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picked up xoom to compare with my ipad 2.....Fail!

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luckyleo said:
And what is bad about this? Let's see, it works just like that. Ok that isn't good. When I go home at night and turn the switch on for lights I don't want it to just work. I want to tinker with my circuit breakers for an hour or two and then settle in for some good TV. oh, but the TV can't just work. I want to jail break it so I can watch the news LIVE from Los Angeles. Well, now it's time to go to bed. I don't want my alarm clock to just work. Why would I want to be a sheep and get up like everyone else. Sure, I may lose my job, but hey, I'm cool, I'm in control, and NOBODY, including GE ( they make my alarm clock) is going to tell ME how to keep time.

Yep Android tablet for me!

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I like this post :)
GenerationX said:
I like this post :)

Yep....good illustration.

In all, it's different strokes for different folks. For some folks, they think the Xoom (or some other tablet) is better than the iPad 2. That's fine by me.

They're only irritated by the rest of us who know better.

Michael "Spam, spam, bacon, eggs and spam. Hold the bacon and eggs." Sent from my iPad 2 using iPF
SweetPoison said:
That can is too funny.

Alright, guys ~ let's just simmer down or this thread will be closed.

Ok ok I will calm down and go have a beer. But may I keep my spray?:)

If they take yours I've got spares you can have

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Yep....good illustration.

In all, it's different strokes for different folks. For some folks, they think the Xoom (or some other tablet) is better than the iPad 2. That's fine by me.

They're only irritated by the rest of us who know better.

Michael "Spam, spam, bacon, eggs and spam. Hold the bacon and eggs." Sent from my iPad 2 using iPF

I don't think anyone is truly deluded enough to think that the Xoom is better than the iPad2 with regards to hardware. Honeycomb compared to iOS is a completely different story though. Even in its beta state, I would easily choose Honeycomb over iOS. Apple puts together some great hardware, but their software (iOS) is stale and utterly boring. Pages of icons is fine for a phone I guess, but its a complete waste of space on a tablet with a beautiful screen. The lack of user customization is ridiculous. The lack of system wide voice controls and voice to text is ridiculous. These are things that could easily be remedied, but instead Apple has decided to keep the same basic OS as launched in 2007. Honeycomb on the iPad2 hardware = yes please.
Thphilli said:
I don't think anyone is truly deluded enough to think that the Xoom is better than the iPad2 with regards to hardware. Honeycomb compared to iOS is a completely different story though. Even in its beta state, I would easily choose Honeycomb over iOS. Apple puts together some great hardware, but their software (iOS) is stale and utterly boring. Pages of icons is fine for a phone I guess, but its a complete waste of space on a tablet with a beautiful screen. The lack of user customization is ridiculous. The lack of system wide voice controls and voice to text is ridiculous. These are things that could easily be remedied, but instead Apple has decided to keep the same basic OS as launched in 2007. Honeycomb on the iPad2 hardware = yes please.

I was being facetious.

Michael "Spam, spam, bacon, eggs and spam. Hold the bacon and eggs." Sent from my iPad 2 using iPF
As someone who ordered the iPad2, I'm getting more and more frustrated at how Android has more flexibility because of Apple's policies. I knew this came with the territory, but it still sucks. For example, Touchdown for Android won't get ported to iOS because the developers says Apple has locked down the necessary functionality. Mobilenoter for iOS has been surpassed in a matter of months by Mobilenoter for Android because the development can get more things done quicker. These examples say nothing of the bells and whistles Android makes possible that Apple won't touch because Apple must cater to tech idiots instead of pushing the envelope.

Look, I made the tradeoff, so I'm not regretting my choice. I just wish Apple would ease up a bit and at least allow folks to develop cooler stuff without jailbreaks and licensing violations.
realistdreamer said:
These examples say nothing of the bells and whistles Android makes possible that Apple won't touch because Apple must cater to tech idiots instead of pushing the envelope.

I'm sorry, but I happen to be a Critical Care Paramedic, with a degree in emergency medicine and 30 years in the field who happens to repair computers on the side as a paying hobby. I know three programming languages, have dabbled with computers since my first MITS Altair in 1977, own several computers and have always had a Pocket PC and smartphone at my hip since the HP Jornada 568. I'm intimately familiar with all of the platforms developed by the "big three" (Microsoft, Apple and Google), being a proponent of Windows PC. I have and love both versions of the iPad and I honestly believe it's exactly what the general public and average consumer has been waiting for in a mobile computing device for many years. It's not perfect but it's a whole lot closer to a true tablet experience than the alternatives.

One of my best friends is a neurosurgeon at UCLA who is using the latest advancements in gear and medical science for his craft. Another happens to literally be a so-called "rocket scientist" at a joint NASA-Navy research center. Neither of these two gentlemen are any good with the ins and outs of personal computers as we know them. They're all thumbs when it comes to mobile computing stuff but they absolutely LOVE and constantly use their iPads. They told me that, when it came to picking out a tablet, they wanted something simple, easy to figure out and use, of quality build and reliable.

Never mind me. I dare you to call either of my friends-each of whom make me look like a mental midget- "tech idiots" to their faces.

Apple caters to PEOPLE...ordinary folks of all walks of life who-at last check-vastly outnumber tech geniuses and geeks (like you and I). Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that the majority of paying consumers of tech?

Michael "Spam, spam, bacon, eggs and spam. Hold the bacon and eggs." Sent from my iPad 2 using iPF
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funny how Apple seemed to have gotten it all wrong isnt it. they'll soon be going out of business at this rate with this alarming drop in sales figures.


seriously though, horses for courses. i LOVE the iOS (un-jailbroken). im an average user, both leisure and work, and it does all i want so far. ok, it might not have the same functionality of other os's like android, but does it really matter? do peeps really care? obviously not. the ipad is the ultimate user experience (relative to all other tabs on the market that dont even share the same planet (yet)), which is why, like it or lump it, or even call it's user base names, it'll continue to be praised for a lot longer to come. it's not just down to 'techie' boundries and keeping up with the Joneses.

you like what you like, i like what i like. is that worth calling me an idiot over?
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sjleworthy said:
funny how Apple seemed to have gotten it all wrong isnt it. they'll soon be going out of business at this rate with this alarming drop in sales figures.


Yeah, no kidding. I can't believe how wrong five million people could be.

Michael "Spam, spam, bacon, eggs and spam. Hold the bacon and eggs." Sent from my iPad 2 using iPF
realistdreamer said:
One of my best friends is a neurosurgeon at UCLA who is using the latest advancements in gear and medical science for his craft. Another happens to literally be a so-called "rocket scientist"

LOL, my Sister's Son is a Nasa Rocket Scientist also.

He is by no means a "tech idiot". He has no problem whatever building a PC from scratch, but he doesn't have time to waste doing it anymore.

Eric has both an iphone 4 & an ipad2 & he could really care less about customizing either one much beyond changing the wallpaper. He just wants his devices to work "out of the box" with as little fuss as possible & the iphone & ipad2 both do that quite well.

For me, I love my DroidX & would never be satisfied with an iphone (& I've owned one) but that's why it's nice to have the choices we do.

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