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New iPad Air in Texas

Fred Garvin

iPF Noob
Greetings all!

Purchased a new Air for my Christmas present to myself this year. This is my first iPad. I've wanted one for a while and this latest generation seems to have really hit it outta the, park. So far, so good. No issues or problems. Safari is stable and the only crash I've had is SkySafari 4 Pro. It bailed switching from compass mode to static view, but only once after I first installed it. I plan to use this new iPad as my daily mobile solution instead of the MBP. I've got everything setup: Mail, iMessage, Facebook, Contacts, Calendar, iTunes library....apps and all the stuff I do daily. I really like it so far. One of my concerns was that it'd be just a " big iPhone", but not even close! It's a brilliant little device, and will do so much more once I get xBox Glass and DirecTV apps setup. I can't wait to get a grocery list app setup for shopping so I can keep an inventory of my larder, link to AllRecipies and listen to music while I shop.

Battery life has surprised me.....I watched a couple things on HBOGo and it hardly made a dent. Took it down to 5% and recharged....my nephew watched an episode of Gilligans Island streamed from my server library and it only used 3%! Sync'd up my Kindle library and read for a couple hours last night on a book I started on my Paperwhite, streamed an episode of From the Earth to the Moon, surfed on Safari....still had 80% when I went to sleep.

One of the big uses for this new iPad (other than my digital life!) is to connect it to my telescope (Celestron NexStar 8SE) for control through SkySafari 4. It's compass mode plus object lists will really streamline and optimize my observing sessions.

Sent from my iPad using iPF
Welcome! Nice to see a fellow sky observer! I absolutely love SkySafari when I take my telescope out for a spin. Even though the scope has a built in remote for easy pointing, it takes the fun out of looking for things myself, so SkySafari comes in real handy!

I'm really enjoying the "go to" ability of my scope. After decades of star hopping, frustration at times, chasing object across the eyepiece.... It's so nice to simply select an object, the scope slews to it, and it stays in the EP as long as I want it to.....very cool.

iPad Air 32Gb Wi-Fi; 17" MacBook Pro; 24" iMac; iPhone 4; iPod Nano 6th Gen; iPod Shuffle; Apple TV 2
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Great intro and so glad you're enjoying your iPad!

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