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picked up xoom to compare with my ipad 2.....Fail!

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I love how android fans are always saying the next version will be the best!! I waited over a year for that "best" version and it never came.

Uh, what are you talking about. Honeycomb is the first version of android made specifically for tablets and its not even officially "out" yet. What it is "out" on is a mediocre tablet. As for android on phones, I will put any android os 2.1 and greater against any version of ios any day. Android has amazing features and when run on similar hardware to the iphone runs just as smoothly.

As someone who has frequently defended Apple products on Android forums, it seems only fair to add to the defense of Android above on this forum. I've been using a Motorola droid since October 2009. I liked the open o/s, the customizability of the device, and the true multitasking it offered. I haven't been sorry. And when Verizon releases additional phones that run on their 4G/LTE network, I'll almost certainly upgrade with another Android phone.

So when I considered a tablet I gave serious consideration to the Xoom, especially since it appears to be the only reasonable alternative to the iPad currently available. (Once a tablet gets as big as a netbook, I'd rather have a netbook.)

If I were getting a tablet just for myself, I might have opted for the Xoom. I'm comfortable with near bleeding edge technology. It might be interesting to have a device that enables me to keep up with the advances Google will implement in their tablet-based efforts. And they will. Give Google and multiple hardware vendors a year or two and they'll make the same dent in the tablet market they've made in the phone market.

But frankly, I didn't need a tablet for myself. I have multiple laptops, a quadcore desktop, and a highly capable netbook running Windows7. The reason I bought an iPad2 was for my six year old. It's a device she can use (and benefit from) with practically no training. While the fact that the iPad has tens of thousands of apps doesn't matter much to me, the vast array of educational apps is a huge plus for the iPad.

As a computer, the iPad is overpriced and under-spec'ed. (As is the Xoom.) But as a media consumption device for the whole family, it pushes all the right buttons.

So while I suspect that Android-based tablets will soon equal or surpass the iPad as highly customizable, multitasking devices, a development I can wait for, my daughter will have a year or two of great experiences with the iPad.
My concern is that tablets are the new laptops. Before I got my iPad 1, I sold my laptop and decided to build a fast desktop and buy an iPad for the best of both worlds. Desktops are fast and robust and the iPad is extremely mobile and long lasting. When I'm on the go, I don't need to encode videos or whatever.

Anyway, I am concerned because I'm afraid that Apple's proprietary/monopolistic model will take over technology. The desktop may die once tablets break their dependence on it. What happens if Windows becomes the new Linux? If people want to use something, they have to go through that company's app store and download it. Companies are susceptible to government pressure, public appearance, and may be liable if people misuse a certain app or whatever. Last year, the Obama administration said it wants to require applications that use encryption to include a loophole for government wiretapping. It could never happen on the PC in practice because there are open source applications could just be re-compiled without the loophole included. I'd imagine Apple would have no choice but to comply.

I despise racism, sexism, and other types of bigotry, but I also believe people should be allowed to say it. Perhaps Apple does too, but they don't want it in their app store. The fact that Apple requires you to download things from the App Store is really a terrible thing for technology in my opinion. They dictate what platform you develop it on and the code you must use, and anything that is more than just a standalone app must be developed by Apple.

It is a bit like politics. 90% of people have never had an educated thought about politics in their lives. It's about what will benefit them and who has the most commercial spots. Therefore, the 10% of people who are somewhat educated don't have a voice. If people choose technology because it's easy to use, the rest of us will suffer because "free" technology will be obsolete. We are just at the beginning of how it will affect our lives. If this happens, we will be slaves to technology rather than the masters of it. That's my concern.

(I'm not bashing Apple or the iPad. Just thinking out loud about the philosophy behind it.)
kevbo said:
If people choose technology because it's easy to use, the rest of us will suffer because "free" technology will be obsolete. We are just at the beginning of how it will affect our lives. If this happens, we will be slaves to technology rather than the masters of it. That's my concern.

I understand what you're saying - to a point. On the other hand, are you suggesting that we should opt for obviously inferior products? Been there, done that - it's running on my Dell laptop right now. I'd rather not, thanks all the same. But that's just something I disagree with.

What don't understand is your statement that we will somehow become slave to technology because 'free' - whatever that means - tech will be obsolete? It would reduce our choices, certainly, but I can't see where it would force our decisions (i.e. take away our freedom to choose whether or not to use the available technology.)

BTW, one of the things that I enjoy about the app store is that there are typically a number of choices, more or less equally presented, for solving a given task. Contrast that with the desktop world where, while there are a large number of choices, they are not presented anything like equally which means that one company controls the vast majority of the real options, as opposed to theoretical options, for much of the software we use every day.
You are right kevbo, Apple just doesn't have a clue when it comes to running a consumer electronics business!

so even the mods can be somewhat sarcastically obnoxious here as well?? :D:D:D

I know what kevbo is talking about and it has nothing to do with whether they can make a profit. Apple has a very "big brother" kind of attitude when it comes to what they will and wont allow in the app store. If they disagree, not whether the users have an issue, but the small select few who make up the rules then it doesn't appear - we are voluntarily putting a lot of power in the hands of a very small group.

