick to tapping the time in the middle).

This is interesting Leigh......can't see your post on the app unless I quote it.

iPad 2 3G 64gb
Me neither. I even rebooted my iPad to check and see if that was the problem, then discovered I couldn't see it on my iPhone either.
TallahasseeLassie said:
Is there a setting somewhere to turn this on? It doesn't work for me. dde1e.

It's about where the time is if you are speaking of the notifications slide down. Just press the clock hold a sec and slide down with your finger. It'll pop until you get the hang of it.
On the iOS5 privacy manage access to Twitter account on iOS 5, place access by system services and Keep your Web browsing private on iOS 5. To handle your photo edit images on iPhone and make photo albums. Make auto text shortcut and get rid of weather.
f4780y said:
No, this is a global setting in IOS which does not need to be turned on. To use it you must scroll down a page (say, a web page in safari), then tap the black status bar at the top of the screen to immediately scroll back to the top of the page. It is supported in most apps where you scroll the main page downwards. Just make sure you are not already at the top of a page and try tapping in various positions on the black bar (I usually stick to tapping the time in the middle).

Thank you, I guess I just needed to practice! It does work, and I have now passed this tip on.
Upload documents like word or PDF to sites like monster , careerbuilder, dice etc

How to upload documents like word or PDF to sites like monster , careerbuilder, dice etc? Many have suggested applications like "iuploader" "icab" but doesnt work , I am student have to upload my assignments to my University website, any applications which will help me do this? I need to carry my laptop for this purpose. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

To take a screen shot press and hold the box key (the main button, not sure what you call it,) then pr-ess the shut down key on the top of the iPad. This is very helpful if you want to take a picture of a pict-ure, receipt or other document you want to keep but do not want to bother to print.

I have an iPad 3
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