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Jailbreaking Explained

Well since the untethered jb should be out any day now, I would wait and see first.

So is there an untethered JB available for the iPad 4.2.1 yet?

Not yet..., unless you are on a Mac, have access to 4.2b3 SHSH blobs for your iPad, and also have access to the 4.2b3 firmware. Then you can use a beta version by the dev-team.
What are the pros and cons to jailbreak the Ipad?
Could you please explain me the good and bad, the troubles after the jailbreak, what is if there is a new version of an app? etc...

Would be great!

And an other important question, what about the payed apps I have bought through Itunes/App store?
They will stay? and I will receive all their updates through App Store on the device or thorugh Itunes on the PC?
Or I will loose all those purchases?
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I jb'd my iphone 3g a couple years ago and had no issues with my apps through itunes updating. That being said, as long as you made a backup in itunes, you wont lose any apps (free or purchased) or anything else. Itunes will not backup the cydia apps, so you might need an app through cydia for that.
yeah, in the meantime I have jailbreaked the Ipad, cydia and all other stuff are installed...

but Itunes transfers all the apps I have "dl-ed" now on the Ipad through an other app, and they are all now on my PC in the Ipad/Backup folder, as the other purchased ipa files..., and I can uninstall/install them via Itunes (but I guess the official updates won't show up).

Not that bad, I have missed only 3 apps, all others I have purchesed in the past 3 months
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Noobie Question #1: Do I have to be online during a jailbreak?

Question #2: Is there an untethered jailbreak for the new 4.2.1 yet?? (Fingers crossed)
Waiting patiently...

Noobie Question #1: Do I have to be online during a jailbreak?

Question #2: Is there an untethered jailbreak for the new 4.2.1 yet?? (Fingers crossed)
is the iOS4.3 ipsw firmware direct download link from this site valid?


Its offering tutor on snOwbreeze 2.3 which link me to the dl. thanks for reply in advance!
Stupid question. I just bought the iPad one 32 gig. It has firmware 4.3.1 is there a jailbreak for this one. And where. Thanks and sorry
Do i need to re-install all apps..

Please i need help,

I have my Ipad jailbroken with 3.2.1, If I upgrade to 4.2.1 do i need to re-install all the games and apps that I have installed or there is a way not to.

Please if someone can guide me on this I'll gladly appreciate.

hyewiz said:
Please i need help,

I have my Ipad jailbroken with 3.2.1, If I upgrade to 4.2.1 do i need to re-install all the games and apps that I have installed or there is a way not to.

Please if someone can guide me on this I'll gladly appreciate.


No, it's very easy not to. When you restore 4.2.1 on your iPad and it connects to iTunes for the first time it offers the choice "setup as new" or "restore from backup". You should choose "setup as new".
You will have a factory fresh iPad and you can then choose to jailbreak, install apps, sync media, whatever...
Hope that helps.
hyewiz said:
Please i need help,

I have my Ipad jailbroken with 3.2.1, If I upgrade to 4.2.1 do i need to re-install all the games and apps that I have installed or there is a way not to.

Please if someone can guide me on this I'll gladly appreciate.


No, it's very easy not to. When you restore 4.2.1 on your iPad and it connects to iTunes for the first time it offers the choice "setup as new" or "restore from backup". You should choose "setup as new".
You will have a factory fresh iPad and you can then choose to jailbreak, install apps, sync media, whatever...
Hope that helps.

Thank you for the reply, so that means i need to reinstall all the app's i have installed now, so i need to write down which ones i have.

Its a bit hassle to find every app i have
Thank you for the reply, so that means i need to reinstall all the app's i have installed now, so i need to write down which ones i have.

Its a bit hassle to find every app i have

Hmmmm. I think I read your request wrong then. You actually WANT to re-install everything, yes? I read is as asking if you had to, as though that was a bad thing! My bad.

You should look into the Cydia app pkgbackup. It allows you to backup a list of all your Cydia apps and then re-install them on a fresh device. Go to their website (google it). They have lots of information, but read the FAQ and Support questions. You can get into bother doing a major upgrade from 3.x to 4.x because some Cydia apps you have today may not be compatible with 4.x when you upgrade.
Hope that helps.

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