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Is it just me or does IPAD2 camera really stink?

ratatapa said:
Im also sad about thé backgammon camera wuality but m'en chat CAN we do

If that's how grainy the iPad 2 camera photos look with an indoor shot, I'm happy! At least I'll have SOME kind of camera on the iPad that'll be convenient when I don't have my phone or camera handy for a photo moment.

Michael "Spam, spam, bacon, eggs and spam. Hold the bacon and eggs." Sent from my iPad using iPF
Just how bad is the rear camera -- how does the video compare to say a Flip HD (720 x 30 fps)? Low light quality? Bright light? I understand photos will be poor. But, if it matches a Flip and the other consumer small vidcams (Kodak PlaySport etc.), then that's at least something.
happyhack3r said:
Um.. sorry if I used the word stink.. should I use under-performanced? ^^

Ok anyway..

I know that Ipad2 has a big screen, so the pictures may look pixelated..

but... it just looks downright way toooo pixelated.

I haven't done the research, isn't it at least 3megapixels at least?

I just got my IPAD2 and... the camera isn't so good...

I thought from the ipad 2 slideshow in the retail store, that all pictures would be like that.. hehe

Anyway... is there something wrong with mine or is it all like that?

there seems to be no settings for camera TT

and before you guys throw rocks at my stupidity,
please read what it says below my username-

I think it goes something like ipad nooobie ^^


You are right,, the camera is really bad,,:) I don't really care, I didn't buy my iPad to use it as a camera and would actually have seen a better screen or some other feature than the cameras instead, but yeah, it is bad,, :)
You know, instead of BASHING the rear-facing camera, let's see some photos of what you CAN do with the camera! C'mon...there's gotta be SOMEBODY who revels in having a rear-facing camera of SOME kind on the iPad!

Michael "Spam, spam, bacon, eggs and spam. Hold the bacon and eggs." Sent from my iPad using iPF


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I found the following comparison link:
Tablet Camera Tests: iPad 2 vs. Motorola Xoom vs. Samsung Galaxy Tab | Cameras | Digital Photo | Macworld

So... to answer my own question just posted, the iPad 2's video, according to the link above, is on a par with the Flip Video Ultra HD.

Another thing that's missing from the iPad 2... a camera flash. Again, I'm sure there'll be apologists who'll say what for... but they'll be missing the point. Just the other week, my gf and I were hiking and had to return past sunset on a near moonless night. We had a hard time finding the poorly marked trail... then she turned on some flashlight app on her iPhone 4 which lit our way down (seriously -- it was a rocky hillside and the swiss-kinfe usefulness of the iPhone was much appreciated).

So, will I go hiking with an iPad? Sure will... I'm eager to use the gps. And, I'll use it boating etc. Would a flash come in handy? Who knows? But, when the need arises it's obviously nice to have.
DontUnderstandMyIpad said:
That video is not taken from an iPad 2. Not to say that the camera is of low quality, but whoever posted that video simply rushed that article.

Anyway, for taking snaps of newspaper the quality is good enough.

Yeah, for stuff on the fly like this it's great. That's what I'm looking forward to. I was in the laundromat one day washing a rug in one of those heavy duty triple load washers, which takes a while to do, doing crosswords on my iPad and listening to a basketball game on internet radio. I got up for a stretch and walked over to the bulletin board and saw an ad for tree trimming services that I became interested in. iPad in hand, I thought that'd be a great moment to have a camera on it to take a quick snap. But not having one on my current iPad, I had to go back to my jacket, pull out my cell phone, fire up the camera app on it and go back to the bulletin board to snap the picture. Thankfully that wasn't one of those moments with a cute bird or something...it would've been gone by the time I took two steps away to go get my phone/camera.

I think people who are complaining about the camera are totally missing the point. They should be thankful SOME kind of camera is on the new iPad because WILL be a time when they need to take an impromptu photo and they'll be glad that the camera on the iPad came in handy. It is what it is and a camera of ANY kind on the iPad 2 is a nice upgrade from the original iPad, in and of itself.

Michael "Spam, spam, bacon, eggs and spam. Hold the bacon and eggs." Sent from my iPad using iPF
I don't even use the cameras that much. I've used the front one for Face Time and I took a few pics of our baby so for me I use the camera on my G2 more so I don't care that much about the quality. Even with iMovie I upload video to my IPad 2 rather than shooting with the rear camera.
DontUnderstandMyIpad said:
That video is not taken from an iPad 2. Not to say that the camera is of low quality, but whoever posted that video simply rushed that article.

Anyway, for taking snaps of newspaper the quality is good enough.

Here is a pic I took with the iPad this week in the Chinese garden here in Sydney. When you enlarge the pic to see it the same size as the iPad screen, it is very grainy.


