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Lego Harry Potter Years 5-7 HELP

Character token in Voldemort Battle

Help Help Help!!

I have finished the game and now I am going back and trying to get all the extras. I have gotten everything except for the last character token on the battle with Voldemort. I'm assuming it's James Potter because the last one I got was Lilly. It's in the level where I have to defeat the snake the 2nd time. Where I blow it up with the little Weasley detonators. I have the ability to see where the character token is just not how to get it. Anyone figure it out???

I'm in the vault at Gringott's that's now filled with coins. I broke everything before it filled up and have done the deluminator and lit the lamp at the top of the stack of coins. I don't know what to do next. I went back out to where the dragon is, but nothing seems to have changed. Help?

ETA: OK, I didn't realize I could hop all the way up to the top where the light is. I hope that helps someone else who gets stuck.
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I think you push the cooker(?). Somebody else did it for me as I was getting frustrated and had uninstalled and started again. I have just had a handle thing in the Weasley twins section and I pushed the item along the blue path using the directional circle on the bottom left. I'm stuck again anyway, so hope you can overtake and help out.

You need two hands for this. Get the character set to push and use your left hand to guide.
Can someone help tell me how to defeat voldemort in the final battle in the court yard where he has like 8 hearts. Do you just try and hit him or is there something specific you need to do?please help.
I just finished playing through for the first time. After you brewed up the potion it's down to chasing Voldemort and blasting the hell out of him a lot of times. When half the hearts are gone, then you'll have to duel again, but then that's the end. It didn't seem to matter what I hit him with and reducto seemed to be effective. Just chase him down and blast and blast. Good luck!

Thanks to everyone here for all their posts. I got stuck a few times and this board helped me a lot.
Please could someone tell me how to escape burning Hogwarts? I've been running around getting burned for days.
Thank you
Did you change into Luna and put her SpectorSpecs on? When you do that you can build something that flies through a window and blasts air into the room so that you can move through.
Hi! I'm going crazy trying to duel Voldemort in the final level. I'm hoping someone can give me some tips. When he casts the spell at Harry (with the glowing ball in the center), I tap and tap like mad, but I ALWAYS lose. I don't know if the screen isn't registering my taps, or if I'm tapping in the wrong place, or what...

Please help!

Thank you!

Don't tap. Just touch the screen and the ball will move.
It's the part after the shield part.

You need to get rid of all the devils snare. Start with the one holding the hat, then the two either side. Move to your right build the shelf, jump up on it and free the torch. Lift the torch to your right to burn the last devils snare, this will burn the snare around voldermort. You will be moved to the roof, battle voldermort again.
Hey I'm stuck on the wedding, I'm in the tent and can't seem to get out, I can't move the lights because I'm not dumbledore and I try and spray in the fire but they only go to little flames not go out completely? Any help or tips??
Sam9434 said:
Hey I'm stuck on the wedding, I'm in the tent and can't seem to get out, I can't move the lights because I'm not dumbledore and I try and spray in the fire but they only go to little flames not go out completely? Any help or tips??

From there on Ron has the deluminator. It's in his 'pet' slot.
Hi could someone please help im stuck on year 6 cant go back to see which level it is, but says Harry is here somewhere find him. I have smashed all the flowers used the animal to dig out the two pits but cant go any further as i dont have Super strength and dark magic characters. I have come out of the game and back in but just takes me the continue from the same bit.
Hi could someone please help im stuck on year 6 cant go back to see which level it is, but says Harry is here somewhere find him. I have smashed all the flowers used the animal to dig out the two pits but cant go any further as i dont have Super strength and dark magic characters. I have come out of the game and back in but just takes me the continue from the same bit.

you use lupus's pet, which is him as a werewolf, and he has superstrength

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