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iPad won't play BBC iplayer on my wifi but will on neighbours.

I also have this problem. The BBC iplayer app worked fine until about 1 month ago but now I get the message - you must connect to wifi connection to play programmes. I have tried all the fixes mentioned in this thread to no avail. Our ISP is also AOL.
The plot thickens. If I use my neighbours wifi and start an iplayer programme, hit the pause button once it has started, go to my settings and change wifi back to my own aol then back to programme and resume playing it works.
If I stop programme totally, then try to restart using aol it says I must connect to wifi!
Does this help anyone??

Hi I am new to this I just joined to try and get the same answers you are looking for Its so annoying I can stream the BBC news on the BBC web site and use the itv player but as soon as i try to use the iplayer it tells me to connect to wifi but I am, there are three bars, my pad has not got g3 I am also with aol do you think this might be the problem ? Ps it's the same with my iPhone 4 this used to work but won't now what can we do next?
I think this is clearly a problem that the app Developer needs to look into. It's seems clear that it affects some users but not others and that it is, in some way, service provider dependent. Let's hope they're reading this thread!!

Has anyone any suggestions how to follow this up? I don't know where to start but I would really like to get it sorted. The fact that iPlayer used to work and doesn't any more makes it worse than never having been able to use it!
I contact BBC regarding problem to see if a developer glitch- they told me to contact aol. I cannot seem to get hold of anyone at aol to help so stuck between a rock and a hard place at the moment. Really frustrated by the whole thing. Should I change from aol to a different ISP as it does work on both talk talk and bt Internet.
iplayer always works for me when I am connected to a genuine wifi link as i am at home, but strangely when I use it via my Novia phone (with a tethered link) it thinks there is no wifi. All the other internet links work ok and so does the itv player for example. I am guessing the BBC iplayer is using a strange method to figure out if there is a wifi link to use.
Using the BBC iplayer app, I can play on my iPad TV programs both live and archived. I can also play radio programs live but not archived. I used to be able to do this but it does not seem to work any more, any suggestions?
BBC iPlayer listen again radio programs

Did you upgrade to iOS six I did it today and my iPlayer will still not play listen again radio programs it still plays live and watch again TV and live radio but not listen again radio

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