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Microsoft Office for iPad About to be Submitted to App Store

twerppoet said:
The early rumors stated that they would charge about $10 per app; very competitive with the iWorks apps. And since the iPads have taken off I'm thinking the 70% sounds a lot more lucrative than 0% :)

I'm also thinking that if Microsoft does it right, the iPad versions will or can be linked to Office360, making the whole package much more tempting for business customers and the big money.

I agree. 70% of a huge new market is significantly more that 100% of nothing!
I had bought Pages (it does do MW docs etc) the day I got my iPad 2. Can't get my wife and kids on Pages on my iMac (so far my wife hasn't touch the iPad Pages) for the life of me so I gave that up. MW is not my cup of tea (I myself use Indesign) but if MW comes out for iPad I will buy it but for no more than say $10 and only if reviews are great. Gotta keep the family happy eh?
Look for CloudOn. Unless I have misunderstood something, thus seems to be pretty aggressively fully functioned for Office editing.
pmead said:
Look for CloudOn. Unless I have misunderstood something, thus seems to be pretty aggressively fully functioned for Office editing.

That isn't the MS App......close but no cigar.

The Archangel
For the App which this thread refers to yes.....although I searched this morning and couldn't find anything.

The Archangel
When/if Microsoft releases Microsoft Office apps on the App Store you won't have to search and wonder. The announcements will be all over the place. Keep an eye on the news section of this forum if nothing else. It does a pretty good job of keeping up with the major stuff, and is rarely more than a day latter than the fastest feeds/blogs/tweets.
Is it, I just looked and couldn't find it?

The Archangel

Hi, I am using MS through Cloud On .. which lets you create, view and edit files ... It also lets you use Dropbox to manage your files .. open them, edit them, and save them right in your workspace using your Dropbox account ...
LUFC1919 said:
Hi, I am using MS through Cloud On .. which lets you create, view and edit files ... It also lets you use Dropbox to manage your files .. open them, edit them, and save them right in your workspace using your Dropbox account ...

Yep.....but if you check the first post this thread is about MS's own office app........but good info from you, so thanks.

The Archangel

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