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My books doesnt sync anymore!

j0yful said:
It's getting chaotic here. and I just encountered a new problem I mentioned to Dumi previous post.

Twerp, my answer to you questions from numbers 1-3 are all YES. I never had any problems before. Just after the reformat of my pc and after installing the new itunes .

Ok, I'm stumped, but I'll do a bit more playing around tomorrow and see if I can come up with some ideas. It's getting a bit late here.

This probably has nothing to do with the problem, but since you reformatted your computer have you authorized it in iTunes? You do that in the Store menu. Don't worry about doing it twice. If the computer is already authorized it will just tell you so.
This probably has nothing to do with the problem, but since you reformatted your computer have you authorized it in iTunes? You do that in the Store menu. Don't worry about doing it twice. If the computer is already authorized it will just tell you so.

Yes, I have authorized it already. I had the popup confirming it.
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Anyway, if you suspect on of the ebooks to be corrupt, you could open the folder containing them, select all ebooks and than press enter to open all of them at the same time. This should open all files, until it reaches the corrupt file, at which point it should give you an error. So you can more easily pinpoint the corrupt ebook.

Good luck.

Nothing happens when I press enter :confused::confused:
Ok, I did a little playing around and discovered a few things.

First, I found out that if I deleted an ebook from the iPad it remained in iTunes (expected) and did not re-sync automatically next sync (preferred), but it was a pain to get it to sync again when I wanted it too.

When I checked my Books sync preferences it staid it was syncing all books. So I turned it off. It asked if I wanted to remove books, and I said yes. But I did not sync, I just turned it back on. At that point it came up as syncing selected books. When I forced it back to all books and synced again my stubborn book was synced back to the iPad again.

Based on this I'm guessing that your iTunes is actually syncing selected books, even though it may be stuck on saying it is syncing all books. So give this a try.

Change your Books sync to selected books. Your already synced books should already have checkmarks next to them. Select one of the books that is not syncing, and try a sync. If that book gets synced the way it should, go back to the Books sync page and select all books again. Try syncing again and see if it now works.

For your second problem, I actually ran into this first, and I did it the same way you did. I mailed myself a couple of ebooks, one pdf and an epub I had converted using Stanza some time ago. The epub didn't sync back to iTunes.

I haven't figured out how to fix this yet, but I did notice something odd. When I expand the iPad in iTunes and look at the Books list the ePub does not show up. This despite that fact that I can open and read it on the iPad.
Well .
You see "twerppoet" . I never ever have problems with iBook. Reason is simple. I never ever sync books. I copy them. My iTunes Book screen is always empty ( delete after copy).
Never figured why someone need to sync books or music.
Important eBook I keep in some PC directory ( Burn a CD every 3 Month), same with Music. Magazines in PDF - Once on the iPad I remove them from the PC - No need any longer.
Ah, well I've never figured that my failure to figure out why people do some things figured for much when you sum it all up. Well, except maybe a failure of imagination on my part.

For instance, I can't figure out why you are offering your solution to me when I didn't ask the question. But I'm sure you have a reason, and it's bound to be one that you consider a good one. ;)
For instance, I can't figure out why you are offering your solution to me when I didn't ask the question. But I'm sure you have a reason, and it's bound to be one that you consider a good one. ;)

It is not a solution for you. I know you have no problems with iBooks.
It is just something for those who read the thread , Cumming here from Google search.
Our forum is hitting top list on Google, when asked questions regarding iPad.
For your second problem, I actually ran into this first, and I did it the same way you did. I mailed myself a couple of ebooks, one pdf and an epub I had converted using Stanza some time ago. The epub didn't sync back to iTunes.

I haven't figured out how to fix this yet, but I did notice something odd. When I expand the iPad in iTunes and look at the Books list the ePub does not show up. This despite that fact that I can open and read it on the iPad.

The books are syncing now, thanks. ;)

epub files downloaded via e-mail still does not show up on my itunes though. But then, since Im not alone on this. Im assured that my ipad is fine . ;)

The books are syncing now, thanks. ;)

epub files downloaded via e-mail still does not show up on my itunes though. But then, since Im not alone on this. Im assured that my ipad is fine . ;)


Good News.

So by trying to troubleshot your initial problem, It seems you stumble upon another problem. Not that the other one is a big issue, but nevertheless, we need to check it out as well.

So . Is it for us to understand that you can sync your iTunes books, and or being able to transfer books through other applications - Not only iTunes-iBook. PDF Also OK ?

And most important thing. What made it work finaly
Great news Joy, I've been watching this thread.

from Somerset UK on my iPad using IPF app

Thanks Hayles Im glad everything has worked out. And we all did discovered something didnt we?

Btw, thanks everyone for the input!!!!!!!
Discovered what ?
We still don't know what finally made it work.

i discovered that books downloaded. via e-mail wont transfer to itunes ;)

and a corrupt file could hinder the transfer of books from itunes to ipad.
i discovered that books downloaded. via e-mail wont transfer to itunes ;)

and a corrupt file could hinder the transfer of books from itunes to ipad.

Regarding the book transfer, I wouldn't know.
In my case where I never sync books, but only copy from Tunes to iPad,
The only way I can transfer books back to iTunes is via special dedicated App's I already mentioned. ( although I never needed to)

Maybe you may sync back only books that were purchased on the iPad, and books loaded through mail, are not considered purchased - thus wouldn't sync back.

Regarding corrupt books, I stumble upon quite a few that wouldn't show up properly or not at all on iPad.
So I delete them, and recopy, or recreate them again to either ePub or PDF, and retransfer to iPad, making them good again.
Never caused a major problem.

Your case again is a good case proving not to sync eBooks, but just copy them.
Well done Joy, nothing more satisfying than working something out.

from Somerset UK on my iPad using IPF app

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