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Knowing what you know NOW ~ would you still buy your ipad?

The Xoom 3G is supposed to cost $800 and the wifi only version $600. So it is in the same pricerange as the iPad, assuming Apple doesn't drop the prices for iPad 2.
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I think it was made clear what my complaints are. You know what I mean by wire-LESS, just look at all the posts on this forum about wireless issues. Apps galore, touch the screen again and again sometimes before something responds, etc, etc. Then other times it works perfect. The connectivity issue so many are having is my #1 complaint, and frankly was not something I expected.

I'm surprised, because I never lose a connection anywhere in the house
Alright, so I just spent all afternoon reading this entire thread and I have my own 2 cents to contribute.

First, for those of you complaining about flash support and file systems, realize that an iPad is not a personal computer. Apple is all about innovation, customizability, flexibility and collaboration (no I don't work for them and no I'm not being paid for this post :-P) IMHO, they've successfully adhered to those values with the iPad. I don't have to have the same components on my device as anyone else. It's like being able to set my prefs for an application before downloading it and only downloading what's needed. Yes flash would be nice, but this device was never made to replace a desktop computer and Apple was up front about that when it came out. If they wanted it to replace a computer, when asked about Flash support, they would have said "No, but..." but they didn't. They just said "No." They don't seem to have intended to have it. Complaining about this seems to me like complaining that Microsoft Outlook doesn't manage my Video library. Also, this is where collaboration comes in. Apple chose not to support Flash. How are we as (hopefully) intelligent human beings going to cope? What innovation can we come up with to get around it?

Second, there is an aspect of the iPad that hasn't been discussed relating to customization. Each person has different needs in life that technology can potentially help with. In my case, it's because of Severe ADHD and a learning disability. I can't read a traditional book if the print is too small because the contrast of black on white causes my eyes to bounce around the page. iBooks allows me to change the background text to sepia tones and increase the font size and therefore read with ease. As mentioned in previous posts, to avoid eye strain, I just turn the backlight down. In addition, sometimes (usually when I am over stressed, overtired and undernourished) I develop mild dysgraphia. This means no matter how hard I try, I can't write legibly. My letters aren't formed correctly and even I have difficulty deciphering them. Also, my ADHD means I frequently write half of a word and start writing the end of the next word I'm thinking of before finishing that word. I'm working on my undergrad degree so because of these, taking notes in lectures is a problem. With my iPad, I make sure I'm sitting in the front row and clear it with the prof beforehand to record the lecture. I run the recording through the Dragon dictation app on my iPad (which I've set up with voice profiles for each of my profs) and voila...I have a very reliable verbatim transcript of the lecture with no editing. Also with taking notes, it takes me longer to make sense of typical notes than others. With an app called Idea Sketch, I can make a mind map of the lecture. By tapping 1 button, I can turn those notes into a list I can import into Pages and modify as needed while studying. On top of all that, trying to find info in my notes while I'm studying is brutal. I can never remember what date we covered the info. I can use the $20 stylus to take handwritten notes on my iPad and I have another app that converts these to searchable text. I type what I'm looking for into the app and it brings it up in the notes. Lastly, the Flashcards Deluxe app allows me to create multimedia flashcards with sounds and pictures and tracks my progress on them so I know what to spend more time studying. When I looked into the software to do all of this reliably from a computer and the cost of buying a laptop since I only owned a desktop and would need the computer in class, I was looking at a cost of over $4000. My iPad cost me $500 and the few apps I have had to pay for were less than $100. Tell me that's not worth it.

When I looked at who liked the iPad and who didn't, there is a definite reason some like it and some don't. If you are a Windows or desktop enthusiast who relies on a powerful laptop to do your work and likes the processes you use, but want to have the latest technology, DO NOT consider the iPad. You will be sorely disappointed. If, on the other hand, you are a true techno-file looking for the next technological innovation, you might consider it. The iPad itself may be aging, but the apps being developed are the epitome of innovation. Remember that it doesn't replace your desktop. It will allow you to view files and make quick changes on the run, and in some cases significantly simplify processes (such as me using recordings instead of hiring a tutor), but if you are used to being able to automate processes by creating macros in VBA or have some kind of Flash on most sites you visit, walk away. If you really are about collaboration and innovation, this device is probably for you. It supports the "If you can't find it, make it" philosophy as long as you are willing to jump through the hoops of becoming a registered Apple developer (which is very easy. If you want to know how, just pick up iPad development for Dummies). The iPad is also superb for reducing paper collections. I think I forgot to mention I'm a pianist and have a huge library of paper music but can't memorize it all. I have all of my printed and audio music on my iPad (printed in PDF format using ForScore) so if anyone says "Hey, can you play this?" I can pull it out. Using PDFs and remote desktops, you can take virtually anything with you. Imagine not having to carry a backpack or briefcase. On top of all that, there are adapters to make it so you can add a memory card without having to jailbreak and there are apps to allow you to print if you are willing to set it up.

