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PDF forms missing all field data.


iPF Novice
I have the same email account set up on Outlook installed on a Windows system as well as on the mail app of an iPad1.

When I opend a PDF document that has forms filled with data from OUtlook I can see all the saved form data. However all the saved field data of the same form document would be missing if opened from the mail app of the iPad.

The phenomenon happens to all PDF forms.

What could be the problem? How could I overcome it?
are you saying 'fill forms' doesnt work? mine doesnt either. after updating to 6.1.whatever it is!
All the forms are there but all the fields are blank. All the fields had been filled and saved before the forms were attached and emailed out.
I had that problem too. It has to do with the "reader" its opened with. In your case the mail app. Get a PDF app like "PDF Expert", open it in their and all the fields should show up.
The Adobe Reader app for iPad should also work for PDF forms. And it's free.

Not knocking PDF Expert, which is what I use, but if you don't need all the features Adobe Reader should do the job.

The built in PDF reader on the iPad does not support forms or annotations, which is why they don't appear when you use the Mail app.
The Adobe Reader app for iPad should also work for PDF forms. And it's free.

I will certainly try this when I get a chance. When I open an attached PDF file from the mail app, will it automatically use the Adobe Reader if installed. Will the Adobe Reader be automatically used for all PDF files on the iPad?
I will certainly try this when I get a chance. When I open an attached PDF file from the mail app, will it automatically use the Adobe Reader if installed. Will the Adobe Reader be automatically used for all PDF files on the iPad?

To open a PDF in Adobe Reader (or another app) from Mail, either tap and hold on the attachment in the body of the mail, or after it's open use the share/Open in options that appear at the top right of the document. If you don't see the icon (usually a box with an arrow coming out of it) or an Open In button, tap in the middle of the screen.

Depending on the app and iOS version you'll see an Open In menu item or a window of icons. In the fist case choose Open In, and you'll get a list of compatible apps. I the second you seed see the icons of your compatible apps. If there are more than nine icons, there will be a second screen of them. Swipe to see the rest, just like you do for the home screen.

There is no way to make files open automatically in a third party app. So, no, you can't get Adobe Reader to open automatically for PDF files on the iPad.
So I've been struggling with this problem for a few months now. Thanks to the information in this thread, today I've figured out how to work around it!

I experience this problem in both the native Mail app as well as with the Gmail app. Is the problem due to some issue with the native PDF reader in both of these apps? Or is it a bug in some iOS PDF component that these apps share? Regardless, why (now at least two years later) hasn't this issue been fixed yet?
Mail and most other third party apps that display (but do not edit) PDF files use iOS's built in Quick View. As far as I know it does not support PDF form fields. The information should be intact in the attachment, you just can't see it.

To open and edit PDF forms you must use a compatible app. The free Adobe Reader app should work. I like PDF Expert by Readdle; or on the rare occasion when I want to create my own PDF form PDF Office (also by Readdle).

There are several others.

If you want to send a PDF form in a more standard and non-editable format you need to remember to flatten it before exporting. Most PDF apps will give you an option to flatten a form when exporting. This takes all the fields, annotations, and other markups on a PDF and turns them into permanent non-editable content. A flattened PDF should be viewable in just about any app (that can display PDFs) on just about any platform.

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