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Jailbreak my ipad3


iPF Noob
I very much want to jailbreak my ipad3, but am very scared! I've heard about absinthe as well as others! I just want access to the apps from the app store! Is it safe and what is the best easiest way to go about it without breaking any major laws or have my iPad shut down! Thank u very much for any honest help in advance!
First off I just wanted to comment on this
MyaButterfly said:
I just want access to the apps from the app store!
You can pretty much access applications from the app store, by going to the application store and buy it (unless it's free), can you please be little more specific on this one?

And do not be afraid to try and jailbreak your iPad 3, it can be done easily just by downloading the program and following it's instructions, and the only thing is that jailbreak removes your warranty.

On breaking the laws, I don't really know nothing that much but you're safe from it I guess, I'll check on these "Major Laws" and get back to you, unless someone else provides info on it.
Thank u very much! What is the purpose of jail breaking? I was told that if I jailbreak my iPad I will be able to download paid for apps in the app store for free. This is the purpose for my jailbreak. I'm sorry if I sound stupid, not very tech savy and donor want to ruin my iPad as it is not an option to replace. In regards to my warranty, this is from apple right? I did not purchase extended warranty, and only have original one from purchase, which is 90 days, and I'm well past that so I think I'm safe! With that being said it seems this absinthe is the best way to go? Thank you so much everyone again!!!
I have read the forum rules and I do not understand, r u trying to warn me of something! B4 I even made my post I contacted iPad forum directly with exact same question and they told me to post in community! Am I doing something wrong?
Yes the warranty is.

And what you're doing wrong? I think it's this...
MyaButterfly said:
I was told that if I jailbreak my iPad I will be able to download paid for apps in the app store for free. This is the purpose for my jailbreak.

This forum does not support piracy and on what you've just said with those lines, it's called piracy, which is strongly discouraged. Check the Forum Rules. (Quick link on my signature.)

And yes, as far as I know, in regards to jailbreaking an iPad 3, is using Absinthe.
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What you want to do is illegal. Stealing software which you should pay for is piracy. That is NOT what jailbreaking is about and you won't get any help to steal software from our forums.
I found it, I reviewed the Forum Rules again...

15.1 Piracy is illegal and the staff of iPadForums.net neither condones nor supports it in any way. Jail breaking and hacking does NOT equal stealing or pirating!

15.2. Discussions, links, and sharing of any piracy related topics, apps, repositories, etc., will be deleted and the member will receive a warning. A second warning may lead to an immediate ban.
US courts have ruled that jailbreaking is legal.* The problems arise when jailbroken devices are used for piracy of intellectual property or applications.* Provided you stay within the App Store, you should not have any problems.*
That said, I'm not an Apple user.* You may still want to ask on the open forum, to get advice from those that have jailbroken their devices.* Just open the appropriate section of the forum, then click the "New Post" button near the top left of the page.

forum Admin
Omg! I really am not trying to break the law! Thank you everyone for your help, especially Allen salar, for your time and honesty! I just posted the email directly I recieved from iPad forum help. I am not trying to get into any trouble nor get anyone else in trouble. F4780y, thank you very much for your no help at all! But I think u speak 4 ur self and not the entire forum as I've already been helped. So going forward if you would like to speak for entire forums u should briefly read all posts. I'm sorry if I've ruffled feathers, and was only trying Go about it the right way! This is all very confusing and was only asking because I thought this was the purpose of jail breaking? Sorry again!
What Neil means is that as long as you visit the App Store to legally buy and download the apps, you will be fine. The act of jailbreaking is legal.

The key here is that jail breaking does not affect the fact that you must pay for all apps you buy from the App Store. Yes, there are free apps, and you can get those without paying for them - but they are only free because the developer has offered them for free, NOT because you used tools (gained from jail breaking) to make them free (e.g. to steal them).

Bottom line: Any attempts at using a jail break to get apps for free that normally would be paid for is an illegal activity. It is theft, plain and simple. As such, it is not welcome here (or any where - and should never enter your moral code).

People are often mislead when it comes to jailbreaking, they are told that it's "purpose" is to "get this apps" for free. They are too, innocent, and not breaking the law at all but with this misleading information they are "accidentally" breaking the law.
To start, let me give you a link that explain about jail breaking:

Jailbreaking Explained: http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-hacking/2838-jailbreak-explained-new-updated-2011-a.html

For me, personally, it's to make my use of my iPad easier and more of how I wish. I use a tweak called iKeywi to have a fifth row on my keyboard. So, not only do I have a fifth row, it's customizable so I can put my most often used characters on it (while I know a lot of people like having just numbers there). This speeds up my typing.

Then, I also run a tweak called SwipeSelection. With this, instead of having to press on the text to get the magnifying glass just so I can accurately place my cursor, I can merely "swipe" my fingers along the virtual keyboard and thus move the cursor back and forth.

Then, there is the tweak called SBSettings where I can have toggles to turn on/off my Bluetooth, WiFi, 3G connection - all with one tap of a toggle versus having to dig within the Settings app to find the appropriate place to do the action.

There are many, many other things that make using a jail broken iPad much better for me. Have a look at this thread to get an idea of what is available: Ultimate Tweak List: http://www.ipadforums.net/showthread.php?t=25824

I am glad you are taking this time to get educated about jail breaking. May I suggest you also explain this to the individual(s) who told you jail breaking was to steal stuff. Share the knowledge! :)

I would also like to say a few things on this.

The main purpose of jailbreaking is removing the limitations that is imposed by Apple, such as the term "jail" "breaking".
Such features include setting your own theme, enhancing your map, respringing your spring board, etc.

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