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[Personal] Review of ZAGGmate (Bluetooth Keyboard/Case)

I certainly wish more companies stepped up to the plate here to support their product in the way that Zagg does.
ZAGG said:
I'm going to email you to see if there is anything else we can do to get you back ASAP.

Thank you so much. I rec'd your email.
it appears that one of the tiny teeth / clasp on the back of the cap has broken. I'm really gentle and careful with my iPad and Zaggmate so frustrated this has happened a second time to me.

Although it is a holiday in Canada today, the local mall is open and I called the invisible shield place. As before, wonderful support. They are going to replace my Zaggmate this afternoon. OUTSTANDING !!!!!

The girl I talked to said a few have come back with the same issue, perhaps it was just a bad lot that was shipped out. Also, the caps that are popping off are always in that area.
I lost the right arrow key. Unfortunately, I can't find the key cap. I e-mailed ZAGG on Saturday, I'm certain I'll get a response today or tomorrow. Never lost a key cap with the ZAGG-for-Ipad-1 - and I did everything but toss it against a brick wall.
I dont have an iPad2 yet, but I will shortly. So is it premature for me to start posting on here? That way, I can have my minimum 6 posts under my belt for when the time comes for me to contact people directly. LOL

I'm pretty sure that I'll be getting the Zagg keyboard/case...
Is there any coupon codes for the zagg ?I've seen it at 60$$ and now ij can't find it ughhh
The only thing I dislike is I have to change covers For reading,I don't want the kind where you hold the keyboard on your lap like a clamshell either lol
Ok now last night at 4am I went ahead and bought the zagg lol with a neat design for the cover!!!
I figured I can just have best of all worlds lol
BeLLaRosE120 said:
command keys????which is for what?to do what? I know the arrow keys are useless only work on the notes app...im pissed

Good to know now that mine will be here in a matter of days lol
I was at walmart playing w a much cheaper keyboard and realized I need one.I do loads of reviews for books and I'm always fixing typos.
here I don't really bother as much,my typing is fast and on the touch screen lol
Mickey330 said:
Oh, I wish I could help you! If I remember correctly, they found it in the computer cases aisle - tucked away in a corner. It was right by a kid's cover (at least, the cover had a very childish cartoon on it). To be honest, it was quite by accident that I found it...

This was the THIRD Best Buy store I had been to, looking for this thing (really didn't want to wait for my pre-order to ship ... figured it was worth a shot). Well, I called one - but still! The sales clerk's have no clue! The only thing they are good for is looking in their computer to tell you "yep, we have x-number on hand, but we don't know where they are."

The only advice I can give you (or your son) is to just look through the whole store. Check the keyboard section, the iPad section, the case section, etc. Here's a link to a picture of what the package looks like:
http://static.seekingalpha.com/uploads/2010/11/24/500579-129060954168542-Worthless-Pennies_origin.jpg. Maybe that'll help.

Good luck on your search. Actually, I hope ZAGG.com sees this post. Because they need to know how poorly Best Buy is doing at having their product available for customers...

Anyway - good luck.


Wow,it wasn't available at walmart either,right now I'm using a griffen cover which is OK....but now I have the zagg and a pink w a handle in the back for days that I read on the pad.I read mostly on the nook..
I do enjoy reading on the pad though lol
I'm going to email you to see if there is anything else we can do to get you back ASAP.
If this has been covered, let me apologize in advance, but I couldn't find it. I lost the right arrow key cap in the lower right-hand corner of my Zaggmate for iPad 2. Like a previous poster - I also have a Zaggmate for the original iPad and nothing I did caused a key cap to fall off (or anything else to go wrong).

I called customer support. They said they'd send a new keycap which, indeed, arrived as scheduled. However, I can't figure out how to install it. I have the keycap and the white plastic spring, but this is yet another reason why I am not a neurosurgeon - I have no idea how they fit together.

I checked the Zagg site but the only installation instructions (pdf or video) are for the skins and shields.

Looking for some guidance.

Thanks, as always,

Here is the link to our video on replacing keys on your ZAGGmate.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=edr03-5tPBQ]YouTube - ‪ZAGGmate Key Fix‬‏[/ame]

If you have any other questions, feel free to send me a message directly and I'll be happy to help out.
I keep hoping it comes today lmao!!! I know it's too soon,order it when??Sat night?Sun night lol

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