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Knowing what you know NOW ~ would you still buy your ipad?

for what i use my ipad for yes and i do not have a second thought about it ..for it does everything i need it to do in my life..
The purchase for me was well worth it and I would definitely buy it again. FYI 32gb wifi only model. I haven't found myself in a situation where I absolutely needed the 3G but I wouldn't doubt it if it happens.
No, I wouldn't.

I do enjoy my iPad quite a bit, and use it every day. It gets used at work (taking notes, reading docs, etc.), at home (email, web browsing, netflix, ABC, magazines, iBooks, nook, and kindle books, and loads of video games).

What I don't like is not having the ability to hookup directly to a printer. Not being able to hook up directly to a computer to move around files outisde of iTunes. The limitted ram on the device. A wee bit more ram would have gone a long way in improving the quaity of games that could be ported/created for the iPad. Most of all I dislike not being able to increase my storage space with an SD card (without jailbreaking it).

Next year we'll have a lot of tablets to choose from. At this point I'm too heavily invested in my iPad to replace it, so at most I'll pick up one of thoe other devices for my wife.

Had I known what I know now, I would have waited for one of the other tablets.

Everything you described was fully known at pre-sale! None of that info was hidden in any way.

Agreed. I hadn't done any research beyond hearing about it from a friend, and it was a fathers day gift. Knowing what I know now, I would have persuaded my wife to hold off.
I love it! It's supposed to be a home device but it's becoming more of a work device. As long as I remember that the iPad delivers content and is not a Microsoft Office device, it's great. Laptops work with MS.
No, I wouldn't.

I do enjoy my iPad quite a bit, and use it every day. It gets used at work (taking notes, reading docs, etc.), at home (email, web browsing, netflix, ABC, magazines, iBooks, nook, and kindle books, and loads of video games).

What I don't like is not having the ability to hookup directly to a printer. Not being able to hook up directly to a computer to move around files outisde of iTunes. The limitted ram on the device. A wee bit more ram would have gone a long way in improving the quaity of games that could be ported/created for the iPad. Most of all I dislike not being able to increase my storage space with an SD card (without jailbreaking it).

Next year we'll have a lot of tablets to choose from. At this point I'm too heavily invested in my iPad to replace it, so at most I'll pick up one of thoe other devices for my wife.

Had I known what I know now, I would have waited for one of the other tablets.

None of that info was hidden in any way.

He never said it was. Did he?
Agreed. I hadn't done any research beyond hearing about it from a friend, and it was a fathers day gift. Knowing what I know now, I would have persuaded my wife to hold off.

Oh so you didn't know what it could or could not do as it was a gift. It happens.

Not like you knew and bought it anyway.
I definitely would purchase again. Actually it was a late bday present to me. This has become my new computer of sorts. Does everything i need it to do flawlessly and basically instant. There really are apps( new cool synonym for programs..lol) for juss about anything u need to do. I found and got my new job with this ipad ;-). I love the fact that in 10-20 secs., its powered up and ready to go. It just works. I never thought id be an apple fan but his ipad has made me one. My friend still salty about me getting an ipad considering how much trash i used to talk about apple. My specialty was windows/windows mobile and Android. He always had apple products like iphone, mac computer, etc...
Now that i got an ipad, jailbroke and hooked up with tons of apps, i changed the game up. I love modding, whether it be tech devices or cars. Ipad is my favorite tech device at the moment. Lovin it
By the time the Androids get on the market with anything decent, printing will be available. And when Android sees a MS Office that will work with it, so will the iPad. In fact, I would be surprised if there is not a decent means to run MS Office on iPad first.
Yes, love the iPad. But that's not to say it's the perfect device. Even though Flash sucks, and drains battery, Android OS 2.2 has really showed Apple that you CAN run flash on a mobile browser. There are enough websites out there that DONT work fully on the iPad, and at times it can get a bit annoying. They are few and far between, but they exist, and I wish the browser was FULLY functional. (Like, the fact that I can't upload pics through Facebook.com, or edit google docs, or see my podcast stats on Podbean.com).
Yes, love the iPad. But that's not to say it's the perfect device. Even though Flash sucks, and drains battery, Android OS 2.2 has really showed Apple that you CAN run flash on a mobile browser. There are enough websites out there that DONT work fully on the iPad, and at times it can get a bit annoying. They are few and far between, but they exist, and I wish the browser was FULLY functional. (Like, the fact that I can't upload pics through Facebook.com, or edit google docs, or see my podcast stats on Podbean.com).

Get the iphone facebook app or ipad social app n u can upload photos with ease. And it lets u choose which album to put it in and the caption. ;-). There are always workarounds.
I will throw my opinion in with the lot of you and say that I have no regrets at all over this purchase. I sold my netbook to get my 3G 32GB and that was completely worth it.

I love the ipad as an easy to access internet browser (despite some sites not working as well as I'd like), an e-reader (I worried about screen brightness and eye strain, but have had no issues since I turn down the backlighting), and a general app consumer (weather, tracking sports scores, reading news, etc.).

And that's not to mention netflix and games which I don't use often, but appreciate when I do.

I find the screen size great and don't mind the weight which is often noted in reviews.

Basically it all comes down this. The iPad isn't perfect, but if not for the price, I would recommend it 100% to others. The price is a big deal, and I don't know if this device is worth it to others because of that alone, but I know that it is worth it to me.
I don't regret getting mine at all. Do I have some beefs with it? Sure, but I would have a hard time not saying the same thing about any other gadget I own. I jumped on the ebook bandwagon way back in my Palm III days and I never looked back. Every new mobile device I get is in a large way a new ebook reader for me, and the Ipad is a superb reader. Bascially, the Ipad is a great media consumption device and that is what I wanted it for. Everything else is pretty much a bonus.

That being said, I don't find that my Ipad has replaced anything I already had. I still much prefer my desktop PC for web browsing and composing emails (and forum posts). If I am going to play a game, 90% of the time it is going to be on my PC. I much prefer my Ipod Touch as an "on-the-go" device and music player. I don't have a pocket or arm band big enough to hold my Ipad, so I find that it makes a poor MP3 device. The Ipad is what I use on the couch, it is perfect for that, so I am happy.
Get the iphone facebook app or ipad social app n u can upload photos with ease. And it lets u choose which album to put it in and the caption. ;-). There are always workarounds.

That is kind of what is annoying, all the workarounds. As long as Apple continues to fix the areas in iOS that need workarounds (Lack of a file system, lack of full featured browser, more cloud integration) then I'm ok.

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