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Personal Cloud for iPad

Could you give more explanation?
I've tried it but nothing I've entered in the FTP settings made any difference...

I created a new FTP connection under "Connect to Servers"
URL: ftp://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:21 (IP address, port 21). I also supplied the WD admin user name and password.

I am not sure whether this is relevant but it started working after I turned "uPnP for Web Access and FTP" off in the WD configuration utility.

I have read only access at the moment but read/write should be possible.
I finally got a response from the Goodreader folks.
Apparently their app only looks for WebDav shares, and it won't see anything else.

That all seems pretty useless to me, so I guess I need to find another solution.
I finally got a response from the Goodreader folks.
Apparently their app only looks for WebDav shares, and it won't see anything else.

That all seems pretty useless to me, so I guess I need to find another solution.

FileBrowser is a pretty good alternative. It sees my NAS, no problems.

Also, I was able to get GoodReader to see my NAS as an FTP server as described above. I have Read Only at the moment (the default) but I assume that Read Write is also possible.

There is a hack to make the WD MBWE support WebDAV but I have no plans to try it.

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