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Lego Harry Potter Years 5-7 HELP

Please can anyone help? I am stuck at start of chapter 6 where you have to tidy the room and collect the photographs. There doesnt seem to be anywhere to put them! There is a little green creature dashing about as well but dont know what i am supposed to do to it.

There is a shelf to the far right that you place them on. The green creature you destroy!
So I'm at the cave I already beat the zombies (at least the first bunch if there are more) now I'm trying to get the spectrespecs but the vine at the top of the ladder won't go away. I've tried walking back and forth in front of the ladder and I tried jumping up but nothing seems to work. Please help?

Never mind. I figured it out. Apparently I needed to get the key not spectrespecs and I had to use the deluminator on the lamp next to the ladder to move the vines
Did you find a solution? I have been stuck here for two days and I can't get the room to light up....please help!
It's the cave with Harry and dumbledor and the wall of fire. Im playing on my iPad and can't
Zap the bricks like it says to.
I also tried to walk through the ball of light to light up the room but it didnt work. I'm frustrated...what am I doing wrong?
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Buffybz said:
Did you find a solution? I have been stuck here for two days and I can't get the room to light up....please help!
It's the cave with Harry and dumbledor and the wall of fire. Im playing on my iPad and can't
Zap the bricks like it says to.
I also tried to walk through the ball of light to light up the room but it didnt work. I'm frustrated...what am I doing wrong?

Have you cast the lumos charm? Have the lumos charm selected then press the brick until you walk through the ball.
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It's in the gold room, hit the armour on the wall. I did the one close to the door on the left last & it appeared! Can you tell me how to break the 2nd chain with the dragon? I've been there for a week :(
Did you ever figure out how to break the 2nd chain on the dragon? I am stuck there too:(
I Need some help with the character tokens. I completed every Single Level, Collected all the tokens there.
I also won every duel in the minigame. But there are still about 5 locked Characters in the "Shop". I Even tried Building my Own Characters. That did Not help either :(
What can i do?! Is there any Trick to Show The Characters i unlocked in The duels in The Shop? Please help!
Thank you!
I'm stuck at the beginning of the forest of dean lake year 7 part 1. I've got the chest down but now can't do anything else or go anywhere else. Please help I e been stuck for days.
Did you find a solution? I have been stuck here for two days and I can't get the room to light up....please help!
It's the cave with Harry and dumbledor and the wall of fire. Im playing on my iPad and can't
Zap the bricks like it says to.
I also tried to walk through the ball of light to light up the room but it didnt work. I'm frustrated...what am I doing wrong?

Check the page before Alaska girl had the answer about the light. I didn't get it either :-)
Can someone please tell me how you change the characters on the character selection screen when doing Free Play. When I tap on the first character I want in my party, they are added but that's the only one I can add. The other 6 are already chosen and I don't have the ability to change them. It won't let me select any character other than the first one in the row. HELP!!

I want to take along the characters I need to complete the puzzles with special skills, i.e. a pet character, a deluminator character, a Weasley character, etc.​
MuffyBabe said:
Did you ever figure out how to break the 2nd chain on the dragon? I am stuck there too:(

The chain on the left you break by getting the goblin to turn the key and lower the light use Ron's deluminator to take the light, make the goblin raise the light again, which lowers the light behind, Ron lights that one, the goblin raises it again and hey presto that removes that chain.
The chain on the right you can only do once you have the Chalice. You use wingardium leviosa to lift the hammer and break the lock and then WL again to remove the pegs :-)
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Disp424 said:
Can someone please tell me how you change the characters on the character selection screen when doing Free Play. When I tap on the first character I want in my party, they are added but that's the only one I can add. The other 6 are already chosen and I don't have the ability to change them. It won't let me select any character other than the first one in the row. HELP!!

I want to take along the characters I need to complete the puzzles with special skills, i.e. a pet character, a deluminator character, a Weasley character, etc.

The only way I've found to have some choice is to pick 1 (usually the Death Eater, in my case) and press the next arrow and if I don't like the selection, I press the back arrow and then the next one again and there's a different mix :-/
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Myrandali72 said:
I can not figure out how to get to the vault, I've made the bike, moved the light and broken the first chain, I've even gotten the trail of coins that is supposed to lead to the vault, but the dragon blows fire and I can't make it out of the circle.

Suggestions welcome please ;)

Don't waste time chasing the coins just head the way they go and when you get to the edge use jump to leap off the bike and go into the room, between the pillars :-)
Can someone please tell me how you change the characters on the character selection screen when doing Free Play. When I tap on the first character I want in my party, they are added but that's the only one I can add. The other 6 are already chosen and I don't have the ability to change them. It won't let me select any character other than the first one in the row. HELP!!

I want to take along the characters I need to complete the puzzles with special skills, i.e. a pet character, a deluminator character, a Weasley character, etc.​

Hi there,

I just deleted your other post as it was a duplicate of this one. Please do not do this since it makes it hard for other members to read and help you of there are multiple threads of the same topic present. It is also against forum rules.


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