This is my first apple product since the early 90's and don't get me wrong, I am loving the functionality of the iPad. It is better than anything else available now (now being the key word - I was given the option to get something now and this was it ;). It is amazingly slick. People prefer ease of use over functionality - that's the fact in this business, but it doesn't make me any happier about the attitudes behind it...
I played with a Motorola xoops few days ago!

joking the name aside, its a good looking device but doesn't seem very original to me. Same weight as the original iPad.

it had too many wonky buttons and the OS seemed a bit chunky and rushed, which it probably was.

The potential is all there...just a bit of a waiting game to see how it develops.
In my case, I played around with the Xoom on several occasions (at BB & at my SIL's shortly after she purchased one). Just was not impressed. The graphics were not as crisp. Felt a little awkward. Not as "user friendly" AFA navigating around the different apps. Could be though that after having been an iPhone user for over a year & a half, I have become quite accustomed to iOS. Even so, I recall when I picked up an iPhone for the first time to play around with it, I found it rather easy to navigate around & get acquainted with it. Now having the iPad, I am most pleased with how it's working out for me AFA surfing the web, playing my fave games, reading ebooks, etc.
You know, it's kinda funny as I am a huge android fan (I love my DroidX phone) but I owned a xoom for a week and absolutely hated it.

I couldn't wait to get the xoom, but found it very buggy and really just "not ready for prime time". I will definitely be looking at android tablets some time in the future, but for right now the ipad2 really is the better option even with all it's many shortcomings.
So I just had to sign up to these forums, just to break up the fan party! Though I know you would rather not have anyone actually challenge what you are saying in your tunnel vision, that is Apple Apple Apple! :D

Welcome to iPadforums.net!
There's about 57000 people attending this fan party and we're loving it! good luck!
I do agree on one thing, the xoom screen is phenomenal. People say it is "too dark"

That is easily solved by turning off the auto brightness setting which makes the screen every bit as good as the iPad.
So I just had to sign up to these forums, just to break up the fan party! Though I know you would rather not have anyone actually challenge what you are saying in your tunnel vision, that is Apple Apple Apple! :D

I'm sure it's fun to gather around in a circle and bash the Xoom, but I'm quite sure that no one bashing has picked up the Xoom for more then "a few seconds" (was about the time limit that I read mostly here).

I can't wait to see all the responses to what I'm about to say.

Folks. Your beloved iPad - is a big phone! An icon driven vanilla line by line static interface. Even to begin to compare these two device's OS's is a loss. Yes, the iPad is thinner and lighter, but thats where it ends. Instead of a big icon driven phone, the Xoom has an OS. Bottom line. Now you can rant that I'm wrong, until you are blue in the face, but Apple I can guarantee you knows that they need to drastically do something with their OS, before Android takes over. Just watch Apple's UI change over the coming tablet iterations! As they take their lead from Goog.

For the members saying that the screen is dark when they pick up the Xoom to play, this is because there is a brightness setting! Yes, you can actually adjust something about the tab, I know it's hard to believe - customization !!!

The screen when adjusted (to optimal brightness) on the Xoom is superb. It has better resolution and color depth then the iPad 1 or 2. And the viewing angles are the same.

As for the length of the Xoom, and "awkward" feeling. This is because yes! It is meant to be held in landscape mode. Has anyone seen "widescreen" movies? Or widescreen TVs (maybe even widescreen computer monitors??)? Or do you all still own 4:3 TVs, or stick your TV settings on picturebox to stay with the iPad montra? Media is wide, not picture box. No, the "OS" is not "stretched" LMAO! :p

When was the last time one of you folks used your iPad camera to take a video or picture? Ohhhh right, maybe you wouldn't, as the VGA(!!!) camera may not be that good at that! Maybe the iPad 3 will be! That must be what Apple is holding out for, for good cameras! The 3!

I know most of you enjoy your icon driven, locked down, non-live iPad UIs, but I will let you in on a secret. A tablet is not a phone! You ARE "able" to get live notifications, live news feeds, live email, live weather, live chat, anything you want right when you turn on your tab!!! Without even opening an APP!!!! Yes, it's true!! But alas my friend, you must break your chain from Apple! I know it's not what your friends want you to do, because that's all they know too! But it is possible!! Possible! The future is bright!

As for the comment on battery life... it's not 7 hours, however much you hoped that would be true! I play media and surf the web all day (multi-tabbed web page surfing - try it! ;) ), and use it for business purposes for my 8 hour work day, and still have half battery life when I return home at the end of the day.

