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need some advice

1st post here need some help

Have owned 2 android tablets now 1st was the original transformer now have an asus prime

Frustrated with what seems to be an acceptance amongst some that customers just need to e patient while a company works out the bugs

Giving very serious thought to returning this latest unit before Friday and getting an ipad

Price wise i would be getting the 16gb wifi model

So my question is what if anything bugs you with the ipad, what would you change

The way i look at it with 60million ipads sold i just think the rest are playing catch up

Thanks for any replies
Hello and welcome to the forum!
I was in a similar position as you were 4 months ago trying to love my own android tab. Tried to love it for 6 weeks, but easily became frustrated with all that is commonly associated with the tab I had. I sent it back to target and turned around to buy an iPad 2/32 g wifi unit. The device was exactly what I had hoped in the droid tab, but did not get. One example were the OS updates. Never knew when the droid tab would get the update when some others did. For the iPad, everybody knew when the big update was. Apple really keeps to their promise. Very informed.

I have no regrets. I am happy that I tried both types of tablets, though. It made me more confident of the decision to go the Apple route! I see how Apple has really created the standard for all other tablets to follow or catch up to. You will be happy with your decision. Good luck and best wishes!
I store everything in the iCloud so 16G wifi is what I have and I don't plan on store video on my iPad. I have no issue with mine and I have it for 3 months now. Matter of fact, I love it more each day.
I loved my 1st transformer it ran solid, but even then the whole issue with apps is a pain in the rear....some are created for phones, some for tablets, some for older versions of the OS...some not......sure being 'open' seemed good i thought...but the trade off seems to be stability and a mashed up experience........I just want something solid that works...i'm getting past the tinkering with a device (i'll use my desktop for that)......so thanks for the replies...so is there anything you would change if you could?

I'm a little scared to be honest about popping for an ipad2 when the rumour mill has the new one coming out soon?.......the unit i have set me back almost $600 frankly I don;t want to be spending more then that

btw I'm in Canada so ipads are marginally more $ here
IMO, I wouldn't change anything with the iPad, but that is me. It does everything that I want it to without having to figure it out for days on end and scouring the web to do simple tasks. For you, wait for the iPad 3 to come out. Rumor has it that it will be coming out soon. You can also wait and get the iPad 2 when it goes down when the iPad 3 is launched.

Regarding performance and reliability. It has performed very well for me. It is a solid device. I have no issues with wifi connection. My droid tab kept dropping its signal. Many apps available vs what was offered to me with my droid tab. It is simple. Minimal steps to do a process vs. the droid, from my experience. Lots of instructional forums on apple website vs what my droid had. Very clear cut. This forum will help you with any questions you have.
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Well picked up a ipad2 16gb wifi unit yesterday. So far so good.....I've been playing with computers since they had tape drives (and by that I mean plain old cassette tapes ie Commadore PET with BASIC). Aside from the occasional install of Itunes this is my first Apple product. This post is perhaps outside the scope of the original question I posted, however i'm hazarding a guess that others may browse these forums for advice, impressions etc.

I will say that so far I haven't noticed much that I'm missing coming from a very long time entrenchment in the Windows and Android camp. It is different and by that I mean it is taking time to retrain my brain to how Apple and it's OS works. Just one example when I have multiple tabs open in the browser closing tabs which is simply clicking an 'x' is on the other side, intuitively for me it's always been to the right, now it's on the left. Now this isn't a lack of functionality it's just for me at least different (at the moment).

Couple other things I've seen are that apps for the device are amazing. Sure some/most are also available in the Android system but 1) they are not nearly as nice 2) few are specific to the tablet format 3) many are just plain missing. I do think that there is a greater expectation to buy apps in the Apple world (why can't i simply browse Free Apps?).

Things like Wifi Sync, iCloud, and I'm sure a list of others (I've yet to discover) just work they way they should and indeed are welcomed. These types of features I've tried in Android and either don't work or cost $

I've used the device for about 8hrs I'd guess, setup was easy. I've not had a single crash, force close or something not work as described. That sets it apart from any Android or WebOS I've ever used.

Yep they (Apple products) are expensive in part I think I've paid a premium for the brand, but I also think that some of that money has been paid for the gatekeepers that prevent the crap apps from appearing in the store (nothing was more frustrating in the Android market then looking for an app then having to be a detective by reading all the comments to see if it worked as described, working on a specific device etc)

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