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Microsoft Office for iPad About to be Submitted to App Store

I think they will announce it with the iPad 3. Best time to do it with all the media there to spread the word.

Sent from my one and only original iPad using iPF
I think they will announce it with the iPad 3. Best time to do it with all the media there to spread the word.

Sent from my one and only original iPad using iPF

You mean promote a Microsoft product? On an Apple Keynote?
Well, bill gates has been on one of these before! Stranger things have happened. I love Apple but MS is the one I use at work so no way of changing.

Sent from my one and only original iPad using iPF
Office is the default system for all industry, government, and other major users. Apple has long accepted this, but they also have a program that is very much a contender for individuals. For the iPad to become useful for more users, it has to be able to work with major business applications. There has been issues on both sides of the fence with implementing Office on Macs for decades. Right now there is little bickering between camps because they need each other. I don't see MS and Apple as competing with each other any more, but with Google.
I have Quick office pro HD and cloud on...they both do some of what I need, but have their own problems. cannot wait for the MS Office to make it here.
Hayles66 said:
I think they will announce it with the iPad 3. Best time to do it with all the media there to spread the word.

Sent from my one and only original iPad using iPF

Beautiful horses you have.

Sent from my Verizon Black 64GB iPad 2 w IOS 5.1 Update From NYC!!! using iPF.net
apple most likely told micorsoft that there would be no way in H they would allow that app to be sold on itunes or even allowed to be put on an ipad

This is not true, apple already selling some microsoft stuff on mac, like word, excel and so on, I have word, powerpoint, excel on my mac and very happy with it, never used apple office stuff or whatever they call it on my mac
Question: would this Microsoft Office will be compared to Iwork or other Ipad office apps, I just got the Ipad3, I'm new to Ipad but not apple stuff :), I need to know if I should wait for this Microsoft office to get some good apps for office work or not?
Question: would this Microsoft Office will be compared to Iwork or other Ipad office apps, I just got the Ipad3, I'm new to Ipad but not apple stuff :), I need to know if I should wait for this Microsoft office to get some good apps for office work or not?

No app on the iPad is a 100% replacement for Office; but as long as you don't need every bell and whistle that Office supplies there are several that will do an ecellent job.

The iWorks suite (Pages, Numbers, and Keynote) will create some very beautiful documents on the iPad, and have enough features to keep most people happy. They can export and import to MS Office. The compatibility is pretty good for one time transferees, but tends to breaks down if you keep moving the document back and forth; especially if it is complicated.

Other suites offer better MS Office compatibility, but vary in their ease of use and creative tools. The most popular are QuickOffice, Documents to Go, and Office HD. All of them have their strengths, and pretty much all of them make it easier to move documents back and forth between MS Office. Mostly they are also cheaper than buying all three iWorks apps.

Search for each of them here, on Google, the App Store. There are a couple of side-by-side reviews on the forum, but they are pretty long in the tooth, and all of the apps (including iWorks) have been significantly updated since.
Well it seems clear that Microsoft didn't release the app to coincide with the release of the iPad 3. I have to wonder if it's even coming at all.

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