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iOS5 Tips and Tricks

:)Thanks Tim,, I've had my ipad2 around 8 mo. And glad to find this forum ,, it's endless the things you can do
With this,, too much fun : )
jaoargota said:
How can i uprade ios 3.2.2 to 4.3 on ipad?

Under normal circumstances you cannot do that. Your only option will be to update to 5.1 which is the current version of IOS. Apple have security measures in place which prevent you installing any old version of IOS.

However you can bypass this security in some situations. IF (and only if) you have an iPad1 and have been previously jailbroken and have saved SHSH Blobs for 4.3, then you can use TinyUmbrella to serve up your blobs and install 4.3. It can only be done if you meet all 3 of these prerequisites.
That said, I would not recommend 4.3 as that version of IOS contained many bugs. The best version of IOS 4.x for iPad1 is probably 4.3.3 if you want to jailbreak, and 4.3.5 if you want to remain stock.
Raw Intentions said:
If you press the home button twice on the lock screen it will bring up music controls at the top of the lock screen.

And I have learnt something new yet again, many thanks.

The Archangel
This is not new, but I've just learned to do this. When entering something new into a search box or Internet address box, tap the grey x at the right to empty the box. In the app store it also brings up the keyboard.
New iPadl3 user - I have seen this from time to time. What is this concept of NOTIFICATIONS? And receiving them?

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