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Jailbreaking Explained

the only thing id like to be able to do is to have the use of flash on my ipad. is they a app for that? will I be able to use flash once i jb? or is this something that just cant be done on an ipad?

There is no stable reliable Flash solution for iPad. A legacy project called "frash" exists but it is a buggy mess IMHO and is no longer developed or supported. YMMV.
Hi everyone!

Just got my iPad 2 this week (to replace my beloved webOS TouchPad –nice device, but lacking in the apps dept, but that’s not important…) and I’m really enjoying it! So much so that I’m still considering if JB is worth it or not -feel free to persuade me ;-)

So, if one JBs their device and a week (or 6 months) later a new firmware is released by Apple, how easy is it to remove the JB in order to install the new FW? Or is it advisable to just wait for a JB solution for the new version instead?

Even then (waiting for a new JB), what’s the procedure to ensure a smooth FW update?

Many thanks in advance!
Jail breaks are easily removed in order to go to newer firmware from Apple. However, most people with jail broken apps wait for a jail broken version of the firmware so they can keep their iPads jail broke.

No one can convince anyone to jail break - it's a decision best made after lots of reading of what it entails and of the benefits received. We won't tell you to jailbreak, nor will be try to convince you. What we will do is provide assistance in the actual process.

Hope this helps.

Mickey330 said:
Jail breaks are easily removed in order to go to newer firmware from Apple. However, most people with jail broken apps wait for a jail broken version of the firmware so they can keep their iPads jail broke.

No one can convince anyone to jail break - it's a decision best made after lots of reading of what it entails and of the benefits received. We won't tell you to jailbreak, nor will be try to convince you. What we will do is provide assistance in the actual process.

Hope this helps.


Well in simple terms I'm a meat and potatoes guy. So jb ing my IPAD 2 I think ....... I won't be doing right now. As mentioned do a lot of reading about what jb does for you. In the last 3 days I've done a ton of reading and looking at videos on jbing, and have not found that it's something at this time I want to do. But as you can see others love it. It's your call.
Folks -

I just deleted a conversation about piracy. Here's the quote from the rules concerning stealing apps:

Discussion of pirated or cracked applications and any methods associated with enabling their use, such as posting app or repository names, is forbidden on this forum. Piracy is illegal and the staff of iPadForums.net neither condone nor support it in any way.

Please - everyone - go and reread the rules! We have them for a reason and we are not kidding; members can (and have!) been banned for not following this rule.

No discussion of piracy or pirated apps - no exceptions.


P.S. Thanks to those who attempted to reason with the thief...
And ~ If I may chime in here. Although we do appreciate the help with these pirates, one post to them is enough. Please don't engage, some just don't get it. Just report it to us by hitting the report button, that way it saves Mods from deleting, what?.....10 or so posts from this thread.

Thanks! Back on topic.
grim said:
So there's no manage option in Cydia

You must be reading instructions written for iPhone... Just ignore "manage". We have everything on the bottom row...
Can I get my jailbreak back?


I have an ipad2 on 4.3.3 which is jailbroken.

The mic is not working so I'm about to send it back for repair/replacement.

They will probably send a new one on latest version which I will be unable to jailbreak :(

My question is is there anyway I can save my files i.e the 'shh blob thing' and install them on a new device if necessary?

Many Thanks

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