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Official iPad2 Jailbreak Thread

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I have ipad2 on 5.1!! should i jailbreak it ?
When I've seen this post, I said "Oh my god, jb is out!"
But then I realized that it just a post from someone doesn't read the first post. Half of the posts of this thread is "is there a jb, the other half is "read the first post" maybe someone should listen.

Swiped with HTC Trace on Desire S using Virtuous Primadonna with HTC Sense 4A
A will be invisible when kernel 3 comes out.
I also have an iPad 2 iOS5.1, waiting pod2g to release jailbreak.
Looks like I'll be waiting in my whole life.
I miss Cydia.
Looks like things are rolling for A5 devices running 5.1


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I don't think it would be a JB on 5.1 :mad:
We have to wait and upgrade to 6.0 !
Don't rule it out, pod2g tweeted "People say: "don't release now coz iOS 5.1 tethered is good enough". Don't forget there are Apple TV3, 4S, iPad2 and iPad3 users out there!"

Will have to wait and see what happens.
Don't rule it out, pod2g tweeted "People say: "don't release now coz iOS 5.1 tethered is good enough". Don't forget there are Apple TV3, 4S, iPad2 and iPad3 users out there!"

Will have to wait and see what happens.

Are you implying an Apple TV can be 'jailbroken'? To what end? Whatever for?
Are you implying an Apple TV can be 'jailbroken'? To what end? Whatever for?

Apple TV is an iOS device too, there are versions that can be jailbroken.

Swiped with HTC Trace on Desire S using Endymion 3.5 with HTC Sense 3.5
Sense 4 will be visible when Kernel 3 comes out.
I also have an iPad 2 iOS5.1, waiting pod2g to release jailbreak.
Looks like I'll be waiting in my whole life.
I miss Cydia.
rickrvo said:
There is a downgrade available for 5.1 users... I think redsn0w did it. Is this info confirmed?

Yes, i can confirm - after 2 months grief after loosing JB on my iPad 2 GSM, was able at a go downgrade back to 5.01 with latest redsn0w and then JB with Absynthe 0.4
Splendid job by Devtea,
Promising news from Pods thread,

5.1.x untethered jailbreak FAQ
I receive lots of questions either by email or twitter about the 5.1.x untethered jailbreak.

Here are some answers :

The poll about releasing now or waiting for 6.0 ended with a 64% / 33% to release ASAP. Where is the link ? ETA ? How much % done ? etc.

As I said earlier in twitter, there's still a lot to do to have a user friendly and well tested tool to install the jailbreak on end users devices. Expect a release in a couple of weeks.
Will it be compatible with my <any random iOS device> ?

It will be compatible with any device running iOS 5.1.1 except iPod 3G, iPhone 3Gs and ATV3 (right now, may change in a near future, nobody knows).
Why is it so slow to release now that the iPad 3,1 has been demoed ?

There are 16 different devices out there to work on and to test. It takes time.
May I be a beta tester ?

No, sorry. Only really trusted people (that can be counted on one hand) could have access to the jailbreak. I don't want any leak to happen.
What if I offer you 1,000,000$ ?

That doesn't change a thing.

Be patient, it's gonna happen.

See you my friends.

Hey, I just heard that in a couple of weeks, we would be able to jailbreak some idevice with ios5.1.1.. Will it include ipad 2?? Cause now, my ipad 2 is in ios 5.1.1.
Hey, I just heard that in a couple of weeks, we would be able to jailbreak some idevice with ios5.1.1.. Will it include ipad 2?? Cause now, my ipad 2 is in ios 5.1.1.

Please do us all a favor and READ the post a couple of posts above this one (#561). It states which devices will be jail broken.

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