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iOS7: JailBreak Status Thread (Official)

How is Zeppelin not safe to use? I never had any problems with it.

Users that have it previously installed should not have an issue. Users that install a fresh copy may have Zeppelin blanking out on them, and a reboot will cause your device to stay on the Apple logo, resulting in the need to use safe mode to remove the package. Particularly for users that are looking to self-theme. The earlier versions that do not check for the new formatting and icons still works. The one in the beta repo and the public repo can cause some issues.

Sent from my iPad Mini via Tapa
Is anyone else getting 'Error: POSIX: Operation Timed Out' message when loading Cydia Sources?


this is from me

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk JB iPad2 3G+WIFI
Is anyone else getting 'Error: POSIX: Operation Timed Out' message when loading Cydia Sources?

Error: POSIX Opertaion Timed Out refers to the host of the repo having either a connection issue, a port issue (if the port is being used by another application), or if the source is down. Delete the repository from your list and you'll remedy the issue. Of the default repo, the UltraSn0w repo causes the issue. Deleting it will remedy the issue assuming that's the only conflicting repo.

The other default repositories should not be causing POSIX issues (BigBoss, Saurik Telesphoreo, ModMyI, Zodttd/MacCiti)
FYI: after installing ICaughtU, could not even put oPad Air into Safe Mode. ITunes wo recognize it would back it up, but stuck on apple logo. Could only get rid of it by going into DFU mode restoring, redoing JB. Weird.
I know this is going to sound like a stupid question, but when will my Ipad 3 show up as being jailbroken.

Not sure what you mean. If you have Cydia and root access on your iPad, it's an indication that your device is jailbroken.

Sent from my iPad Mini via Tapa
Yes your right, but if I use a program like ITools on my pc it shows my device (Jailbreaked No), then I can't use it to install applications form my Pc, because it needs to be Jailbreaked, it's confusing.
Yes your right, but if I use a program like ITools on my pc it shows my device (Jailbreaked No), then I can't use it to install applications form my Pc, because it needs to be Jailbreaked, it's confusing.

Utilities may not be updated for iOS 7 support. Also, you'll need to install afc2add for most utilities to see that you're jailbroken. The check for most Jailed status is whether or not the utility has access to your root files. Evasi0n7 does not install afc2add automatically as other utilities have done in the past.

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