To sum up, you can probably tell, I would answer the original question with a resounding YES! As with any new technology, it will take time to set it up exactly the way you want and may take a little learning, but if you take the time, it is a phenomenal piece of technology.
Maybe yours is defective...neither of my iPads have these problems, nor do any of my friends/family.

With all due respect Mr Moderator; the question was asked, would you buy again. This thread is not the place to debate anyone who says they aren't sure if they would purchase another iPad. If you are happy and would buy another one then by all means let us know, but debating with anyone who isn't sure is hijacking. Saying that you have no issues is like telling everyone that you are the benchmark of iPad customer satisfaction. The wireless issues with the iPad are very well documented so it's not really worth the effort debating. I like my iPad enough to keep it until it is completely outdated. Do I like it enough to rush out and buy an iPad 2?.....no. An iPad 2 should only be purchased by those who don't already have an iPad. Buying an iPad 2 if you already have a 1 is kinda a waste of money because the II isn't much of an upgrade.
The Xoom 3G is supposed to cost $800 and the wifi only version $600. So it is in the same pricerange as the iPad, assuming Apple doesn't drop the prices for iPad 2.

I read they are only coming out with 3G version first and you have to sign up for a min 1 month ( even if you already have a plan)

What you read was speculation, just like all this iPad 2 nonsense discussion. Yes, the 1 month data ($20) is required when buying the Xoom 3G. it's $799. The CEO himself said that the 3G version will be $799 and the Wi-Fi only will be "around" $600 (I'd say give or take $50).
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Buying an iPad 2 if you already have a 1 is kinda a waste of money because the II isn't much of an upgrade.

I wouldn't make that assumption quite yet. There hasn't even been official acknowledgement of the existance of the iPad 2. So we don't know how big or small of an upgrade it will be.
I have to say that those that don't feel it is productive or possible to replace most functions of a laptop unless you are a true power user just haven't delved deep enough IMO. i have 2 friends that have Ipads and just wouldn't have ever been using them like they do now for work without me doing the research for apps for them snd showing them how to incorporate them into their work. (one is a Mac person, the other a PC). . They just hadn't figured out all the things they need to do daily are possible with the Ipads and didn't spend the time finding out if there are spps that will do that function. Now one of them doesn't know how she got along without hers, the other tends to use her Mac which is also nearby at hime, but the Ipad out or traveling


When I read testimonials like this I am not so much amazed by what the iPad can do, but how low the average computing requirements of the average worker really are. Don't get me wrong, I love my iPad but all it really is to me is a wonderful toy. There is only one work related task that my iPad can perform and that would be checking email, and even there it is severely limited compared to what my native client (Outlook) can do. I can't run a single work related program. I can't do any serious Excel or Word work without full VBA support. There are certainly no apps that can perform what my PC applications need to do. I guess I have been a "power user" for years and never realized it. What are people using Excel for without VBA macros? Why not use a calculator instead?

When I took my iPad to work, my boss played with it for five minutes and and said to me "I don't expect to see this back here anytime soon". Any you know what? He was right. If I am on my iPad at work it means I am srcewing off and not working. Maybe I need a sales job ...
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Maybe yours is defective...neither of my iPads have these problems, nor do any of my friends/family.

With all due respect Mr Moderator; the question was asked, would you buy again. This thread is not the place to debate anyone who says they aren't sure if they would purchase another iPad. If you are happy and would buy another one then by all means let us know, but debating with anyone who isn't sure is hijacking. Saying that you have no issues is like telling everyone that you are the benchmark of iPad customer satisfaction. The wireless issues with the iPad are very well documented so it's not really worth the effort debating. I like my iPad enough to keep it until it is completely outdated. Do I like it enough to rush out and buy an iPad 2?.....no. An iPad 2 should only be purchased by those who don't already have an iPad. Buying an iPad 2 if you already have a 1 is kinda a waste of money because the II isn't much of an upgrade.

