iPF Noob
Brian, it's too late now, but the difference is, Android does not yet differentiate between phone and tablet apps in the market. This is both bad AND good...the bad is obvious, the good is that all apps will work on the tablet...a shortcoming that is annoying with the ipad.
The solution is that the best place to search is not the app store, but online. Go to websites and see what people think, THEN find it in the market place.
I liked dolphin allot on my android tablet: very user friendly, reliable, and customizable with some VERY nice add ons.
But, probably too late, if you already switched to ipad.
For me, I like both, but went with ipad in the end as my tablet of choice.
The xoom was a few updates away from being great. Overall it offered me a lot more than my iPad does.....but, Motorola obviously has no interest in the U.K market. If they were talking with their U.K customers and keeping us informed I would have stuck it out with the xoom but i wasn't prepared to take the risk and in say a years time be stuck with an unsupported unusable tablet. Motoroloa and the xoom just aren't who is going to bring an android tablet to the iPad llevel. I do believe though in a year to 2 years there will be a very impressive android tablet available.
Android will be fine in spite of Moto.
Their phone qc is horrendous and the only thing worse is their support. Now they've taken a jump into the tablet market and made the same mistakes.
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