I am amazed at the number of people who see me with my iPad at work and say " oh, cool...an iPad...I really want one!". My response is "No you don't...you think you want one.". The advertising is very powerful.
yesterday I was chatting with an employee who is rewriting my catalog. She made some changes I did not agree with. We were standing in the hallway by the copier. I opened the iPad to show her the change I disagreed with. It is a 36 page word document with table of contents and a few small photos. Headings and formatting typical of a catalog with a table of contents. Nothing miraculous. After opening it she was getting rather impressed. When I scanned to the second to last page to show her the change I had an issue with it closed on me. And I said to her "Revolutionary my ass!"
just sayin.
I like my iPad. Don't get me wrong. But it is nothing more than a fancy browser. I can get my calendar, email and misc documents as I walk around the building. I can take notes in meetings. It is nice. But is it worth 800 bucks? No. I would not have one if it was not given to me. Ironically, she used my money to pay for it...but I want her to feel good about Christmas so I would never say anything to her about it. She was going to spend 800 bucks on something I don't need...may as well be an iPad. Lol.
As I said...I like it. In my opine...it's worth about 200 bucks. That's an arbitrary value I place on it based on what it does for me. I don't watch movies on airplanes. Don't listen to music unless I am near my stereo. So I can't add up the value of those devices and inflate the value of this device. I have a laptop and while it is too big to carry around work with me all day, it works fine for browsing while I am on the sofa. It really is like carry a note pad around at work for me...I like that I instantly have access to my email and documents no matter which office I am in. But that is not worth 800 bucks to me.
We all have opinions. This is mine.