Actually I was commenting that if they are having a serious issue it is not common and probably defective and they should get it replaced....but thanks for being a smart ass!

Watch the attitude please.
To sum up, you can probably tell, I would answer the original question with a resounding YES! .

Me too! I have not used my iPad much in the last week, but it is not far from my mind. And I took it out to hold it last night. It was naked.

I love that thing!!

With all due respect Mr Moderator; the question was asked, would you buy again. This thread is not the place to debate anyone who says they aren't sure if they would purchase another iPad. If you are happy and would buy another one then by all means let us know, but debating with anyone who isn't sure is hijacking.

Wow. Rude much?
I use mine daily. Knowing I can replace it with a refurbished one for 350$ if I had to is better than 500$

And the fact I prob could get 300$+ easy for resale to upgrade in the future if I wanted to.....
With all due respect Mr Moderator; the question was asked, would you buy again. This thread is not the place to debate anyone who says they aren't sure if they would purchase another iPad.
Whoa there pardner! I think one of us is unclear about the roles people have on this forum and I am pretty sure that one of those people is not me!

Even though I am not the moderator to whom the above comment was directed, I still have this title under my name --


One of the really great things about having that under my name is that I am one of the people who get to decide what can and can not be posted on this forum. While members (like you for instance) can certainly make suggestions regarding the appropriateness of the content on this forum, the final decision is up to me and my fellow moderators (and the site administrators of course!) Personally, I think the comments made by my fellow Super Moderator are perfectly acceptable in this thread. (not that he needs my consent!)

An iPad 2 should only be purchased by those who don't already have an iPad. Buying an iPad 2 if you already have a 1 is kinda a waste of money because the II isn't much of an upgrade.
And it appears that you also have some role identification issues in my personal life as well. After high school, I went to college and I now work for a global engineering company from which I hope to retire. Every other Thursday this company shows their appreciation for my contributions to their success by depositing money in my bank account that I am free to spend in any manner that I see fit. Well.... almost any manner!

A number of years ago I stood on a beach in Hawaii with with my fiancé and some close friends where we promised to spend the rest of our lives together.


Just to make things clear, she and I are the only ones who get to decide what I spend my money on! If I want an iPad2, I don't need your permission.

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1991-C4 said:
Whoa there pardner! I think one of us is unclear about the roles people have on this forum and I am pretty sure that one of those people is not me!

Even though I am not the moderator to whom the above comment was directed, I still have this title under my name --

One of the really great things about having that under my name is that I am one of the people who get to decide what can and can not be posted on this forum. While members (like you for instance) can certainly make suggestions regarding the appropriateness of the content on this forum, the final decision is up to me and my fellow moderators (and the site administrators of course!)

And it appears that you also have some role identification issues in my personal life as well. After high school, I went to college and I now work for a global engineering company from which I hope to retire. Every other Thursday this company shows their appreciation for my contributions to their success by depositing money in my bank account that I am free to spend in any manner that I see fit. Well.... almost any manner!

A number of years ago I stood on a beach in Hawaii with with my fiancé and some close friends where we promised to spend the rest of our lives together.

Just to make things clear, she and I are the only ones who get to decide what I spend my money on! If I want an iPad2, I don't need your permission.


I think I just died laughing ;)
1991-C4 said:
Whoa there pardner! I think one of us is unclear about the roles people have on this forum and I am pretty sure that one of those people is not me!

Even though I am not the moderator to whom the above comment was directed, I still have this title under my name --

One of the really great things about having that under my name is that I am one of the people who get to decide what can and can not be posted on this forum. While members (like you for instance) can certainly make suggestions regarding the appropriateness of the content on this forum, the final decision is up to me and my fellow moderators (and the site administrators of course!)

And it appears that you also have some role identification issues in my personal life as well. After high school, I went to college and I now work for a global engineering company from which I hope to retire. Every other Thursday this company shows their appreciation for my contributions to their success by depositing money in my bank account that I am free to spend in any manner that I see fit. Well.... almost any manner!

A number of years ago I stood on a beach in Hawaii with with my fiancé and some close friends where we promised to spend the rest of our lives together.

Just to make things clear, she and I are the only ones who get to decide what I spend my money on! If I want an iPad2, I don't need your permission.


I think I just died laughing ;)

I don't know which photo I like better...



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