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New to ipad..


iPF Noob
Ella, I'm new to this as use may well know, I have an ipad2 wifi only which is by the far the greatest piece of tech I've bought personally, I used to have an iPhone 4 and had it jail broken via cydia, I found that it was good but tended to slow the iPhone down and it froze on many occasions! So I'm a bit sceptical as to jail breaking my iPad, just wondering if anyone can share some advice and best jail breaking provider to use? Thanks and look forward to response
I'm not sure why it would slow down your iPhone 4. I have the 4S jailbroken and there are no issues for me. I guess it would depend on what you have installed for tweaks. I also have iPad 3 which is jailbroken also and have absolutely no issues at all. I don't load my iDevices with tons of tweaks on my iPad: Adblock, passwordpilot, privacy, springtomize, weekillbackground, and winterboard (but don't use any themes) I do have a bunch on my iPhone which does not affect the speed

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