In response to the "screw" popping out of the bottom of the tablet? Not sure who dropped the Xoom before you picked it up, but this is not the case, the Xoom has incredible lines, and is extremely well built. Even the stereo sound!! Stereo sound you say???? You mean, you can have more then one muffled iPod speaker?!?! OMG!

As a final few statements, the app store. Believe it or not folks, the Apple App Store has more phone apps then tablet apps. Some just scale well. This is because tablets are new(er), then phones, in popularity. The iPad 1 came out a year ago, so has had more time to develop tab apps. The Xoom will be no different. These are all coming. This is a first iteration of the Xoom. Yes - version 1.

Take note - you don't NEED to be cankled to iTunes!! NO! You could do direct copy, and/or USB hosting, directly from your tablet!! Or share media through your HDMI port on your TV!! Seriously!

I don't claim to say that Xoom and Honeycomb are bug free. But I will tell all the "scared to leave Apple" fans, that I have received one crashed (force closed) app since I bought my Xoom 2 months ago, and there are some crappy apps in the Market, just as the App Store. But be patient, this is why they call it an iterative process. I early adopted because of all the amazingness that a true Tab OS brings, and I know what early adoption brings. But the Xoom is still a beautiful experience, and would never go back to the iPad 2 that I returned in order to be blown away by a truely live UI experience.

3.0 Honeycomb is great. 3.1 is better. And it's only stars in the future.

And there it is. Please continue.. :D

This is false.

The screen when adjusted (to optimal brightness) on the Xoom is superb. It has better resolution and color depth then the iPad 1 or 2. And the viewing angles are the same.

The screen on the Xoom is very much inferior to the iPad, and the iPad 2. The Xoom uses a typical TFT LCD display, which fails in comparison to the iPad's IPS display in terms of color reproduction and viewing angles. If you don't believe this, please take a look at Anandtech's review. The Xoom's display isn't horrible... but don't blatantly state it is superior to the iPad. It is not. The ASUS EEE Pad (another Honeycomb tab, as you probably know) and the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 both use IPS screens (the GTab 10.1 actually uses PLS, which Samsung claims is actually superior to IPS).


Now to the thread starter; the Xoom is only a decent Honeycomb tablet. It was somewhat buggy and laggy before 3.1, but after the update you should definitely rethink your assessment. Even then, the newer Android tablets are superior and I would easily recommend many of them over the Xoom

Until Honeycomb gets more tablet optimized applications -- I will kinda be ignoring it. I love Android, but the tablets need more than just customization and openness to win me over. The iPad had thousands of tablet ready applications at launch. Honeycomb right now has <300. I don't usually care about such things, but oddly... it matters right now. It will get better I'm sure, but I am going to wait until that happens. Then I will jump onto the Android tablet train.
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@ jmoreton - I'm a little suprised at your lack of excitement for the Xoom, but I hear you. We can agree to disagree.

I was super excited to get a xoom and was positive I was going to love it. Believe me, if it worked as well as my DroidX does I would never have bought the ipad2. I will use the iPad for now and hope there is a working JailBreak so I can correct some of the iPad shortcomings. If that doesn't happen, I'm sure I will eventually go back to some form of android tablet as the way apple has iPad locked down is extremely annoying to me.

Most of the posters here seem to think apple can do no wrong and seem to take it personally when you criticize apple in any way shape or form. I do think the iPad does some things very very well. It is really too bad that apple had a chance to "hit it out of the park" with the ipad2 but really kind of blew it in some areas.
It is really too bad that apple had a chance to "hit it out of the park" with the ipad2 but really kind of blew it in some areas.

Just my opinion, but I think they both blew it in some areas that should have been obvious (at least they were to me).

I should say all three...Samsung missed on a few big things as well.

In their defense though, it's still pretty new. From what I've seen so far, they all seem to be a bit slow to get off the already-antiquated mindset of "It's just a peripheral!" They're only just now beginning to catch on to the idea that people like these thing and want to use them not as a computer add on, but as a computer replacement.

We're starting to discover a few things that surprised allot of people...such as: turns out we don't really need cd roms. We barely even need usb drives. But we do need external storage options, internal file management options, the ability to easily interact with peripherals of it's own.

We're already seeing most of this start to happen. The problem is, allot of it no one knew about until after someone tried it. Who could have foreseen how much of the functionality previously dominated by laptops the tablets would start to take over?
I bought a zoom while waiting for my iPad 2 to be delivered. Not a bad device. Not a whole lot of apps. But the kicker is that there is no repair other than sending it back to motorola! I had a serious crash and could not shut it down before sending it back. This is when I discovered there are no repair centers. No genius bars! Come on motorola, try and compete!
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