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Monster pet shop

I'm turning 22 this year and i'm a university student :)

Queen.bee, what is your major?

Studying Pharmaceutical Science :) What about you?
So far I haven't spent money on berries, really difficult as I'm trying to get 50 berries to unlock more space for my eggs! 9 more to go, woohoo!

@ joedge, skanky has kindly sent me a boxy gloop, so it's okay if you don't manage to produce any!
What a great surprise :-)
When I wrote about age and profession, I was a bit shy, because I considered me to be an oldie between lots of young girlies :-)
Good to know, there are much more crazy people, who saved a part of there childhood up to now !
Sometimes it felt a bit strange as a guy and beeing over 40 and giggling about the mouese eared chuffle :-)
My son is 13 and playing, too, and my girlfriend is 34 and also playing every day..
I bought some berries once, when I needed some more hatches. In general, I dont have a problem in spending some coins for a good game. Thats of course the sense in it for beeline. But when it comes to be a bit greedy, like selling special monsters, which only sense is to get money in form of berries, I'm off...

Hey, don't be shy, I know quite a few guys who plays monster pet shop, one is over 60, some are obsessed enough to spend more than $50 and one is even naming their favorite monster after their friends just for the kick out of it... :)
I even got introduced by a male co-worker :)
Studying Pharmaceutical Science :) What about you?
So far I haven't spent money on berries, really difficult as I'm trying to get 50 berries to unlock more space for my eggs! 9 more to go, woohoo!

@ joedge, skanky has kindly sent me a boxy gloop, so it's okay if you don't manage to produce any!

I'm studying Life Sciences :)
I finally saw my first treasure monster in the egg shop - a ruby snorker...for 40 berries! Since there's no way I'm spending berries on that thing I won't be buying it. Some of you have found them for sale for coins, though, right?

Speaking of berries, how many of you have managed to play the game without spending real money? I admit that when I first got obsessed with the game right near the beginning, I bought a few small bunches of berries. I used them to expand my hatchery, which has made playing the game a lot easier. However, after noticing how much money I was starting to spend, I cut myself off and started looking for friends to trade eggs with. So far, so good - I haven't bought berries in a long time, but I do wonder how far you can get in the game without spending money. Kudos to any of you out there who've been patient enough to manage it.

I haven't spent any real money on berries yet. I have been tempted but since joining this forum and trading eggs, I've managed to get by without doing so. I just recently got my first albino and didn't know you get berries for them! That's great!! I am starting to get overwhelmed though :)
Hello friends... Sorry for being away the last two weeks.. I was moving to new home and have been very very busy .... I hope to come back to the game soon ! :)
Thank you everyone for all the eggs - I have so many right now I can't move them into my incubator until I hatch some to make room! You're all so awesome! I would like to help you all out in return. Anyone need anything? I have a 10 egg capacity for each type of egg, so I have some reserves - not just what you see in my shop.

Rus - your generosity in particular is going to give me a great start on getting my next albino monster. Thanks!
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I'm 27 and a bit surprised to be not the oldest in the forum. I guess, we have something in common with queen.bee as I am a pharmacist (what is pharmaceutical sciences, btw?).
I have spent about £6 so far,but I think MPS is quite a cheap game compared to many others. You dont usually get stuck for a long time even if you dont buy any berries.
does anyone of you have problems with the slot machine, particularly not getting some prizes from it? i won an incubation booster but didn't seem to have it in my inventory. i feel scammed lol. :))
I'm in my 40's and a stay-at-home Mom. My 3 kids got me to download MPS, but now it's mostly me who plays.

For those curious how breeding works with these new monsters: First off, you can't request them, and you can't gift them either. :( When bred with a regular monster (for a example a squiggly gloop with a copper gloop,) the result is always a regular monster.
Correcting this earlier post to say that now I have gotten a treasure monster by breeding it with a regular one, so it is possible.

I finally saw my first treasure monster in the egg shop - a ruby snorker...for 40 berries! Since there's no way I'm spending berries on that thing I won't be buying it. Some of you have found them for sale for coins, though, right?
I did, treasure monster for 50 coins, but just once. I saw a turquoise krakel in the shop yesterday for 30 berries. That's what the new customer wants first from me, is it true for everyone?

Speaking of berries, how many of you have managed to play the game without spending real money?
One of my kids used allowance money to buy berries several months ago. Then I learned how terrible Beeline's customer service is and I/we haven't spent real money again. The game has locked up on us twice, once with a total wipe of all progress, and they take weeks to respond and basically don't care or are unable to fix it.

does anyone of you have problems with the slot machine, particularly not getting some prizes from it? i won an incubation booster but didn't seem to have it in my inventory. i feel scammed lol. :))
I posted about this before, I've won the booster but never got it either.
I'm 27 and a bit surprised to be not the oldest in the forum. I guess, we have something in common with queen.bee as I am a pharmacist (what is pharmaceutical sciences, btw?).
I have spent about £6 so far,but I think MPS is quite a cheap game compared to many others. You dont usually get stuck for a long time even if you dont buy any berries.

Well there's three different majors in which i can choose, but mainly it's to do with the formulation of drugs and what not. I was hoping to become a pharmacist as well but didn't get a high enough score! D:

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