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Knowing what you know NOW ~ would you still buy your ipad?

Yes I would
It's nowhere near perfect, but it's currently the best device I've seen for what it can do.
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Just got mine.... Got a steal & was going to sell it on ebay because i have an iphone4. But after playing with it for a day im in love! Just love not having to hassle with the chunky laptop when I want to browse the web.
Sold mine. Don't miss it. iPad is a luxury, not a necessity and definitely not as useful as my laptop. I'm waiting for paper-thin tablets, AR glasses and/or holograms.
Absolutelyyyyyyyy!! This guy has outperformed itself in more ways than I couldve imagined. I have read like a bookworm on steroids, used it tons for travelling and work and thats not even scratching the surface. Is it perfect? Hell no. I can't wait for round two which should have better guts, camera(s), and a Retina display but I would've missed out on so much had I waited until then :D
Sold mine. Don't miss it. iPad is a luxury, not a necessity and definitely not as useful as my laptop. I'm waiting for paper-thin tablets, AR glasses and/or holograms.

Not wanting to hijack the thread, but have you considered the new 11in Macbook Air as a highly portable laptop to replace your iPad?

I do apologize for the hijack :(

I knew from the first iPod Touch I tried that I wanted something bigger and better. I knew when the iPad was announced that it was what I wanted. Far from any disappointments, it has exceeded my expectations. I rarely go long without trying out a new feature that helps me. I had an emergency Friday evening, but I was still able to received a report on .pdf, review it, and then forward the results and analysis to higher ups. Today, an upgrade on my iMac was done just as the battery gave out on my mouse, and no spare batteries. I was able to continue on with a pogram called Touchpad HD which made my iPad into a touch pad mouse and keyboard.

Give up my iPad? Only when I buy my next one.
It's alright, but I'd replace it in an instant if something better came along with the same battery life, data plan, and weight.
I would. I just got mine early October, so I knew what to expect of it when I got it. The playbook does look nice, and I've been a blackberry user (both work and personal) for years now, so it may have made more sence for me to wait and get one of those. But I don't regret it, I really like this iPad.
There You Go Marie, the exception that proves your point!

Sold mine. Don't miss it. iPad is a luxury, not a necessity and definitely not as useful as my laptop. I'm waiting for paper-thin tablets, AR glasses and/or holograms.

As for me, my iPad is more exceptional than I had previously conceived. The more I use it, the more valuable it has become: I use it for rehearsals (currently practicing Handel's Messiah). I use it to get air/hotel flight deals and notification of late flights. I get my emails on the run. I have even done some billable work in the middle of an Indiana cornfield.

In fact, I'm trying to get my church to eliminate Sunday Bulletins or at least provide a fully articulated bulletin that can access the referenced Bible passages, the hymns, and RSVPd required church events and other parrish notices.
In fact, I'm trying to get my church to eliminate Sunday Bulletins or at least provide a fully articulated bulletin that can access the referenced Bible passages, the hymns, and RSVPd required church events and other parrish notices.

This is exciting to see one day.

Back to the question. YES. I would still buy the Ipad. I've been contemplating on buying a mini laptop. since I love to be able to surf the internet whenever I go. And the Ipad had proven to be more than I expected. E-book reader, internet, e-mails. And the apps! cant get enough of theml,. Im so glad I got the 64G.
Not to mention it's awesome battery life! I now have my Iphone4, the battery sucks!

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