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Microsoft Office for iPad About to be Submitted to App Store

No app on the iPad is a 100% replacement for Office; but as long as you don't need every bell and whistle that Office supplies there are several that will do an ecellent job.

The iWorks suite (Pages, Numbers, and Keynote) will create some very beautiful documents on the iPad, and have enough features to keep most people happy. They can export and import to MS Office. The compatibility is pretty good for one time transferees, but tends to breaks down if you keep moving the document back and forth; especially if it is complicated.

Other suites offer better MS Office compatibility, but vary in their ease of use and creative tools. The most popular are QuickOffice, Documents to Go, and Office HD. All of them have their strengths, and pretty much all of them make it easier to move documents back and forth between MS Office. Mostly they are also cheaper than buying all three iWorks apps.

Search for each of them here, on Google, the App Store. There are a couple of side-by-side reviews on the forum, but they are pretty long in the tooth, and all of the apps (including iWorks) have been significantly updated since.

Thanks a lot, for now it seems that Iwork will do just fine :)
No problem. Lots of us are happy with iWorks.

The nice thing is that apps are relatively cheap. You can buy more than one of these apps and still pay a fraction of what MS Office costs on a computer.
Just posted in BGR, Microsoft office coming out in November along with android version. Might also work on iPhone as well.
And this is still a rumor. Microsoft has announced nothing. Second time around, and pinging off the original rumor from the Daily gives it a bit more credibility, but it is still nothing but rumor.
Still just as unlikely as before. They need to hold this for the Windows tablet unless they are cash strapped...
I don't think we will see MS Office for iOS unless Windows 8 tablets bomb completely.

Office is the killer app that will make them worth buying. Why would MS hand that to Apple on a plate if they don't need to?

Sent from my iPad 4 HD mini
It could happen, just not the way most people are hoping.

My completely unsupported theory.

Microsoft for iOS is likely to be a gateway back into the rest of the Microsoft products, especially their newer online office products. Expect limited offline functionality and a heavy incentive to get an Office 365 subscription (or similar).

At best, an iOS version of Microsoft Office will compete with feature wise, but not blow away, the existing products. It's biggest selling point, as it is on Mac OS X, will be compatibility with other MS Office users.

Expect Windows 8 tablets to offer a better experience both off and online; with an online subscription of some sort, but there will still be heavy incentive to get an online subscription of some sort.
twerppoet said:
It could happen, just not the way most people are hoping.

My completely unsupported theory.

Microsoft for iOS is likely to be a gateway back into the rest of the Microsoft products, especially their newer online office products. Expect limited offline functionality and a heavy incentive to get an Office 365 subscription (or similar).

At best, an iOS version of Microsoft Office will compete with feature wise, but not blow away, the existing products. It's biggest selling point, as it is on Mac OS X, will be compatibility with other MS Office users.

Expect Windows 8 tablets to offer a better experience both off and online; with an online subscription of some sort, but there will still be heavy incentive to get an online subscription of some sort.

I'll accept that theory and raise you all the millions of iOS users as potential customers, big business doesn't cut off its nose to spite it's face. profit is profit and if Windows tablets don't cut the mustard then they will still have the $'s rolling in.

The Archangel
if it's as useful as on PC, i take it:) but it still hard for me to use my home MAC for work with office files after using PC at work
if it's as useful as on PC, i take it:) but it still hard for me to use my home MAC for work with office files after using PC at work

I am not hijacking this thread but will ask a question why is it so different to you, I switch files back and forth between office on windows and office Mac with out issue The fact is it just works providing you have the latest versions on both platforms.

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