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My horse is celebrating his Irish roots with St. Patricks day but I draw the line at colouring him green! His name is Shamrock and he is an Irish Cob.

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He has a very beautiful face. I'd love to see some other pictures of him. Please post.
No, but then it wouldn't stop hubby from doing so. I'm a wine person. He's staunchly English and is not a fan of all the rest! Such English pride. Hee Hee. Considering I'm a foreigner (English parents born in Durban, South Africa) I'm amazed he puts up with me! He is not a happy bunny after the English rugby team were slaughtered by the Welsh *****. My colleague at work is crowing, he's welsh! I find it hilarious. Do the Canadians and the Americans feel the same?

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We do. But we throw on a couple of Tom Jones records and everybody gets along. :D


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I'm afraid the Brits take their football, rugby and cricket very seriously. I'm sure you've seen lovely examples of that in all the countries that have our fans? Thugs I call some of them. Just out for a punch up.
Do you know, I couldn't find any on my iphone or my iPad. I expect they are all on the laptop. When I get the time, I will definitely find some more but I really must take my iphone outside when it is lighter in the evenings and take some new ones.
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Found a photo of our Exmoor pony, Smudge. A rare breed nowadays. Our problem is he looks at grass and gets fat!

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Yes, sigh. He's an escape artist extraordinaire. We've tried putting him in a smaller paddock but Shamrock gets him out with sheer 'horse power'. We put a muzzle on him and he got that off! We gave up!

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Mr. Bieber, my beloved pig recently died. It was his weight; he was more than 300 pounds he seemed content to sit around eating a nice acorn diet and Purina Pig Chow.

Here is his autopsy photo and the ceremony we had in my kitchen. I am still crying because there is no more. I miss Ham Steak... I mean Mr. Bieber as my chef named him.

We had a huge wake, how come nobody from the IPF came? We had more than 300 pounds of food; four pigs feet, and drinks with those little curly tails you get at the fancy resort towns I learned about while reading up on prosciutto recipes.

EHHHHH.... What's up DOC???

<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=40210"/>

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I don't think I've ever seen a dog eating a carrot before.
So does our dog! Just about any vegetable really......this was discovered as I was chopping up a stir fry and dropped some, the dog just loved it!

Although she just plays with grapes! ;)

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