schez said:Hi everyone,
Im stuck with the controls in yr 7 in the frozen lake - how do you swim down?!? So far i've just switched characters until they hit the next floor down but that takes up almost the whole air bubble they have and is very impractical. Pressing down on the direction keypad just brings the character forward...
Any help?
schez said:Hi everyone,
Im stuck with the controls in yr 7 in the frozen lake - how do you swim down?!? So far i've just switched characters until they hit the next floor down but that takes up almost the whole air bubble they have and is very impractical. Pressing down on the direction keypad just brings the character forward...
Any help?
Disp424 said:Can someone please tell me how you change the characters on the character selection screen when doing Free Play. When I tap on the first character I want in my party, they are added but that's the only one I can add. The other 6 are already chosen and I don't have the ability to change them. It won't let me select any character other than the first one in the row. HELP!!
I want to take along the characters I need to complete the puzzles with special skills, i.e. a pet character, a deluminator character, a Weasley character, etc.
hplegofan said:I'm stuck on 7 part 2 in the room of requirement with the fiendfyre. I am on a ladder going across a river of five, but it is too far to jump. Anyone else gotten past this, and can you offer some help?
Itssteph said:So I'm at the cave I already beat the zombies (at least the first bunch if there are more) now I'm trying to get the spectrespecs but the vine at the top of the ladder won't go away. I've tried walking back and forth in front of the ladder and I tried jumping up but nothing seems to work. Please help?
lisen said:Help! I'm stuck in half blood prince, chapter 6 i think is it. I've just gotten thorugh it all at the Weaslys house with the fire and now im in this swampy place with puddles and stuff. I've zapped everything there is i think and i have no idea what to do now.. there is one "door" but you need super strenght to open it and none of my characters have that (arthur, tonks, lupin). what do i do???
bella_cantante said:Help Help Help!!
I have finished the game and now I am going back and trying to get all the extras. I have gotten everything except for the last character token on the battle with Voldemort. I'm assuming it's James Potter because the last one I got was Lilly. It's in the level where I have to defeat the snake the 2nd time. Where I blow it up with the little Weasley detonators. I have the ability to see where the character token is just not how to get it. Anyone figure it out???
JOY88 said:If you are stuck finding a person, brick or hat let me know.
I have a nice little spreadsheet with all the info.
I am still doing the dueling club.
I haven't beat Voldemort yet which gets you Voldemort in his suit.
I have a guess on the last person and I am super excited.
They have R Ravenclaw, H Hufflepuff, & S Slytherin.
In the dueling club for the 'bonus category' is headmasters and founders.
The last spot in my character list falls between Ginny Weasley & Greg Goyle.
I am willing to bet the last character is Godric Gryffindor.
I can't wait.
d.leach said:I'm in level 7, part 2, chapter 4 (last chapter) and
I can't seem to be able to use WL on the pile behind Nagini. The pile turns purple when I change to the WL spell, but I can't seem to move it. Any help with this will be much appreciated...thanks.