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See how the URL/address bar text is highlighted. You are in edit mode. The keyboard shows up because it’s ready to enter text. This is normal. Tapping on the address bar will always do this.

It is possible to (not tap) but simply place your finger on the address bar and hold it there until a menu shows up. This is what I was talking about.

The window with your favorites is something I’ve never seen before. I’ll have to search through Safari’s settings and see if I can figure out where it comes from. I wonder if it is an extention, though I don’t know how you would get it without knowing you’d added it.

If you close all your open tabs the screen with your favourites shows up. It works that way I’m my devices.
If you close all your open tabs the screen with your favourites shows up. It works that way I’m my devices.

That's probably why I never noticed it before. Not something I normally do. Instead I have the Favorite bar turned on, combined with folders in my Favorites folder. This gives me a bunch of pull down bookmarks menus. I give up a little more screen at the top, but have plenty to spare with the 12.9" iPad Pro.
Well, there seems to be some controversy in upgrading immediately to iOS/iPadOS 15 - some discussion HERE; I'll usually wait for several minor updates before transitioning; so still on 14.x and probably will not jump to the next level until 15.1 - how are others considering this upgrade? Dave :)
Dave, I upgraded to 15.1 and really wish I had not! My ad blocker that was working flawlessly in 14.8 won’t block any ads! I have tried all kinds of others, contacted them and had little if any response. I’m very frustrated. Apple goes out of the way to ballyhoo ones privacy. My feeling is my privacy wants NO ads. Seems outrages that Apple won’t produce an IOS that gives one the option to either accept ads or reject all ads. My Win desktop ad blocker works like a champ and it’s free also.

I am using a iPad Pro, first generation. If anyone is using a free ad blocker on their iPad that blocks ads in the Weather Channel, CNN, and within articles in Facebook please let me know. Thanks to all
Yet another iPadOS 15 bug. Every morning, I wake it from sleep to find it's dropped the wifi connection. I have to use Settings to reselect my network, instead of it connecting automatically.
Yes that has messed up my email so that some, most, of the content isn’t shown and I have to click a link to open the content.
Sure wish Apple allowed us to restore to OS 14.8. At least MS has restore points. My Win 10 desktop won’t support Win 11 and I was considering an Apple iMac 24” but as frustrated as I am with 15.1 Im not going that route.
If anyone is using a free ad blocker on their iPad that blocks ads in the Weather Channel, CNN, and within articles in Facebook please let me know. Thanks to all

Weblock no longer blocks ads in apps other than Safari, though it still works there (and so does Adblock). Until this bug is sorted out, you'd need to access those pages in Safari rather than their dedicated apps to see them without ads. FWIW, it's not the ads I really worry about--it's the potential of malware from third-party adservers. More bother or more risk, it,s your choice.
If an app, such as your ad blocker, doesn’t work after an iOS/iPadOS update it’s because the app developer did not update his app to work with the updated operating system. App developers usually have werks and sometimes months to update and test their apps before the public release date of the new iOS/iPadOS versions. It’s not Apple’s fault if your apps don’t work after an update.
Apple has always wanted as many users on the latest version of the operating system. That means users have the latest security patches and developers don’t have to make their apps compatible with many versions of iOS/iPadOS. This prevents the fragmentation that plagues the Android operating system.
BTW, in most cases it’s apps that haven’t been updated that cause problems rather than the operating system. If a problem only affects some users it wouldn’t be caused by the operating system itself.
Weblock no longer blocks ads in apps other than Safari, though it still works there (and so does Adblock). Until this bug is sorted out, you'd need to access those pages in Safari rather than their dedicated apps to see them without ads. FWIW, it's not the ads I really worry about--it's the potential of malware from third-party adservers. More bother or more risk, it,s your choice.
Thank you Lanny. I appreciate your response. I use Duck Duck Go with Safari and will not use the apps to browse. Thanks for that heads-up until the ad blockers function correctly.
If an app, such as your ad blocker, doesn’t work after an iOS/iPadOS update it’s because the app developer did not update his app to work with the updated operating system. App developers usually have werks and sometimes months to update and test their apps before the public release date of the new iOS/iPadOS versions. It’s not Apple’s fault if your apps don’t work after an update.
Yes that is my understanding. I have found in my correspondence with two ad blockers that they don’t seem to have a clue that their product doesn’t function with 15.1. So I’ll wait a few months and check it out again then.
Thanks, Bill
Yes that is my understanding. I have found in my correspondence with two ad blockers that they don’t seem to have a clue that their product doesn’t function with 15.1. So I’ll wait a few months and check it out again then.
Thanks, Bill

Being developers they would have had access to the beta version of iPadOS/iOS to check the compatibility of their app.
I’ve never known an update cause so many problems for example the Daily Star site won’t load pictures after the first couple of inches of the page then it just goes white and reloads then it’s a repeat cycle of that.

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