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Lego Harry Potter Years 5-7 HELP

Going through the game I have found several of the red bricks and cannot get the stud multipliers to work. I am using a 1st generation and upgraded to iOS 5.1.1.....the game runs fine however when I purchase the stud multipliers from the "shop" and go back into the game the silver studs are still worth 10 the gold worth 100 and the blue worth 1000.....I have deleted the game and re- installed it hoping there was a problem when I first downloaded it, but same problem happened. Is there something I need to do to activate the stud multipliers?....very frustrated here....any help would be appreciated...:(
You need to activate your spells/bricks. press the little house on top of the scren and go to extras and press the ones you want. You need to redo this each time you start up again.
I'm in Bathildas house and I can't get rid of the books, open the lock on the chest or do anything with the open oven. Can anyone help please?
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MeghanSnell said:
Hi! I am stuck on year 8 in the room of requirements, I am on an island type thing with fire all around me. I have moved the black thing to the end of the ladder to keep it in place and now I have to go to the end of the ladder and jump to the next spot (I think). I must have tried jumping literally 500 times now. Do I have to do something else. Has anyone else had a hard time with this? How do I get across!!!! PLEASE HELP ME :(

I had the toughest time with this jump too. The only way to do it is a running jump so if you start running at the stabilizer it can be done. Took me forever to get it right but my 9 year old son got it on his 3 rd try :p
krupp said:
Does anyone have a trick for jumping. I have to jump three shelves and have been trying for 3 days. I am just about ready to throw the iPad. So frustrating

You have to get out from under the top shelf. Then you just have to keep trying.
I'm in Bathildas house and I can't get rid of the books, open the lock on the chest or do anything with the open oven. Can anyone help please?

Hi there. I've been stuck at the same place for days. I've zapped everything that can be zapped (both in the main room and in the kitchen), including the spiders. BUT, the lock will not "activate" (i.e., doesn't respond to a "charged spell). Arrghh! Tried many, many things, but no luck. Starting to wonder if it's a bug....but still assuming I'm missing something....

I'm hoping that some kind soul will give us a pointer! (By the way, I have checked the walkthrough referred to above ("...IGN FAQs"), and have done everything it refers to in this location.)
Hi, I have gone through the game, now I'm back at the start to collect all the hats, bricks, etc.. In Legilimency, I have used dark magic to get the red brick in Kings cross station, it shows that I have all the hats, bricks and tokens, but at the end Voldemort appears the level ends and the results show that I am missing a red brick.. What am I missing here? It doesn't seem to remember that I have everything....
I'm glad I'm not alone! I read back through other people's Threads. Found one in exactly the same predicament which unfortunately ended...figured it out... but didn't say HOW. Ahhhhh!! Can anyone help please? (Stuck in Bathilda's house.)
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How can I beat the dragon in year 7? I've built the bike, got the cup but can't release the 2nd chain..... I've been stuck here for a week :(
It's in the gold room, hit the armour on the wall. I did the one close to the door on the left last & it appeared! Can you tell me how to break the 2nd chain with the dragon? I've been there for a week :(
Have you made the bicycle yet? You need to make it from the things on the floor near the left of screen, once you use reducto on the "weight" or stone hanging from the pillar. Then make the bike, ride at the dragon while ringing the bell. The dragon will cover its ears, a line of Lego pieces appears and you follow that to the right, where you jump off the bike and enter the room to find the horcrux. When you finish in there you'll be able to go to the right of the dragon and release the second chain ( there's a bit more to that but I can't precisely remember and I don't want to spoil the challenge!)

Edit - sorry I re read your post and realised you already have the bike and the horcrux. Have you moved to the right hand side of the dragon on the bike again and ringing the bell?
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I'm doing the same as you, going back to get all of the red bricks. I can see one in level 6-4 ( cave entrance where you get into the boat) and I know a red brick is there but can't get it. I have use specter specs and dark magic to blow up two bell shaped things - is there something else I'm missing?

Found it! It's right back at the beginning of the second cave. :thumbs:
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I am stuck in Bathilde's house too. Have killed the spiders, used reducto on everything possible, been upstairs and got gold hat and character but cannot get reducto to work on the lock
Am stuck at Mathilde's too

Go to the door at the back of the room with the white disk on turn this then the cooker comes out, build this then push it along by holding the Lego button down and moving it alond towards the door u want to get through.
A cake appears move this to the table and that annoying little flyer lands with your door disk.

Hi there. I've been stuck at the same place for days. I've zapped everything that can be zapped (both in the main room and in the kitchen), including the spiders. BUT, the lock will not "activate" (i.e., doesn't respond to a "charged spell). Arrghh! Tried many, many things, but no luck. Starting to wonder if it's a bug....but still assuming I'm missing something....

I'm hoping that some kind soul will give us a pointer! (By the way, I have checked the walkthrough referred to above ("...IGN FAQs"), and have done everything it refers to in this location.)
You nee to click on the broken circle around the large dot you use to make them move. Press on the part of the circle that corresponds to the position of the arrows that are lit up. You have to use these circles to move around the three locations and take the lights back to light up the three lights around the cave doorway
I'm stuck in the cave with Harry and Dumbledore. I've released/moved the apparition ring that was held by (what looked like) bicorn horn. I went to get into the other apparition ring next to where it was (the one that should transport me to the one I just moved), but both Harry and Dumbledore just stand there with a ring of arrows around their wand. I'm pushing the button that should make them apparate, but nothing happens except for the ring of arrows. Is this a glitch or am I doing something wrong?

I jumped on the floating rocks back to the beginning but I'm not sure how to get out of here now...maybe illuminate all 3 lights around the darkened doorway, but how? If i try to take the light from the first little island, it closes the gate and doesn't allow me to jump back across to where the doorway is?

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