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Becky15349 said:
Here is a pic I took with the iPad this week in the Chinese garden here in Sydney. When you enlarge the pic to see it the same size as the iPad screen, it is very grainy.

That's a pretty shot. What was the lighting like? Was it sunny, cloudy or overcast? What time of the day? Just curious. Yeah, grainy, but NOT BAD, really. If THAT'S the quality I can expect out of the iPad 2's rear facing camera, I'm happy. It's going to come in handy for those impromptu photo-op moments when I don't have my phone or my DSLR with me.

Thanks for sharing!

Michael "Spam, spam, bacon, eggs and spam. Hold the bacon and eggs." Sent from my iPad using iPF
It was overcast around 3pm. I think the camera will be best for outdoor shots on sunny days...indoor shots are bad :( for comparison, here is one I took of the cappuccino machine in the lounge here in the hotel.


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I don't even own an iPad2 yet have read many reviews like the above. I will admit however the rear snapshot camera would not even be a consideration/"pro" of the "2" if I was to upgrade.

The 720p video chat is fine yet the rear facing camera is pretty week. Aren't the specs something like only a 0.3mp camera? One would have thought at least a 5.0mp could have been used (even a 2.0mp would have been great).

My guess is that those above mentioning size of file-storage & bandwidth are correct. However, I much would prefer a small program to resize if desired for emailing vise just very poor quality pictures - unless viewed on a 2 inch screen....
I too am one of those thinking if you are going to have a camera make it something useful - something we are accustomed to from Apple.

As with other desired improvements, we'll most likely see that in gen 3. :-)

rconn2 said:
Why do people keep saying the above and making excuses? I don't have my iPad2 yet, but I'm very disappointed by the apparant poor camera quality and obvious weak specs. Those who dismiss the need for quality cameras seem to be missing the whole point of an iPad. It's a device that replaces a whole variety of other gadgets and the whole is far greater than the sum of its parts.

I plan on having my iPad2 with me much of the time. There will be times when I'll want to take a snapshot or vid (kodak moments). I _don't_ want to also have to carry a Flip or other digital camera.

The iPhone4 cameras are excellent. My gf has one and the main selling point for her was the cameras (not the phone aspect). She uses the cameras all the time.

I don't have an iPhone4 -- my phone doesn't even have a camera. I want the same cameras in the iPad. People act like it'd be ridiculous taking pictures w/ an iPad. Why? Because it'd look silly? Who cares? I'm not a professional. If I already have an iPad with me, it'd be extremely convenient. Besides, seeing a video/picture on the big screen as it's taken or viewing afterwards is an interesting feature.

No... there is no good excuse for putting in stink cameras. It brings down the entire iPad brand. I'd gladly have paid the few extra dollars it would've cost Apple to have decent quality cameras.

Despite my disgust, I ordered the iPad2. I did so by deciding that I'd sell it in a years' time. In a year, I'll see if an iPad3 actually pushes the envelope or continues to be Apple-hobbled and cheapened. I'll also look at the Android offerings.

I _like_ Apple. The iPad has all the apps, and it's the tablet to buy now. But, it could've been much better. I understand not upgrading the display -- not yet cost-effective. But, the cameras? No excuse. The lack of an SD slot and other i/o... that's taking customer's acceptance and patience for granted.

Companies who hobble their products -- and strategize their product lines -- lose in the end. If Apple loses their cutting-edge appeal, then things will turn quickly.

It's not that you'd look ridiculous to me using it as a camera. It's just to unwieldy. The iPhone 4 is the perfect solution. Email the pictures/videos to yourself from it to the iPad.
Becky15349 said:
It was overcast around 3pm. I think the camera will be best for outdoor shots on sunny days...indoor shots are bad :( for comparison, here is one I took of the cappuccino machine in the lounge here in the hotel.

Hey, I can live with that. I'm an avid amateur photographer with a good quality DSLR for my hobby. Am I disappointed with the rear facing camera on the iPad 2? NOT AT ALL. The iPad is not going to be my photography art work device by a long shot. BUT...it'll come in handy when no other device is available and, I view photography with such a limited camera a challenge. Who knows what I'll come up with? The fact of the matter is, it's a CONVENIENCE and not much more, face time or not. Folks should be happy there's some kind of a rear facing camera on the iPad at all. Does it disappoint me that Apple didn't put a better camera in it? Sure. I've grown accustomed to Apple's good quality devices and this certainly was a bit of a surprise to me. But, overall, I'm happy and I can't wait to get my iPad 2!

Michael "Spam, spam, bacon, eggs and spam. Hold the bacon and eggs." Sent from my iPad using iPF

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