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No more buying books for Kindle app on ipad/iphone

I doubt very much that Apple is reading this...

Though we have known for quite a while that this was going to happen, my guess is that they are going to get a *lot* of negative feedback from this move. Apple has been accumulating an enormous amount of Goodwill with their fantastic and reasonably priced products, almost incredibly generous return policies in the Apple Store, etc. It would be a shame to see them blow it by appearing to be insensitive to what is best/easiest for their customers or by seeming to be too greedy (live and let live). Though I'm not sure what they can do, I have a feeling that they *are* listening and that they will adjust things intelligently, if at all possible.
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Apple is not preventing you from using the Kindle app on your iPad. Nor are they preventing you from purchasing books from Amazon. If you think having to go to the Amazon website to buy a book (which is all the button in the app did anyway) is onerous then you'd have been totally tweaked if Apple had killed the Kindle app altogether, huh?

Whether this impacts Apple in any meaningful way remains to be seen, but I sorta doubt it will.
Apple is not preventing you from using the Kindle app on your iPad. Nor are they preventing you from purchasing books from Amazon. If you think having to go to the Amazon website to buy a book (which is all the button in the app did anyway) is onerous then you'd have been totally tweaked if Apple had killed the Kindle app altogether, huh?

Whether this impacts Apple in any meaningful way remains to be seen, but I sorta doubt it will.

Little stumbles add up. Netflix, for example, recently unbundled their streaming and DVD service for reasons that made sense to them. But they lost me as a customer and made alternatives look more attractive.

And here is one thing to consider. I love my iPad and use it in ways that I had not originally imagined. It has also replaced the Kindle device I still have. I have bought a ton of books and magazines through Kindle. But, despite my love for the iPad, I would probably not have bought one if there were no Kindle app.

By the way, I am glad that Apple has iBooks. It provides an immediate access to books for iPad customers. But I never, ever use it regularly. And the selection is poor compared to Amazon or BN.

And if Amazon comes out with a tablet, this little stumble on Apple's part could have a larger consequence. It does not by any means spell doom and gloom for Apple, but it does provide an opportunity for competitors.
It's not a big deal. I shop Amazon.com from Safari anyway and rarely go looking for books within the Kindle app itself mainly because before I purchase a book I check Amazon, Barnes & Noble and iBooks. Safari is easier to do that with Amazon and B&N rather than opening each app. I then purchase from who has the best price since I can live with any of the e-readers. If all is equal I will purchase through iBooks. With my reading taste I have found that I purchase from all three on a regular basis not so much for price but who actually even has the book I want.

I think it odd *****ing at Apple. After all they are competing directly with iBooks yet allow the other readers. Why not direct your distaste to Amazon and B&N since they don't allow you to access their competitors on their reading devices in any way, shape or form.
autumnbaby said:

This is for subscriptions and if you read this carefully you will see that Apple only takes a percentage In certain conditions. The subscription service works differently from in-app purchases or content purchases.

We have developed a subscription App as well, and the process works flawlessly. It also gives us the opportunity to reach millions of new potential customers, at a time when subscriptions to most media services are in decline.

I have an update for the kindle app which would get rid of the kindle store button. I love the fact that it directs me straight to the ebook section in Amazon. I realise there was an Apple deadline for in-app purchases but what would happen if the update for the kindle app wasn't downloaded? Why does Apple do this? Is it really all about the 30% profit they make on each purchase. The kindle app is one of my favourite apps and the direct button to Amazon is a brilliant feature! Anyone know what would happen or would this be wrong of me to do? I've tried looking it up on Safari and no answers there.

sent with love from my iPad on IPF

Amazpn app... Apple rules ;)
It's not a big deal. I shop Amazon.com from Safari anyway and rarely go looking for books within the Kindle app itself mainly because before I purchase a book I check Amazon, Barnes & Noble and iBooks. Safari is easier to do that with Amazon and B&N rather than opening each app. I then purchase from who has the best price since I can live with any of the e-readers. If all is equal I will purchase through iBooks. With my reading taste I have found that I purchase from all three on a regular basis not so much for price but who actually even has the book I want.

I think it odd *****ing at Apple. After all they are competing directly with iBooks yet allow the other readers. Why not direct your distaste to Amazon and B&N since they don't allow you to access their competitors on their reading devices in any way, shape or form.

Apples and oranges. The Kindle and BN's reader are dedicated ebook devices. On the other hand, if Amazon comes out with a tablet that only supports Kindle, then that tablet will be DOA.
I used to update all apps but I don't trust them anymore so I am very selective about the apps I update and I make sure to read what is getting updated. Obviously I will not be updating the kindle app but it is an easy work around if I do. It is a shame but this is where we are at now.
Hi --new to this forum. Very interested in learning how I can use Safarit to go in conjunction with my Kindle. I've recently learned I can use Safari to go to access online books from work. Can I download and then access on my Kindle?? Do I have to have an apple product in order to download -- or could I download to my PC and the somehow access from my Kindle. Pls advise. THANKS
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Make A Book!

This whole 'lost the button" really didn't bother me all that much. What bothers me more about the whole process was the need to create another icon on my iPad's home screen. Then, having to leave the Kindle app to buy a book, should I need to browse the store.

Yeah, I know, what a hardship! But, it's the principle of the thing! :D

So, I create a .mobi book with links to the Amazon home page, the Kindle store, and to the e-books, magazines and newspaper stores. I created it in Word, saved it as html, put it in Calibre and then converted it to mobi (with my own cute little cover, even!).

I then used Dropbox to "Open In..." the mobi book in my Kindle (my Calibre library is on Dropbox ... but you could always just e-mail yourself the book and use "Open In..." that way). Or use iTunes...

So, now the book is on my Kindle app's Home page. When I open it, I am presented with the web links. I press one and the Kindle's web browser opens. I can browse all day long or purchase books. When I am finished, I press the blue Done button and am returned to the Kindle app/my mobi "book."

Much better than putting yet another icon on my already crowded iPad home screen and constantly having to switch between the Kindle and Safari apps. As usual and as always, YMMV.


P.S. If you want a copy of my book (it's free!) - PM me and I'll provide you a link to it within my Dropbox's public folder.
Hi, I'm new to this forum. Everybody seems to be accepting the removal of the buy button from Kindle and Nook without much protest. *Personally, I'm very disappointed on several levels. I dislike the reduced functionality, I resent not being able to use a popular app the way Droid and even Blackberry users still can, and I'm concerned about having Apple further limit the use or selection of other apps at their whim. *There*are over 200 million iOS devises out there. *Even if only 10% use Kindle or Nook, Apple decided to downgrade an astounding number of their own customer's experience on their devices. *
The 30% rule Apple has decided to impose only applies to media (books, movies, music) because Apple competes in those markets and iBooks is such a weak contender they have to force customers there. *The regular Amazon store app works fine for in app purchases as do all the other shopping apps: *eBay, Overstock, HSN, Zappos, BestBuy, etc. *For now, anyway. *

Shame on Apple

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