iPF Noob
I love how android fans are always saying the next version will be the best!! I waited over a year for that "best" version and it never came.
Uh, what are you talking about. Honeycomb is the first version of android made specifically for tablets and its not even officially "out" yet. What it is "out" on is a mediocre tablet. As for android on phones, I will put any android os 2.1 and greater against any version of ios any day. Android has amazing features and when run on similar hardware to the iphone runs just as smoothly.
As someone who has frequently defended Apple products on Android forums, it seems only fair to add to the defense of Android above on this forum. I've been using a Motorola droid since October 2009. I liked the open o/s, the customizability of the device, and the true multitasking it offered. I haven't been sorry. And when Verizon releases additional phones that run on their 4G/LTE network, I'll almost certainly upgrade with another Android phone.
So when I considered a tablet I gave serious consideration to the Xoom, especially since it appears to be the only reasonable alternative to the iPad currently available. (Once a tablet gets as big as a netbook, I'd rather have a netbook.)
If I were getting a tablet just for myself, I might have opted for the Xoom. I'm comfortable with near bleeding edge technology. It might be interesting to have a device that enables me to keep up with the advances Google will implement in their tablet-based efforts. And they will. Give Google and multiple hardware vendors a year or two and they'll make the same dent in the tablet market they've made in the phone market.
But frankly, I didn't need a tablet for myself. I have multiple laptops, a quadcore desktop, and a highly capable netbook running Windows7. The reason I bought an iPad2 was for my six year old. It's a device she can use (and benefit from) with practically no training. While the fact that the iPad has tens of thousands of apps doesn't matter much to me, the vast array of educational apps is a huge plus for the iPad.
As a computer, the iPad is overpriced and under-spec'ed. (As is the Xoom.) But as a media consumption device for the whole family, it pushes all the right buttons.
So while I suspect that Android-based tablets will soon equal or surpass the iPad as highly customizable, multitasking devices, a development I can wait for, my daughter will have a year or two of great experiences with the iPad.