iPF Noob
ctsluder said:My pet peeve is peaple that not on time or not ready to go when I told them we are leaving at certain time.
I can't stand being late to anything.
Oh yeah I hate that!
ctsluder said:My pet peeve is peaple that not on time or not ready to go when I told them we are leaving at certain time.
I can't stand being late to anything.
SweetPoison said:I gots one.
I hate it when people put those ribbons on their car. SIDEWAYS. I so hate that! It's a ribbon!! Hello?? It looks F* stupid.
And if you know the colors, you know what it says, and if not who in the hell can read it that far anyways!
Okay then ~
I'm feeling better.
pastorsteve said:......when people buy iPads (and other items) and then complain about them not doing something that they were never intended to do.
Philia said:My pet is the peeve...when I find myself trying to keep my dog's nose off the screen.
Might be too big, you are thinking?
SweetPoison said:I had a great pet peeve today, but I can't remember what it was!
Mountainbikermark said:Actually I found this forum because of a pop up on my ipad so it kinda found me
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