I bought the Xoom on launch day. I have to say it, I LOVE ANDROID but I HATE the Xoom. I waited and waited for a full featured 10" Android tablet to come out. One that could do all that I wanted it to do. I own NOTHING Apple since my 1st gen iPod. I hated the way that Apple controlled the music that I bought and wouldn't allow me to play it on anything other than their devices. That mentality is what drove me towards Android.
A year ago, I purchased my Droid Incredible and I have loved every minute that I've had it. I rooted it and regularly flash new ROMS. I'm no newb to the process. I regularly spend over an hour per day on Android Forums, so when I say I hate the Xoom, understand that it is not out of a hate for Android for Google.
I knew out of the box the device was not complete. I knew that Flash would come shortly and sometime late spring the 4G and SD card would be coming. I could deal with that. $800 + case ($40) + bt keyboard ($80) + over $100 on new versions of apps and new books means I'm over $1,000 in to this device. It was my intent to buy 4 more over the course of the year for my kids and wife. After a month of pretending that I love the Xoom, I HATE it.
The weight, fingerprints, or any other MINOR complaint for the Xoom is nothing to me. None are truly warranted and should or should not be a cause for buying a device of this caliper IMHO.
Through this proccess iLearned that just because iHate a company doesn't mean that they are not the best at what they do. iLearned that Moto and GoogleComb wanted my money at my expense (pardon the pun). Here is a list of things that iHate about my Xoom.
iHate that to this DAY we still don't have a working way to watch Hulu or Netflix WITHOUT spending MORE money to "sling" it in or let it "playon" from a REAL computer.
iHate that Google Books only works about 1/2 the time. It depends on the books you buy. I bought the Bible TWICE. Both times it worked in the preview, you pay the money and it's chapters are "too long to load". Books SHOULD work.
iHate the way that I have to "re-purchase" my apps in HD to make them work. Don't give me the "spare parts fix" b/c it's not the same thing. The WHOLE point of picking a side is so we don't have to re-purchase EVERYTHING we use.
iHate the way my browser FORCE CLOSES all the time. For no reason, it will RANDOMLY and REPEATEDLY shut down. I've tried Firefox Mobile, I can't stand the way it checkerboards when I scroll quickly.
iHate the way the music app will "randomly" just begin playing for no reason at all.
Google Voice doesn't work on the Xoom? A Google "experience" device? Really?
52 Tablet specific apps!?!? Seriously, that sucks.
Things that are nice are Flash, widgets, customization of live wallpapers, battery life, build is solid, ability to remove an app from the launcher, total integration of Gmail and Youtube (which is what surprised me that Google Voice and Picasa are non existent).
Things that feel "incomplete" are transitions (very laggy), the boot up takes FOREVER and animation is very pixilated, Books app, Market only works in landscape. There are more and more.
So I have come to the conclusion that I'm no longer keeping my Xoom. I have listed it on Ebay here -->
3G/4G Motorola Xoom+Case+BT Keyboard+*NEW* 2GB SD Card | eBay
If I can get the $700 for it, I plan on buying a wifi-iPad2 with smart cover and wireless keyboard. I will lose about $300 for my eagerness, but learn a lesson in the process. I still could never see myself owning an iPhone, but I regret not buying an iPad2.